Configuration in Microsoft Unified Service Desk (USD)

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Procedure to configure the Adapter with Microsoft USD.

If you have already installed the Gplus Adapter, the following procedure explains how to configure the Microsoft USD application.

Before proceeding with the following steps, make sure your Microsoft Dynamics 365 has been configured with Channel Integration Framework (CIF) version 1.0 or 2.0. If it has not, comply with the following external page's indications: How to get Dynamics 365 Channel Integration Framework.

Configuration steps:

  1. Open the Microsoft Dynamics 365 application and click Settings, then Unified Service Desk.
  2. Select Hosted Control and go to Gplus CIF Adapter.
  3. Provide the following parameters:
    • Sort Order: any value
    • Unified Service Desk Component Type: Channel Integration Framework
    • Hosting Type: Chrome Process
    • Custom Parameters: https://webresources/softphon:CIFWWEUSD.html?data={"InstanceURL": "<Engage Cloud instance URL>", "CustomFlow": true, "CustomerPrefix": "softphon", "MakeCall": true, "Logo": "/webresources/softphon_microsoft.png"}
When filling out the Custom Parameters field, you have to replace <Engage Cloud instance URL> with your own (for example ""). The same applies to Customer Prefix if required.

Configuring logo and menu buttons

The following procedure explains how to configure the softphon_iwsconfigCIFUSDWWE.js JavaScript file:

  1. Select the Web Resources Zip File (
  2. Open softphon_iwsconfigCIFUSDWWE.js:

var params = {
context: this,
integrationType: "wwe",
layoutType: "widget",
stylePath: "/webresources/softphon_wwe_mainstyle.css",
instance: window.Softphone.InstanceURL,
layoutPath: "/webresources/softphon_wwe_mainui.html",
branding: window.Softphone.Logo,
plugins: [
{ path: "/webresources/softphon_wwe_mainui.js",
className: "mainui",
objectName: "mainui",
parameters: { "topView": "CommunicatorView"}
{ path: "/webresources/softphon_wwe_interactionbar.js",
className: "interactionbar",
objectName: "interactionbar",
parameters: { "TOOLTIP": { "voice": "callType,direction,call.state,call.phoneNumber"} }
Key Value Description
branding default: window.Softphone.logo

possible value: any valid logo web resources (for example "/webresources/softphone_microsoft.png")

default: logo is retrieved from CIF configuration

possible value: path where the file name is stored

topView default: CommunicatorView

possible value: CommunicatorView, PerformanceTrackerView

possibility to visualize menu buttons outside the list menu

If you are interested in screen pop configuration, check Screen pops configuration.

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