Setting up Integration for Outbound Email Campaigns

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This topic is part of the manual Digital Channels Private Edition Guide for version Current of Digital Channels.

Learn how to enable Email connectivity for outbound campaigns.

“Nexus” is the simplified name we use for the Digital Channels application and APIs, so you’ll see that name referenced in this document.
Genesys Multicloud CX supports outbound email interactions using one of these three options: built-in connector to SparkPost email provider, a custom gateway built with a third-party email API or orbuilt-in connector to Genesys Cloud CX aggregation service.Digitalchannels provision sparkpost email.pngAfter completing the setup steps on this page, you will be able to:
  • Send Email in your outbound campaigns through CX Contact.

To get started, complete the configuration steps for one of the following scenarios:

Option 1: Set up Digital Channels to use SparkPost Email

Complete the steps in this section to set up Digital Channels to use SparkPost email provider.

  1. Review the prerequisites table.
  2. Use the Digital Channels provisioning API to create Digital Channels services definitions.
  3. Provision email domains.


Review the Prerequisites table and make sure you have all the listed information before you get started. The values in this table are referenced later by the name in the Variable column.

Parameter Variable Type Example Notes
Contact Center Id $ccid UUID string 45acae06-6b7c-4f97-9c76-471cb5c21bf7 This value comes from your Web Services and Applications deployment.
Digital Channels URL $baseURL string Publicly available URL for Digital Channels API.
SparkPost API URL $sparkpostURL string Secret URL for SparkPost email API.
SparkPost apikey $sparkpostApikey UUID string Secret API key for using SparkPost email API.

Create Digital Channels services definitions

In this step, you will enable Digital Channels to use SparkPost email services. You must configure the following services in Digital Channels within your tenant:

  • Email - Enables outbound email service through the third-party provider.
  • SparkPostEmail - Integrates your Genesys Multicloud CX tenant to SparkPost for email communication.
Use a REST client or curl utility to provision the following services in Digital Channels using the provisioning API. Make sure to substitute the variables - prefixed with '$' - with their values. You must create these services once per tenant.
Create the Email service:
curl -X POST \ $nexusURL/nexus/v3/provisioning/services/$ccid/Email \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -H 'x-api-key: $apiKey' \
     -H 'x-ccid: $ccid' \ -d '{ "url" : "N/A", "secret": {}, "data" : { "provider": "SparkPost" }'
Create the SparkPostEmail service:
curl -X POST \ $nexusURL/nexus/v3/provisioning/services/$ccid/SparkPostEmail \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -H 'x-api-key: $apiKey' \
     -H 'x-ccid: $ccid' \
     -d '{ "url" : "$sparkpostURL", "secret": { "apikey": "$sparkpostApikey"}, "data": {} }'

Manage email domains

Provision email domains in Digital Channels.

Option 2: Set up Digital Channels to use a Custom Gateway

Complete the steps in this section to set up Digital Channels to use a custom email gateway provider.

  1. Review the prerequisites table.
  2. Use the Digital Channels provisioning API to create Digital Channels services definitions.
  3. Provision email domains.


Review the Prerequisites table and make sure you have all the listed information before you get started. The values in this table are referenced later by the name in the Variable column.

Parameter Variable Type Example Notes
Company's email domain $asyncEmailDomain string
Third-party Messaging Webhook URL $asyncWebhookURL string The FQDN of the third-party service implementing the Third-Party Messaging Webhook.
Third-Party Messaging API secret key $asyncAPISignatureKey string Secret The key used by the third-party service to calculate the signature for calls to the Third-Party Messaging API.
Third-Party Messaging Webhook secret key $asyncWebhookSignatureKey string Secret The key used by Digital Channels to calculate the signature for calls to the third-party service through the webhook.

Create Digital Channels services definitions

In this step, you will enable Digital Channels to use a custom gateway for the email provider of your choice. You must configure the following services in Digital Channels within your tenant:

  • Async - Integrates your Genesys Multicloud CX tenant to the custom gateway used to communicate with the email provider of your choice.
  • Email - Enables outbound email service through the third-party provider.
Use a REST client or curl utility to provision the following services in Digital Channels using the provisioning API. Make sure to substitute the variables - prefixed with '$' - with their values. You must create these services once per tenant.
Create the Async service:
curl -X POST \
  $nexusURL/nexus/v3/provisioning/services/$ccid/Async \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: $apiKey' \
  -H 'x-ccid: $ccid' \
  -d '{
        "data": {
          "channels": [
              "channelId": "$asyncPhoneNumber",
              "webhook": { "url": "$asyncWebhookURL" }
              "channelId": "$asyncEmailDomain",
              "webhook": { "url": "$asyncWebhookURL" }
        "secret": {
          "channels": [
              "channelId": "$asyncPhoneNumber",
              "webhook": { "secret": "$asyncWebhookSignatureKey" },
              "api": { "secret": "$asyncAPISignatureKey" }
              "channelId": "$asyncEmailDomain",
              "webhook": { "secret": "$asyncWebhookSignatureKey" },
              "api": { "secret": "$asyncAPISignatureKey" }
Create the Email service:
curl -X POST \
  $nexusURL/nexus/v3/provisioning/services/$ccid/Email \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: $apiKey' \
  -H 'x-ccid: $ccid' \
  -d '{
    "url" : "N/A",
    "data" : { "provider": "Async" },
    "secret": {}

Manage email domains

Provision email domains in Digital Channels.

Option 3: Set up Digital Channels to use Genesys Cloud CX Email Aggregation

Complete the steps in this section to set up Digital Channels to use Genesys Cloud CX Messaging Aggregation as the Email gateway.

  1. Review the prerequisites table.
  2. Contact your Genesys representative to create a Genesys Cloud CX organization and get administrator user credentials. Your Genesys representative also must add the Genesys Cloud CX product to your organization.
  3. Create the Digital Channels integration in Genesys Cloud CX. This will give you a clientId and clientSecret to authenticate API calls with the Digital Channels provisioning API.
  4. Create a Digital Channels API key for Genesys Cloud CX.
  5. Use the Digital Channels provisioning API to create Digital Channels services definition.
  6. Provision email domains.


Review the Prerequisites table and make sure you have all the listed information before you get started. The values in this table are referenced later by the name in the Variable column.

Parameter Variable Type Example Notes
GWS tenant Contact Center ID $ccid UUID string
45acae06-6b7c-4f97-9c76-471cb5c21bf7 This value comes from your Web Services and Applications deployment.

Request a Genesys Cloud CX organization

Contact your Genesys representative to create a Genesys Cloud CX organization and get administrator user credentials. Your Genesys representative also must add the Genesys Cloud CX product to your organization.

Make sure your Genesys representative provides you with the details in the Genesys Cloud CX information table.

Genesys Cloud CX information
Parameter Variable Type Example Notes
Genesys Cloud CX Organization ID $orgId UUID string 47d8329d-1c28-4c86-9374-5596bddfee15 Your Genesys Cloud CX organization ID.
Genesys Cloud CX Organization admin user credentials $orgUsername


string admin-user / admin-password The username and password for an account with administrative permissions for this organization.
Genesys Cloud CX Login URL $gcLoginURL HTTPS URL string Your Genesys Cloud CX login URL (depends on your organization region).
Genesys Cloud CX API URL $gcAPIURL HTTPS URL string Your Genesys Cloud CX login URL (depends on your organization region).

Create the Digital Channels integration in Genesys Cloud CX

Complete the steps in this section as an administrator user in Genesys Cloud CX to create the integration client credentials that will be used by Digital Channels to access Genesys Cloud CX APIs to send and receive messages. You're going to create a new role, assign it to your admin user, and create the access credentials.

First, create the new role:

  1. Navigate to $gcLoginURL (for example, and log in to Genesys Cloud CX with your $orgUsername/$orgPassword.
  2. Go to Admin.
  3. Under People and Permissions, click Roles/Permissions.
  4. Click Add Role and give it a name. For example, Nexus Messaging.
  5. Under Permissions, search for messaging and select messaging > All Permissions and messagingProvisioning > All Permissions. Save your changes.

Next, assign the role to your administrator user:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under People and Permissions, click People.
  3. Search for your admin user.
  4. Under Roles, switch the view to All and search for the name of your new role (Nexus Messaging). Click to enable the role and then save your changes.
  5. Log out and log in again to enable the permissions.

Now create access credentials for the Digital Channels integration.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Integrations, click OAuth.
  3. Click Add Client.
  4. Under Client Details, set App Name to Nexus Messaging Integration and select the Client Credentials Grant Type.
  5. Click Roles and assign the Nexus Messaging role. Save your changes.
  6. Go back to Client Details and copy the values for clientId and clientSecret.
    As the output of this step, you will have the access credentials:
Parameter Variable Type Example
Nexus Integration client ID $clientId UUID string 4da40a9de-b113-4024-8ba9-c9dd89c91f67
Nexus Integration client secret $clientSecret string aKSXEgLO57cm6FqxD4hrjkcW-iuWiXhd0uF0WOcZUm2

Create a Digital Channels API key for Genesys Cloud CX

To create an API key that will be used by Genesys Cloud CX to send requests to Digital Channels, follow the steps in Provision API keys. Make sure to use the following parameters:

"tenant": "*"
"name":"Portico Cluster API Key"
"permissions" : ["nexus:cluster:*"]

As an output of this step, you will have the API key:

Parameter Variable Type Example
Messaging Cluster API Key $apikey UUID string 9b7682b7-cbce-422f-9bbb-ecda85e61695

Create Digital Channels services definitions

Enable Digital Channels to use Genesys Cloud CX Messaging Aggregation as the Email provider. You must configure the following services in Digital Channels within your tenant:

  • PurecloudIDP - Integrates the Genesys Multicloud CX tenant to the Genesys Cloud CX organization.
  • PorticoEmail - Enables the outbound email service through Genesys Messaging Aggregation.
Use a REST client or curl utility to provision the following services in Digital Channels using the provisioning API. Make sure to substitute the variables - prefixed with '$' - with their values. Note: You must create these services once per tenant.
Create the PurecloudIDP service:
curl -X POST \
  $nexusURL/nexus/v3/provisioning/services/$ccid/PurecloudIDP \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: $apiKey' \
  -H 'x-ccid: $ccid' \
  -d '{
    "url" : "$gcLoginURL",
    "secret": {"clientId": "$clientId", "clientSecret": "$clientSecret"},
    "data" : {}
Create the PorticoEmail service if you use Genesys Multicloud CX Contact email campaigns.
curl -X POST \
  $nexusURL/nexus/v3/provisioning/services/$ccid/PorticoEmail \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: $apiKey' \
  -H 'x-ccid: $ccid' \
  -d '{
    "url" : "$gcAPIURL",
    "secret": {},
    "data": {}

Provision email domains in Digital Channels

Complete the steps in this section if you are integrating with CX Contact and plan to use email campaigns. These steps explain how to choose an email domain that you control (you should be able to update DNS record sets for this domain) and want to use in email campaigns as the "sent from" address.

If you are using Genesys Cloud CX as the provider, contact your Genesys representative to have them provision an email domain in Genesys Cloud CX for your organization. Once completed, you will receive a set of secrets you must use to update your domains records. After this update, contact your Genesys representative to validate the secrets and confirm domain ownership. Now you can provision an email service channel.

Complete the following for each domain only after your domain records have been updated, validated, and provisioned in Genesys Cloud CX.

  1. In Agent Setup, navigate to the "NexusServices" transaction you created previously.
  2. Create a section that starts with 'cxc.' and includes some text that represents the domain. For example, cxc.Coraporate_Promotions. Note: The 'cxc.' prefix is required and the rest of the value can be made up of letters and underscore or dashes, but not spaces.
  3. In this new section, create the following options:
    • channelId = $emailDomain
    • channelType = email
    • provider = Async (Only set this option if you use a custom gateway as the email aggregator.)

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