Provisioning overview

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This topic is part of the manual Digital Channels Private Edition Guide for version Current of Digital Channels.

Learn about the steps involved in provisioning Digital Channels AI Connector.

Provisioning AI Connector webhook to Digital Channels

To receive and analyse chat messages, AI Connector functions as a webhook for interactions in Digital Channels. As Digital Channels is unaware of where AI Connector is available, register AI Connector with Digital Channels. This process includes two parts:

  1. Verify AI Connector Webhook
  2. Registering Webhook to Digital Channels

Verifying AI Connector webhook

AI Connector webhook is deployed at ${CONF.athena.server.apiPrefix}/agent-assist-chat/messages

Verifying the webhook returns the HTTP status code as 200 with status PAYLOAD_SIGNATURE_CHECK_FAILED

Registering webhook to Digital Channels

The webhook target name for Digital Channels is ai-connector

It is a one-time process (per contact center) required to ensure that the AI Connector webhook URL is known and trusted to Digital Channels service. For registering the AI Connector webhook, send a request with the admin-level access credentials to Digital Channels.


curl --request POST 'https://{nexusUrl}/nexus/v3/provisioning/services/{ccid}/WebhookTransportTarget-ai-connector' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "url": "{AI Connector webhook URL}"

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