Pre-configure tenant objects

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This topic is part of the manual Digital Channels Private Edition Guide for version Current of Digital Channels.

Learn how to configure your tenant resources for Digital Channels.

Complete the steps on this page to configure your tenant resources for Digital Channels.
“Nexus” is the simplified name we use for the digital channels application and nodes, so you’ll see that name referenced throughout this document.


Review the Prerequisites table and make sure you have all the listed information before you get started. The values in this table are referenced later by the name in the Variable column.

Parameter Variable Type Example Notes
Digital Channels FQDN URL $nexusURL HTTPS URL string The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for Digital Channels.
Contact center ID $ccId string 578ec98e-f07c-46ad-9675-f36c22f3ba9f The contact center ID provisioned in Web Services and Applications. If you don't have this ID, see Get contact center ID from GWS.
Tenant name $tenantName string t1001 CUSTOMER_NAME that used in tenant service during deployment.

Create a user

Use Agent Setup to create a user with these properties:

  • Make sure Agent is not checked.
  • Set Name, First Name, Last Name and Employee ID to nexus.
  • Set the password.
  • Set the System Administrator and Superuser.
  • Add the user to the Super Administrator, Administrator and User access groups in the Member Of tab.

Configure the Genesys Web Services application

Contact your Genesys representative to add the following configuration options for Web Services and Applications:

Enable Nexus UX

Section Option name Value
[NexusCommunication] label Communication
url https://$nexusURL/ux/comm?customername=$tenantName&ccid=$ccId
[NexusConversation] label Conversation
url https://$nexusURL/ux/conv?iid=$Interaction.Id$&customername=$tenantName&ccid=$ccId
[interaction-workspace] workspace.web-content NexusCommunication
interaction.web-content NexusConversation
service-client-api.accepted-web-content-origins *
service-client-api.allow-full-api true false
When enabling the Conversation tab you must also add the Communication tab to ensure proper functionality of the solution. If you want to disable the Communication tab for your agents, you must hide it instead of removing it. To hide a tab, add the mode option with the value set to HIDDEN on either the NexusCommunication section or the NexusConversation section.

Configure the Universal Contact Server application

Contact your Genesys representative to add the following configuration options for Universal Contact Service:
The following configuration is only applicable to UCS 8.5.x.

Enable Nexus UX

Section Option name Value
[index] enabled true
[] enabled true
storage-path <VALID PATH, not empty>

Update the Environment tenant

Contact your Genesys representative to add the following option for the Environment tenant:

Section Option name Value
[nexus] url $nexusURL

Create transactions

Use Agent Setup to create the following transactions in the Environment tenant:

  • List 'NexusEndpoints'
  • List 'NexusServices'

Create scripts

Contact your Genesys representative to create the following scripts in the Environment tenant:

asynchold queue

Property Value
Name asynchold
Type Interaction Queue
Tenant Environment
State enabled checked

asynchold View script

General Tab

Property Value
Name asynchold/scheduled_view
Type Interaction Queue View
Tenant Environment
State enabled checked

Annex Tab

Section Property Value
[Namespace] Name scheduled_view
[View] Condition <empty>
Order <empty>
Queue asynchold
scheduling-mode scheduled-and-unscheduled
freeze-interval 30

asynchold application script

General Tab

Property Value
Name asynchold.ER
Type Enhanced Routing
Tenant Environment
State enabled checked

Annex Tab

Section Property Value
[Application] url $nexusURL/scxml/redirect_queue.scxml

asynchold Submitter script

General Tab

Property Value
Name asynchold.IS
Type Interaction Submitter
Tenant Environment
State enabled checked

Annex Tab

Section Property Value
[Submitter] View asynchold/scheduled_view
Strategy asynchold.ER

undelivered queue

Property Value
Name undelivered
Type Interaction Queue
Tenant Environment
State enabled checked

undelivered View script

General Tab

Property Value
Name undelivered/scheduled_view
Type Interaction Queue View
Tenant Environment
State enabled checked

Annex Tab

Section Property Value
[Namespace] Name scheduled_view
[View] Condition <empty>
Order <empty>
Queue undelivered
scheduling-mode scheduled-and-unscheduled

undelivered application script

General Tab

Property Value
Name undelivered.ER
Type Enhanced Routing
Tenant Environment
State enabled checked

Annex Tab

Section Property Value
[Application] url $nexusURL/scxml/undelivered.scxml

undelivered Submitter script

General Tab

Property Value
Name undelivered.IS
Type Interaction Submitter
Tenant Environment
State enabled checked

Annex Tab

Section Property Value
[Submitter] View undelivered/scheduled_view
Strategy undelivered.ER

Create an SMS interaction subtype

Contact your Genesys representative to create the following Business Attribute Value in the "Interaction Subtype" Business Attribute:

Name Display name Description
SMS SMS The SMS text message. This interaction subtype is only required if you are using SMS.
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