Configure AI Connector
From Genesys Documentation
This topic is part of the manual Digital Channels Private Edition Guide for version Current of Digital Channels.
Complete the steps on this page to configure your AI Connector deployment.
Related documentation:
Override Helm chart values
You can specify parameters for the deployment by overriding Helm chart values in the values.yaml file. See the Parameters table for a full list of overridable values.
For more information about how to override Helm chart values, see Overriding Helm chart values.
Parameter | Description | Valid values | Default |
version | The AI Connector version. | A valid release version | nil |
nameOverride | A string to partially override the athena.fullname template. This string is prepended to the release name. | String | nil |
fullnameOverride | A string to fully override the athena.fullname template. | String | nil |
image.registry |
The AI Connector image registry. | A valid registry URL | nil |
image.repository | The AI Connector image name. | A valid image name | nexus/athena |
image.pullPolicy | Specifies when Kubernetes pulls images from the registry on start up. | IfNotPresent or Always | IfNotPresent |
image.pullSecrets | An array of docker-registry secret names. | An array of secret names | [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods) |
serviceAccount.create | Specifies whether a service account must be created. | false or true | false | | The name of the service account to use. If this is not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template. | String | "" |
serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations to add to the service account. | A valid set of labels as "name: value" | {} |
podAnnotations | Custom annotations for each pod. | A valid set of labels as "name: value" | {} |
podSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | Specifies whether the container must run as a non-root user. | true or false | true |
podSecurityContext.runAsUser | The user ID to run the entry point of the container process. | A valid user ID | 500 |
podSecurityContext.runAsGroup | The group ID to run the entry point of the container process. | A valid group ID | 500 |
podSecurityContext.fsGroup | A supplemental group ID that applies to all containers in a pod. | A valid group ID | 500 |
configChecksum | Adds SHA-256 checksum of the ConfigMap to the deployment annotations. | true of false | true |
secretChecksum | Adds SHA-256 checksum of the Secret to the deployment annotations. | true or false | true |
containerPort | TCP port the service is listening on. | A valid port | 4084 |
service.enabled | Enables the Kubernetes service. | true or false | true |
service.type | The Kubernetes service type. | See the Kubernetes documentation for details. | ClusterIP |
service.annotations | The service annotations. | A valid set of annotations as "name: value" | {} |
service.port | The Kubernetes service HTTP port. | A valid port | 80 |
ingress.enabled |
Enables the ingress controller resource. | true or false | false |
ingress.annotations | The ingress annotations. | A valid set of annotations as "name: value" | [] |
ingress.hosts[0].host | The hostname of your AI Connector installation. | A valid hostname | athena.local |
ingress.hosts[0].paths | The paths (within the URL structure) to your AI Connector. | A valid list of paths | [] |
ingress.tls[0].secretName | Kubernetes secret name with server.crt certificate and server.key private key file (Only required if you want to configure TLS for ingress resources). | A valide name | nil |
ingress.tls[0].hosts | The hostname used to generate cert that matches the TLS certificate (required if you want to configure TLS for ingress resources). | A valid hostname | nil |
resources | The requests and limits for CPU and memory usage in Kubernetes. See the Kubernetes documentation for details. | Object | {} |
nodeSelector | The labels Kubernetes uses to assign pods to nodes. See the Kubernetes documentation for details. | Object | {} |
tolerations | The tolerations Kubernetes uses for advanced pod scheduling. See the Kubernetes documentation for details. | Object | {} |
affinity | Specifies the affinity and anti-affinity for Digital Channels pods. See the Kubernetes documentation for details. | Object | {} |
priorityClassName | The class name Kubernetes uses to determine the priority of a pod relative to other pods. See the Kubernetes documentation for details. | A valid priority class name | "" |
monitoring.enabled | Specifies whether to deploy Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) for ServiceMonitors to determine which services should be monitored. | true or false | false |
athena.server.apiPrefix | The prefix for all API endpoints exposed by the service. | String or comma-separated list of strings | /athena/v1,/nexus/v3 | |
The Nexus service URL. | A valid URL | | | The prefix of Nexus API endpoints. | String | /nexus/v3 | | A Nexus API key used by AI Connector to fetch tenant settings and services from Nexus. See the Digital Channels documentation for details. | A valid cluster Nexus API key with permissions "nexus:cluster:*" assigned | "" | | Timeout for requests to Nexus (access tokens validation, configuration retrieval). | Integer | 10000 | |
The Postgres service URL. | A valid URL | postgres |
athena.db.port | The Postgres service port. | A valid port | 5432 |
athena.db.user | The user assigned for the AI Connector application to access Postgres. | A valid user | nexus |
athena.db.password | The password assigned for the AI Connector application to access Postgres. | A valid password | "" |
athena.db.database | The database for the AI Connector application to use in Postgres. | A valid database | nexus |
athena.db.ssl | Use secured connection to Postgres. | true or false | false |
athena.redis.nodes |
A comma-separated list of Redis nodes to connect. | A valid URL | redis://redis:6379 |
athena.redis.password | The password for Redis authentication. | A valid password | "" |
athena.redis.cluster | Specifies whether to deploy Redis as a cluster. | true or false | false |
athena.redis.tls | Specifies whether to use TLS on the Redis connection. | true or false | false | | API key for Google speech recognition API used to transcribe speech to text for bot providers that do not natively support voice input (LUIS, DialogEngine), not needed for Dialogflow ES, CX and Lex. | A valid Google speech recognition API key | "" |
Configure security
To learn more about how to configure security for private edition, be sure to read Permissions and OpenShift security settings.
The security context settings define the privilege and access control settings for pods and containers.
By default, the user and group IDs are set in the values.yaml file as500:500:500
, meaning the genesys user.podSecurityContext:
runAsUser: 500
runAsGroup: 500
fsGroup: 500
runAsNonRoot: true
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