Workforce Management Supervisor Help

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This manual is for version Current of Workforce Management.

Search the table of all articles in this guide, listed in alphabetical order, to find the article you need.

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Article Description
Article Description
Adjusting and splitting volumes Set parameters in the forecast scenarios properties to adjust and split the volumes data.
Building staffing Build staffing data, by defining the number of agents in forecast scenarios.
Building staffing for multiple activities Build staffing data for multiple activities based on default forecasting objectives.
Building volumes Set parameters that will be used to build volumes data in forecast scenarios for one or multiple activities.
Common controls in the UI Learn about the controls that are commonly used throughout the views in the WFM Supervisor application.
Common forecasting tasks Find out which common tasks can be completed in more than one Forecasting view.
Forecasts Find out what's in the Forecast menu and sub menus, and learn how to work with forecasts and historical data.
Getting started Learn about the basic features in WFM before you begin making forecast predictions. .
Logging in and out Learn how to log in and switch between the classic Supervisors UI and the latest Forecast UI, and what you can change in user settings.
Managing overlays and events Create and manage overlays and overlay events.
Managing shrinkage data Manage the shrinkage data for activities in forecast scenarios, in some cases by applying templates.
Managing templates Learn how use forecast templates to create forecasts for sites or business units that have little or no historical data.
Master Forecasts Learn how to use the settings and understand and manage the data, and find events in the Master Forecast views.
Overlays Learn how overlays impact forecast predictions, and understand overlay properties and data.
Performance Learn how to display performance statistics for business units, sites, and activities.
Performance Alerts View This topic describes how to configure visual alert notifications for unacceptable performance.
Performance Intra-Day View Use the Intra-Day view to display performance statistics (both summarized and detailed) in a grid.
Performance Monitor View Use the Monitor view to display performance statistics for the most recently completed timsetep.
Required and split staffing methods Set the required staffing values and learn how to split multi-site activities staffing data between its associated activities.
Scenarios Learn how to perform all of the basic tasks to help you manage forecast scenarios.
Shrinkage in scenarios Learn about the types of data you'll find in the Shrinkage grid, how to navigate it, and customize it.
Staffing in scenarios Learn about the types of data you'll find in the Staffing grid, how to navigate it, and customize it.
Templates Learn when and how to use different template types and understand the template data.
Volumes in scenarios Learn about the types of data you'll find in the Volumes grid, how to navigate it, and customize it.
What-If Window Analyze how changes in statistics affect other factors by using what-If scenarios.

Retrieved from " (2024-07-27 07:03:08)"
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