Designer on OpenShift

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This topic is part of the manual Designer Private Edition Guide for version Current of Designer.

Learn more about specific settings that you have to configure when deploying Designer on OpenShift.

Configure and deploy Designer as described in the topics under the Configure and deploy section. Only additional information that is specific to deploying Designer on OpenShift is provided here.

Create a project in Openshift

Before proceeding with deploying Designer on OpenShift, you must first perform the following steps:

  1. Create a project.
    oc new-project designer
  2. Switch to the new project you created.
    oc project designer
  3. Create a secret for docker-registry in order to pull images from the Genesys JFrog repository:
    oc create secret docker-registry <repository secret name> \
    --docker-server==<repository> \
    --docker-username=<username> \
    --docker-password=<API key from jfrog> \
    oc secrets link default jfrog-stage-credentials --for=pull

Arbitrary UIDs

If you want to use arbitrary UIDs in your OpenShift deployment, you must override the securityContext settings in the values.yaml file, so that you do not define any specific IDs. [Again copy in all the instances of [*]securityContext from the values.yaml and change runAsUser and fsGroup (if specified) from “500” to “null”, and runAsGroup from “500” to “0”. See the following example.]

  runAsNonRoot: true
  runAsUser: null
  runAsGroup: 0
  fsGroup: null

You can override values in the Helm charts to configure Private Edition. For more information, see the suite-level documentation about how to override Helm chart values: Overriding Helm chart values.

For more information on arbitrary UIDs, see Arbitrary UIDs in OpenShift and Permissions in the suite-level guide.
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