Configure Designer

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This topic is part of the manual Designer Private Edition Guide for version Current of Designer.

Learn how to configure Designer.

Deployment configuration settings (Helm values)

The following sections provide information on the various settings that have to be configured in Designer and DAS. The configuration settings listed below will be used during the deployment of Designer and DAS. That is, these settings will be used during initial deployment/upgrade. These settings can be configured in the values.yaml Helm file.

For more information about how to override Helm chart values, see Overriding Helm chart values in the Setting up Genesys Multicloud CX Private Edition guide.
Depending on the Kubernetes platform or the container orchestration platform that you are deploying Designer on, you might have to carry out some additional steps specific to that platform. For more information, navigate to the required topic in the Kubernetes platform specific information section on the About page.

Designer deployment settings

The following table provides information on the Designer deployment settings. These settings are configured in the designer-values.yaml file.

Parameter Description Mandatory? Default Value
designer.deployment.replicaCount Number of service instances to be created. Mandatory 2
designer.deployment.maxreplicaCount The maximum number of replicas to be created. It is recommended to configure this setting if auto-scaling is used. Optional 10
designer.deployment.strategy The deployment strategy to follow. This determines which type of resources are deployed. Valid values are: rollingupdate, blue-green, blue-green-volume, blue-green-ingress, grafana.
  • rollingupdate - default Kubernetes update strategy where resources will be updated using the rolling upgrade strategy.
  • blue-green - for deploying and upgrading the Designer service using the blue-green strategy.
  • blue-green-volume - for the blue/green upgrade, this is to create a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) for the very first time.
  • blue-green-ingress - for the blue/green upgrade, this is to create an ingress for the first time and update the ingress during a service cutover.
  • grafana - for deploying the Grafana dashboard.
Mandatory rollingupdate
designer.deployment.color This is to deploy/upgrade the Designer service in a blue-green upgrade strategy. Valid values are: blue, green. Optional
designer.deployment.type This is to specify the type of deployment. Valid value: Deployment. Optional Deployment
designer.image.registry The registry that the organization uses for storing images. Mandatory
designer.image.repository Docker repository that contains the images for Designer. Mandatory
designer.image.tag Designer image version. Mandatory
designer.image.PullPolicy Designer image pull policy (imagePullPolicy). Valid values: Always, IfNotPresent, Never.
  • Always - always pull the image.
  • IfNotPresent - pull the image only if it does not already exist on the node.
  • Never - never pull the image.
Mandatory IfNotPresent
designer.image.imagePullSecrets Secret name containing credentials for authenticating access to the Docker repository. Mandatory
designer.volumes.workspacePv.create true if a persistent volume for the Designer workspace must be created. This is used in case of static volume provisioning, where, the PV is created and then the PVC is bound to the specified PV. Currently, support to create PV only for Azure files (SMB) and NFS is present in the helm chart. false
designer.volumes.workspacePv.type Supports two types:

nfs - Creates an NFS PV provided you have an NFS server/file share set up already.
azurefiles-smb - Creates a PV for pre-existing SMB type Azure fileshares. Name of the PV to be created. For example, designer-workspace-pv. Size of the PV to be created. For example, 5Gi.
designer.volumes.workspacePv.storageClass The storage class associated with the PV. For static volume provisioning to occur as expected, it is highly recommended to provide "" (intentional empty double quotes) or any distinct storage class name that does not exist already.
designer.volumes.workspacePv.mountOptions Mount options to be given to the PV.

Note: Mount options differ according to the underlying storage type used, that is, NFS or SMB. Using the same set of mountOptions with different storage types leads to volume mount errors.

designer.volumes.workspacePv.server The IP address or FQDN of the NFS server.

Note: This field is only applicable for nfs type PVs.

designer.volumes.workspacePv.path The exported path from the NFS server.

Note: This field is only applicable for nfs type PVs.

designer.volumes.workspacePv.shareName The azure fileshare name for which the PV must be created.

Note: This field is only applicable for azurefiles-smb type PVs.

designer.volumes.workspacePv.createSecret true if secret with data to authenticate the Azure storage account must be created. Can be false if the secret is manually created.

Note: This field is only applicable for azurefiles-smb type PVs.

designer.volumes.workspacePv.secretName The name to be given to the secret created with the designer.volumes.workspacePv.createSecret field. For example, designer-storage-secret).

Note: This field is only applicable for azurefiles-smb type PVs.

designer.volumes.workspacePv.saName Base64 encoded name of the storage account. This goes in the secret created with designer.volumes.workspacePv.createSecret.

Note: This field is only applicable for azurefiles-smb type PVs.

designer.volumes.workspacePv.saName Base64 encoded access key of the storage account. This goes in the secret created with designer.volumes.workspacePv.createSecret

Note: This field is only applicable for azurefiles-smb type PVs.

designer.volumes.workspacePvc.create If a persistent volume is to be created, this value has to be true. Mandatory true
designer.volumes.workspacePvc.type The type of the volume provisioning to use:

static - This type is used when a PV has been created either by using the helm values in designer.volumes.workspacePv or bmanually and the workspace PVC must be bound to it.
dynamic - This type is used when a configured storage class will dynamically allocate a PV to the workspace PVC.

Mandatory dynamic
designer.volumes.workspacePvc.mountPath The path where the workspace volume is to be mounted inside the Designer container. Mandatory /designer/workspace

Note: This is not a customizable value. The value MUST be /designer/workspace for the proper functioning of Designer.

designer.volumes.workspacePvc.claim Persistent volume claim name for the workspace. Mandatory designer-managed-disk
designer.volumes.workspacePvc.claimSize Size of the persistent volume claim for the workspace.

The persistent volume must be equal to or greater than this size.

designer.volumes.workspacePvc.storageClass storageClassName provided in the persistent volume that is created for the Designer workspace (example, nfs). Mandatory
designer.volumes.workspacePvc.pvName The PV's name to which the PVC must be bound (applicable only when designer.volumes.workspacePvc.type is static).
designer.volumes.logsPvc.create If a PVC volume is to be created, this value has to be true, else false. Mandatory true
designer.volumes.logsPvc.type The type of volume provisioning to use:

static - This type is used when a PV has been created and PVC logs must be bound to it.
dynamic - This type is used when a configured storage class will dynamically allocate a PV to the PVC logs.
Note: The helm charts only have support for creating static PVs for the PVC workspace. For PVC logs, it is recommended to make use of dynamic provisioning and let the storage class do the PV allocation.

designer.volumes.logsPvc.mountPath The path where the Designer logs volume is to be mounted inside the Designer container. Mandatory /designer/logs

Note: This is not a customizable value. The value MUST be /designer/logs for the proper functioning of Designer.

designer.volumes.logsPvc.claim Persistent volume claim name for logs. Mandatory designer-logs
designer.volumes.logsPvc.claimSize Size of the persistent volume claim for the Designer logs.

The persistent volume must be equal to or greater than this size.

designer.volumes.logsPvc.storageClass storageClassName provided in the persistent volume that is created for the Designer logs  (example, nfs).

Note: In case of static volume provisioning, this field must match with the storage class of the PV. If the PV does not have a storage class, then it is mandatory to provide "" for this field in the helm values. Otherwise, static volume provisioning will not occur as expected.

designer.volumes.logsPvc.pvName The PV's name to which the PVC must be bound (applicable only when designer.volumes.logsPvc.type is static).
designer.podVolumes Log and workspace persistent volume claim names and name of the volumes attached to the pod. Mandatory
    - name: designer-pv-volume
        claimName: designer-managed-disk
    - name: designer-log-volume
        claimName: designer-logs
designer.volumeMounts Name and mount path of the volumes to be attached to the Designer pods. Mandatory
    - name: designer-pv-volume
      mountPath: /designer/workspace
    - name: designer-log-volume
      mountPath: /designer/logs
designer.livenessProbe.path Designer liveness probe API path. Mandatory /health
designer.livenessProbe.containerPort Port running the container. Mandatory 8888
designer.livenessProbe.startupDelay The liveness probe will be started after a given delay as specified here. Mandatory 20
designer.livenessProbe.checkInterval The interval between each liveness probe request. Mandatory 5
designer.livenessProbe.failureCount Number of liveness probe failures after which, to mark the container as unstable or restart. Mandatory 5
designer.readinessProbe.path Designer readiness probe API path. Mandatory /health
designer.readinessProbe.containerPort Port running the container. Mandatory 8888
designer.readinessProbe.startupDelay The readiness probe will be started after a given delay as specified here. Mandatory 20
designer.readinessProbe.checkInterval The interval between each readiness probe request. Mandatory 5
designer.readinessProbe.failureCount Number of readiness probe failures after which, to mark the container as unstable or restart. Mandatory 5
designer.designerSecrets.enabled This enables providing the GWS Client ID and Secret as an input to the Designer pods. Kubernetes Secrets is used to store the GWS client credentials. Mandatory true
designer.designerSecrets.secrets GWS Client ID and GWS Client Secret. Create a new GWS Client if it does not exist. A link to information on creating a new GWS Client is provided in the Platform settings section. Mandatory
designer.service.enabled Set to true if the service must be created. Optional true
designer.service.type Service type. Valid values are: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer. Mandatory NodePort
designer.service.port The Designer service port to be exposed in the cluster. Mandatory 8888
designer.service.targetPort The Designer application port running inside the container. Mandatory http
designer.service.nodePort Port to be exposed in case service type is NodePort. Mandatory for designer.service.type=NodePort. 30180
designer.service.termination_grace_period The period after which Kubernetes starts to delete the pods after service termination. Optional 30 seconds.
designer.ingress.enabled Set to true to enable ingress.

Ingress should be enabled for all cases except for a lab/demo setup.

Mandatory true
designer.ingress.apiVersion The apiVersion of the ingress manifest to be deployed. Currently, and are supported. Optional
designer.ingress.ingressClassName The ingress class name for the ingress deployed. Applicable only when designer.ingress.apiVersion is Optional
designer.ingress.annotations Annotations added for ingress. The Designer UI requires Session Stickiness if the replica count is more than 1. Configure Session Stickiness based on the ingress controller type. Configuration specific to ingress such as Session Stickiness can be provided here. Optional
designer.ingress.paths Ingress path Mandatory [/]
designer.ingress.hosts Hostnames to be configured in ingress for the Designer service. Mandatory - <app1>

- <app1>
- <app1>

designer.ingress.tls TLS configuration for ingress. Optional []
designer.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s allocates for the container. Mandatory 600m
designer.resources.limits.memory Maximum amount of memory that K8s allocates for the container. Mandatory 1Gi
designer.resources.requests.cpu Guaranteed CPU allocation for the container. Mandatory 500m
designer.resources.requests.memory Guaranteed memory allocation for the container. Mandatory 512Mi
designer.securityContext.runAsUser This setting controls which user ID the containers are run with. This can be configured to run Designer as a non-root user. You can either use the Genesys user or arbitrary UIDs. Both are supported by the Designer base image. 500 is the ID of the Genesys user.

The file system must reside within the Genesys user account in order to run Designer as a Genesys user. Change the NFS server host path to the Genesys user: chown -R genesys:genesys.

designer.securityContext.runAsGroup Controls which primary group ID the containers are run with. This can be configured to run Designer as a non-root user. You can either use the Genesys userGroup (GID - 500) or arbitrary GIDs. Both are supported by the Designer base image. Optional
designer.nodeSelector To allow pods to be scheduled based on the labels assigned to the nodes. Optional Default value:

nodeSelector: {}
Sample value:

    <label_key>: <label_value>
designer.affinity The K8s standard node affinity and anti-affinity configurations can be added here. Refer to the this topic in the Kubernetes documentation site for sample values. Optional {}
designer.tolerations Tolerations work with taints to ensure that pods are not scheduled on to inappropriate nodes. Refer to the Taints and Tolerations topic in the Kubernetes documentation site for sample values. Optional []
designer.podDisruptionBudget.enabled Set to true if a pod disruption budget is to be created. Optional false
designer.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable The number of pods that should always be available during a disruption. Optional 1
designer.dnsPolicy The DNS policy that should be applied to the Designer pods. Optional
designer.dnsConfig The DNS configuration that should be applied to the Designer pods. Optional
designer.priorityClassName The priority class name that the pods should belong to. Optional
designer.hpa.enabled Enables K8s Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA). It automatically scales the number of pods based on average CPU utilization and average memory utilization. For more information on HPA refer to this topic in the Kubernetes documentation site. Optional false
designer.hpa.targetCPUPercent The K8s HPA controller will scale up or scale down pods based on the target CPU utilization percentage specified here. It scales up or scales down pods between the range - designer.deployment.replicaCount and designer.deployment.maxreplicaCount. Optional 70
designer.hpa.targetMemoryPercent The K8s HPA controller will scale up or scale down pods based on the target memory utilization percentage specified here. It scales up or scales down pods between the range - designer.deployment.replicaCount and designer.deployment.maxreplicaCount. Optional 70
designer.labels Labels that will be added to the Designer pods. Optional {}
designer.annotations Annotations added to the Designer pods. Optional {}
designer.prometheus.enabled Set to true if Prometheus metrics must be enabled. Optional false
designer.prometheus.tagName Label key assigned to the pods/service to filter out. Optional service
designer.prometheus.tagValue Label value assigned to the pods/service to filter out. Optional designer
designer.prometheus.instance Optional ❴❴instance❵❵
designer.prometheus.serviceMonitor.enabled Set to true<Set/code> if a service monitor resource is needed to monitor the pods through the Kubernetes service. Optional false
designer.prometheus.serviceMonitor.path The path in which the metrics are exposed. Optional /metrics
designer.prometheus.serviceMonitor.interval The scrape interval specified for the Prometheus server. That is, the time interval at which the Prometheus server will fetch metrics from the service. Optional 10s
designer.prometheus.serviceMonitor.labels Labels to be specified for the service monitor resource. Optional
designer.prometheus.alerts.enabled Set to true<Set/code> if Prometheus alerts must to be created. Optional false
designer.prometheus.alerts.customalerts Any custom alerts that are created must be specified here. Optional
designer.prometheus.alerts.labels Labels to be specified for the alerts resource. Optional
designer.prometheus.alerts.<alert_names> Scenarios for which alerts need to be created. Optional designer.prometheus.alerts
        interval: 3m
        threshold: 5
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 1m
        threshold: 70
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 1m
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 1m
        threshold: 70
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 1m
        readycount: 1
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 3m
        threshold: 80
        workspaceClaim: designer-managed-disk
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 1m
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 3m
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 3m
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 3m
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 3m
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
designer.grafana.enabled Set to true if the Grafana dashboard is to be created. Optional true
designer.grafana.labels Labels that have to be added to the Grafana ConfigMap. Optional
designer.grafana.annotations Annotations that have to be added to the Grafana ConfigMap. Optional
annotations Enables Kubernetes Annotations and adds it to all the resources that have been created.

For more information, refer to the Annotations topic in the Kubernetes documentation site.

Optional {}
labels Any custom labels can be configured here. It is a key and value pair, for example, key:"value". These labels are added to all resources. Optional {}
podLabels Labels that will be added to all application pods. Optional {}
podAnnotations Annotations that will be added to all application pods. Optional {}

Designer ConfigMap settings

The following table provides information on the environment variables and service-level settings stored in the Designer ConfigMap.

Parameter Description Mandatory? Default Value
designer.designerConfig.create This enables providing environment variables as an input to the Designer pods. It uses a ConfigMap to store the environment variables. Mandatory true
designer.designerConfig.envs.DES_PORT Designer port for container ("port" in flowsettings.json). The input should be a string, within double quotes. Mandatory "8888"
designer.designerConfig.envs.DES_APPSERVER_HOST DAS hostname ("applicationHost" in flowsettings.json). Mandatory das
designer.designerConfig.envs.DES_APPSERVER_PORT DAS port ("applicationPort" in flowsettings.json). The input should be a string, within double quotes. Mandatory "80"
designer.designerConfig.envs.DES_DEPLOY_URL This is normally not changed. It is the relative path to the workspace on DAS. The default value "/workspaces" should be used always ("deployURL" in flowsettings.json). Mandatory "/workspaces"
designer.designerConfig.envs.DES_USE_HTCC Set to "true" so Designer works with GWS. If set to "false", Designer defaults to a local mode and may be used temporarily if GWS is unavailable ("usehtcc" in flowsettings.json). Input should be "true" or "false". Mandatory "false"
designer.designerConfig.envs.DES_HTCC_SERVER GWS server host  ("htccserver" in flowsettings.json). For example, "". The input should be a string, within double quotes. Mandatory " "
designer.designerConfig.envs.DES_HTCC_PORT GWS server port ("htccport" in flowsettings.json). For example, "80". The input should be a string, within double quotes. Mandatory " "
designer.designerConfig.envs.DES_ENABLE_ANALYTICS To enable or disable Designer Analytics ("enableAnalytics" in flowsettings.json). Input should be "true" or "false". Optional "false"
designer.designerConfig.envs.DES_ES_URL Elasticsearch URL ("esUrl" in flowsettings.json). For example, "http://es-service:9200". The input should be a string, within double quotes. Optional " "
designer.designerConfig.envs.DES_ES_SERVER Elasticsearch Server Host Name ("esServer" in flowsettings.json). For example, "es-service"). The input should be a string, within double quotes. Optional " "
designer.designerConfig.envs.DES_ES_PORT Elasticsearch port ("esPort" in flowsettings.json). For example, "9200". The input should be a string, within double quotes. Optional " "
designer.designerConfig.envs.DES_FILE_LOGGING_ENABLED Enable file logging. If not enabled, Designer will create only verbose logs. Input should be "true" or "false". Mandatory "false"
designer.designerFlowSettings.create Set to true to include the contents of the flowsettings.yaml file in a separate ConfigMap. Input should be true or false. Optional false
designer.designerFlowSettings.envs The flowsettings.yaml file should contain these keys, so that the file's contents will be included in the ConfigMap. Refer to the Updating the flowsettings file section in the Deploy Designer topic for more information on this. Optional {}

DAS deployment settings

The following table provides information on the DAS deployment settings. These settings are configured in the das-values.yaml file. DAS Deployment Settings

Parameter Description Mandatory? Default Value
das.deployment.replicaCount Number of pods to be created. Mandatory 2
das.deployment.maxreplicaCount The maximum number of replicas to be created. It is recommended to configure this setting if auto-scaling is used. Optional 10
das.deployment.strategy The deployment strategy to follow. This determines which type of resources are deployed. Valid values are: rollingupdate, blue-green, blue-green-ingress, blue-green-service, canary.
  • rollingupdate - default Kubernetes update strategy where resources will be updated using the rolling upgrade strategy.
  • blue-green - for deploying and upgrading the DAS service using the blue-green strategy.
  • blue-green-ingress - for the blue-green upgrade, this is to create an ingress for the first time.
  • blue-green-service - for the blue-green upgrade, this is to create a service for the first time, and update the service during a service cutover.
  • canary - to deploy canary pods along with the blue-green pods.
Mandatory rollingupdate
das.deployment.color This is to deploy/upgrade the DAS service using the blue-green upgrade strategy. Valid values are: blue, green. Mandatory for blue-green and blue-green-service strategies.
das.deployment.type Type of Kubernetes controller. Valid values is: StatefulSet
  • StatefulSet - if the Designer workspace is stored in a remote cloud storage system, such as Azure Files.
Optional StatefulSet
das.image.repository Docker repository that contains the images for DAS. Mandatory
das.image.tag DAS image version. Mandatory
das.image.pullPolicy DAS image pull policy (imagePullPolicy). Valid values are: Always, IfNotPresent, Never.
  • Always - always pull the image.
  • IfNotPresent - pull the image only if it does not already exist on the node.
  • Never - never pull the image.
Optional IfNotPresent
das.image.imagePullSecrets Secret name containing the credentials for authenticating access to the Docker repository. Mandatory
das.podVolumes Provides the name of the volume and name of the persistent volume claim to be attached to the pods Mandatory
- name: workspace
 claimName: designer-managed-disk
 - name: logs
 claimName: designer-logs
das.volumes.podPvc.create This volume is usually created to mount a local disk to a DAS container for syncing data in case cloud storage is used for storing Designer files. This value has to be true or false depending on whether the local disk is needed or not Optional false
das.volumes.podPvc.mountPath The path where the workspace volume is to be mounted inside the DAS container. Optional
das.volumes.podPvc.claim Persistent volume claim name for the volume. Optional local-workspace
das.volumes.podPvc.claimSize Size of the persistent volume claim for the pod.

The persistent volume must be equal to or greater than this size.

das.volumes.podPvc.storageClass storageClassName provided in the persistent volume that is created for DAS (example, nfs). Optional
das.volumes.podPvc.accessModes The read/write priveleges and mount priveleges of the volume claim with respect to the nodes. Valid types are: ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany, ReadWriteMany.
  • ReadWriteOnce - the volume can be mounted as read-write by a single node.
  • ReadOnlyMany - the volume can be mounted as read-only by many nodes.
  • ReadWriteMany - the volume can be mounted as read-write by many nodes.

For more information, refer to the access modes topic in the Kubernetes documentation site.

Optional ReadWriteOnce
das.volumeMounts The name of the volume and the mount path to be used by the pods. Mandatory
- mountPath: /das/www/workspaces
name: workspace
- mountPath: /das/log
name: logs
das.dasSecrets.enabled Set to true if Kubernetes secrets must be created to store keys/credentials/tokens. Optional false
das.dasSecrets.secrets Key value pairs containing the secret, such as, username and password. Optional
das.livenessProbe.path DAS liveness probe API path. Mandatory /health
das.livenessProbe.containerPort Port running the container. Mandatory 8081
das.livenessProbe.startupDelay The liveness probe will be started after a given delay as specified here. Mandatory 10
das.livenessProbe.checkInterval The interval between each liveness probe request. Mandatory 5
das.livenessProbe.failureCount Number of liveness probe failures after which, to mark the container as unstable or restart. Mandatory 3
das.readinessProbe.path DAS readiness probe API path. Mandatory /health
das.readinessProbe.containerPort Port running the container. Mandatory 8081
das.readinessProbe.startupDelay The readiness probe will be started after a given delay as specified here. Mandatory 10
das.readinessProbe.checkInterval The interval between each readiness probe request. Mandatory 5
das.readinessProbe.failureCount Number of readiness probe failures after which, to mark the container as unstable or restart. Mandatory 3
das.service.enabled Set to true if the service must be created. Optional true
das.service.type Service type. Valid values are: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer. Mandatory NodePort
das.service.port The DAS service port to be exposed in the cluster. Mandatory 80
das.service.targetPort The DAS application port running inside the container. Mandatory http
das.service.nodePort Port to be exposed in case service type is NodePort. Mandatory if das.service.type is NodePort. 30280
das.service.termination_grace_period The period after which Kubernetes starts to delete the pods in case of deletion. Optional 30 seconds.
das.ingress.enabled Set to true to enable ingress.

Ingress should be enabled for all cases except for a lab/demo setup.

Optional false
das.ingress.apiVersion The apiVersion of the ingress manifest deployed. Supported versions are, and Optional
das.ingress.ingressClassName The ingress class name for the ingress deployed. Applicable only when das.ingress.apiVersion is Optional
das.ingress.annotations Annotations added for the ingress resources. Optional
das.ingress.paths Ingress path. Optional [/]
das.ingress.hosts Hostnames to be configured in ingress for the DAS service. Mandatory if ingress is enabled.
das.ingress.tls TLS configuration for ingress. Optional []
das.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s allocates for the container. Mandatory


das.resources.limits.memory Maximum amount of memory that K8s allocates for the container. Mandatory


das.resources.requests.cpu Guaranteed CPU allocation for the container. Mandatory 400m
das.resources.requests.memory Guaranteed memory allocation for the container. Mandatory 512Mi
das.securityContext.runAsUser This setting controls which user ID the containers are run with and can be configured to run DAS as a non-root user. You can either use the Genesys user or arbitrary UIDs. Both are supported by the DAS base image. 500 is the ID of the Genesys user.

For more information refer to the Security Context topic in the Kubernetes documentation site.

das.securityContext.runAsGroup This setting controls which primary group ID the containers are run with and can be configured to run DAS as a non-root user. You can either use the Genesys userGroup (GID - 500) or arbitrary GIDs. Both are supported by the DAS base image. Optional
das.nodeSelector To allow pods to be scheduled based on the labels assigned to the nodes. Optional Default value:

nodeSelector: {} Sample value:

    <label_key>: <label_value>
das.affinity The K8s standard node affinity and anti-affinity configurations can be added here. Refer to the this topic in the Kubernetes documentation site for sample values. Optional {}
das.tolerations Tolerations work with taints to ensure that pods are not scheduled on to inappropriate nodes. Refer to the Taints and Tolerations topic in the Kubernetes documentation site for sample values. Optional []
das.podDisruptionBudget.enabled Set to true if a pod disruption budget is to be created. Optional false
das.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable The number of pods that should always be available during a disruption. Optional 1
das.dnsPolicy The DNS policy that should be applied to the DAS pods. Optional
das.dnsConfig The DNS configuration that should be applied to the DAS pods. Optional
das.priorityClassName The priority class name that the pods should belong to. Optional
das.hpa.enabled Set to true if a K8s Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) is to be created. Optional false
das.hpa.targetCPUPercent The K8s HPA controller will scale up/down pods based on the target CPU utilization percentage specified. It scale up/down pods between the range deployment.replicaCount to deployment.maxReplicas Optional 75
das.hpa.targetMemoryPercent The K8s HPA controller will scale up or scale down pods based on the target CPU utilization percentage specified here. It scales up or scales down pods between the range - deployment.replicaCount and deployment.maxReplicas. Optional 70
das.labels Labels that will be added to the DAS pods. Optional {}
das.annotations Annotations added to the DAS pods. Optional {}
das.prometheus.enabled Set to true if Prometheus metrics must be enabled. Optional false
das.prometheus.tagName Label key assigned to the pods/service to filter out. Optional service
das.prometheus.tagValue Label key assigned to the pods/service to filter out. Optional designer
das.prometheus.pod Optional ❴❴pod❵❵
das.prometheus.instance Optional ❴❴instance❵❵
das.prometheus.serviceMonitor.enabled Set to true<Set/code> if a service monitor resource is needed to monitor the pods through the Kubernetes service. Optional false
das.prometheus.serviceMonitor.path The path in which the metrics are exposed. Optional /metrics
das.prometheus.serviceMonitor.interval The scrape interval specified for the Prometheus server. That is, the time interval at which the Prometheus server will fetch metrics from the service. Optional 10s
das.prometheus.serviceMonitor.labels Labels to be specified for the service monitor resource. Optional
das.prometheus.alerts.enabled Set to true<Set/code> if Prometheus alerts must to be created. Optional false
das.prometheus.alerts.labels Labels to be specified for the alerts resource. Optional
das.prometheus.alerts.customalerts Any custom alerts that are created must be specified here. Optional
das.prometheus.alerts.<alert_names> Scenarios for which alerts need to be created. Optional


        interval: 3m
        threshold: 5
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 1m
        threshold: 75
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 1m
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 1m
        threshold: 75
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 5m
        readycount: 1
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 5m
        readycount: 1
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 3m
        threshold: 70
        workspaceClaim: designer-managed-disk
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 1m
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 3m
        threshold: 70
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 3m
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 3m
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 3m
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 3m
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 1m
        threshold: 10
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 1m
        threshold: 60
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 5m
        threshold: 100
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
        interval: 5m
        threshold: 100
        AlertPriority: CRITICAL
das.grafana.enabled Set to true if the Grafana dashboard is to be created. Optional true
das.grafana.labels Labels that must be added to the Grafana ConfigMap. Optional
das.grafana.annotations Annotations that must be added to the Grafana ConfigMap. Optional
annotations Enables Kubernetes Annotations and adds it to all the resources that have been created.

For more information, refer to the Annotations topic in the Kubernetes documentation site.

Optional {}
labels Any custom labels can be configured here. It is a key and value pair, for example, key:"value". These labels are added to all resources. Optional {}
podLabels Labels that will be added to all application pods. Optional {}
podAnnotations Annotations that will be added to all application pods. Optional {}

DAS ConfigMap settings

Parameter Description Mandatory? Default Value
das.dasConfig.create This setting enables providing environment variables as an input to the DAS pods. It uses a ConfigMap to store the environment variables. Mandatory true
das.dasConfig.envs.DAS_FILE_LOGGING_ENABLED Enables file logging. DAS supports only std out logging. This should always be set to false. Input should be "true" or "false". Mandatory "false
das.dasConfig.envs.DAS_LOG_LEVEL Enables log levels. Valid values are: "FATAL", "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG", "TRACE". Optional "DEBUG"
das.dasConfig.envs.DAS_STDOUT_LOGGING_ENABLE Enables standard output console logging. Input should be "true" or "false". Mandatory "true"
das.dasConfig.envs.DAS_SERVICES_ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED To enable Designer Analytics. This configuration is required for DAS to initialize ES templates. Input should be "true" or "false". Optional "false"
das.dasConfig.envs.DAS_SERVICES_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST Elasticsearch server host name with an http:// prefix. For example, http://es-service. The input should be a string within double quotes. Optional " "
das.dasConfig.envs.DAS_SERVICES_ELASTICSEARCH_PORT Elasticsearch port. For example, "80". The input should be a string, within double quotes. Optional " "
das.dasConfig.envs.DAS_ELASTIC_URL Elasticsearch URL for basic authentication. It should contain the URL with an http or https prefix accompanied with the port number (for example, http://es-service:80). The input should be a string within double quotes. This setting is mandatory when DAS_SERVICES_ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED is set to true. Optional " "
das.dasConfig.envs.DAS_ELASTIC_URL_ Elasticsearch secondary region URL for basic authentication. It should contain the URL with an http or https prefix accompanied with the port number (for example, http://es-service:80). The input should be a string within double quotes. is an integer starting from 1. This setting is mandatory when secondary regions are configured. For example, das.dasConfig.envs.DAS_ELASTIC_URL_1. Optional " "

Post deployment Designer configuration settings

Post deployment, Designer configuration is managed from the following 3 locations:

Flow settings

Flow Settings is used for controlling global Designer settings that are applicable to all tenants and it contains bootstrap configuration settings such as port, GWS info, and DAS URL.

Configuration path - /workspace/designer/flowsettings.json.

This will be configured using the helm install. Refer to the Update the flowsettings.json file section for information on updating the flowsettings.json file.

Tenant settings

These are tenant specific settings if the Designer service is configured with multi-tenancy .

Configuration  path - workspace/<contactcenter-Id>/config/tenantsettings.json.

The user should logout and log back in after any changes to the tenantsettings.json file. The Designer UI will continue to show the older features until the user logs out and logs back in.

Tenant specific settings are configured by directly editing the file in the above path.

DesignerEnv transaction list

The DesignerEnv transaction list is available in Configuration Server (Tenant/Transactions/DesignerEnv). This is mostly used to control the run-time settings. Any change to the DesignerEnv transaction list does not require the application to be published again or a new build for the application.

The user should log out and log back in for the changes to reflect in the Designer UI.

The DesignerEnv transaction list is configured using Agent Setup.

Post deployment configuration settings reference table

Category: Analytics
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
Yes Yes No This flag enables or disables the analytics feature.

Sample value: true
Default value: false

Yes Yes No Elasticsearch URL

Sample value:

Yes Yes No Elasticsearch server host name (for example, es-service). Sample value:
Yes Yes No Elasticsearch port. Sample value: 80
No No Yes

Section: reporting

URL of Elasticsearch where Designer applications will report data.

Sample value:

Yes Yes No The maximum time range (in days) to query in Designer Analytics. Each day's data is stored in a separate index in Elasticsearch.

Sample value: 90
Default value: 90

Yes Yes No The maximum count of nested type objects that will be captured in SDRs. When set to -1, which is the default value, no objects will be trimmed. All the milestones or activities visited in runtime are expected to be captured in an SDR.

Sample value: 20

Yes Yes No Value are:
  • 100 — Debug level and up. Currently, there are no Debug messages.
  • 200 — Standard level and up. This setting will show all blocks that are entered during a call in the blocks array.
  • 300 — Important level and up. This setting filters out all blocks from the blocks array, except those containing data that will change from call to call (such as the Menu block and User Input block).

Sample value: 300
Default value: 300

Category: Audit
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
Yes Yes No Enable or disable audit logs captured in Elasticsearch.

Sample value: false
Default value: false

Yes Yes No Enable or Disable audit logs captured in the file system under the logs directory or in standard output.

Sample value: true
Default value: true

Yes Yes No The maximum size of data object for which a difference will be captured in the audit logs, value in bytes. That is, the difference between the Designer object's old value and new value.

Sample value: 1000000
Default value: 1000000

Yes Yes No Control whether reading of Designer objects is captured in audit trails. If enabled any Designer object viewed in the UI will be recorded in the audit logs.

Sample value: false
Default value: false

Category: Authorization
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
Yes Yes No Controls if Designer reads and enforces permissions associated with the logged in user's roles.

Sample value: false
Default value: false

Yes Yes No In a Role object, the name of the section within the Annex where the privileges are stored.

Sample value: CfgGenesysAdministratorServer
Default value: CfgGenesysAdministratorServer

Yes Yes No Controls if Designer allows partitioning of the Designer workspace and restricts a user's access to Designer objects in the user's partitions.

Sample value: false
Default value: false

Category: Collaboration
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
Yes No No The type of locking used, in an editing session for applications, modules, or data tables. Valid values are: file, redis, none.
  • none - resources are not locked and can be edited simultaneously by multiple users which can result in one user overwriting another user's changes.
  • file - uses files to keep track of locks and relies on shared storage (for example, NFS) to make lock files available to each Designer pod. Lock files are stored in the same location as the user's Designer workspace.
  • redis - uses Redis for storing resource locks and is recommended for production environments.

Sample value: file
Default value: file

Category: DAS
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
Yes No No The server name Designer uses to generate the URL to the application. ORS and MCP fetch the application code and other resources from this URL.

Sample value:
Default value: localhost

applicationPort Yes No No The corresponding port to be used with applicationHost.

Sample value: 80
Default value: 80

deployURL Yes No No This is normally not changed. It is the relative path to the workspace on DAS.

Sample value: /workspace
Default value: /workspace

Category: Digital
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
Yes Yes No If specified, this is used to filter which Root Categories to display when selecting Standard Responses.

Sample value: Any REGular EXpression (REGEX).

Yes No Yes

Section: flowsettings

Specify how many times the same application can process a specific digital interaction.

Sample value: 20
Default value: 20

Category: External APIs
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
Yes Yes Yes

Secion: flowsettings

Specify the proxy used for external requests and nexus API calls (if enable_proxy is true).

Sample value: [

Yes Yes Yes

Section: flowsettings

Specify the backup proxy used for external requests and nexus API calls (if enable_proxy is true), when httpProxy is down.

Sample value: [

Category: Features
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
features Yes Yes No This is an object. See the 5.5 Features section for a list of supported features.

Default value:

  nexus: true,
  enableBulkAudioImport: true
Category: GWS
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
usehtcc Yes No No Set to true so that Designer works with GWS. If set to false, Designer defaults to a local mode and may be used temporarily if GWS is unavailable.

Sample value: true
Default value: false

htccServer Yes No No GWS Server

Sample value:
Default value:

htccport Yes No No GWS port.

Sample value: 80
Default value: 80

ssoLoginUrl Yes No No URL of GWS authentication UI. Designer redirects to this URL for authentication.

Sample value:
Default value:

Yes No No For batch operations to GWS, the max number of concurrent requests that Designer will send to GWS.

Sample value: 5
Default value: 5

Yes No No For batch operations to GWS, the time, in milliseconds, for which duration Designer stores the results of a batch operation on the server, before deleting them.

Sample value: 100000
Default value: 100000

Category: Help
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
Yes No No URL for Designer documentation.

Default value:

Category: IVR
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
Yes Yes No Specify the recording type to be used in Record block. Set as GIR. If the option is missing or blank, Full Call Recording type will be used.

Sample value: GIR
Default value: GIR

Category: Logging
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
logging: {
designer: { level:
debug },
audit: { level: trace},
auditdebug: { level: debug },
cli: { level: debug }


Yes No No Specify Designer log levels. Each field has valid values: trace, debug, info, warn, error, or fatal.
  • designer - log level of Designer.
  • audit - log level of audit.
  • auditdebug - log level of audit debug, this will log detailed audit information.
  • cli - log level for cli commands executed on Designer.

Sample value:

logging: {
designer: { level: debug},
audit: { level: trace },
auditdebug: { level: debug},
cli: { level: debug }

Default value:
logging: {
designer: { level: debug },
audit: { level: trace },
auditdebug: { level: debug },
cli: { level: debug }
Category: Nexus
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
No No Yes

Section: nexus

URL of Nexus that typically includes the API version path. For example, https://nexus-server/nexus/api/v3.

Default value:

No No Yes

Section: nexus

The Nexus x-api-key created by Nexus deployment.

Default value: dc4qeiro13nsof569dfn234smf

No No Yes

Section: nexus

Boolean value to indicate if httpProxy is used to reach Nexus.

Default value: false

No No Yes

Section: nexus

Enable Contact Identification via Nexus (for example, to enable Last Called Agent routing).
Category: Process
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
port Yes No No Designer process port in the container. Normally, the default value should be left as is.

Sample value: 8888
Defualt value: 3000

Category: Provisioning
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
Yes Yes No Specify the primary switch name if more than one switch is defined for the tenant. Designer fetches and works with route points from this switch.

Default value: us-west-1

Category: Routing
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
NO No Yes

Section: flowsettings

Specify the interval (in seconds) at which to refresh the Estimated Waiting Time when routing an interaction.

Sample value: 5
Default value: 1

Category: Redis
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
redis: {
host: "",
port: "",
tlsEnabled: true,
lockTimeout: 120,
listTimeout: 1800

Yes No No Used by Designer for resource index caching and multi-user collaboration locks on Designer resources.

It is a separate object that contains:

  • host - Redis host name.
  • port - Redis port.
  • tlsEnabled - TLS enabled or not.
  • lockTimeout - Timeout, in seconds, before a resource lock is released for an editing session of applications, modules, or data tables.
  • listTimeout - The cache expiry timeout (in seconds) of the application list and shared modules list. By default, it is 30 minutes. That is, any new application/modules created in the UI will be seen in the listing page after 30 mins. It can be reduced to a smaller value. This is to improve the page loading performance of the Applications and Shared Modules page. A better performance is achieved with a higher value.

Sample value:

redis: {
host: "",
port: "",
tlsEnabled: true,
lockTimeout: 120,
listTimeout: 1800

Default value:
redis: {
port: 6379,
tlsEnabled: true,
lockTimeout: 120,
listTimeout: 1800
Category: Security
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
Yes Yes No Defines the maximum zipFile size limit (in megabytes) during bulk audio import.

Sample value: 50

Yes Yes No Disable CSRF attack protection. For more information, refer to this topic in the CWE site.

By default, CSRF attack protection is enabled. It can be disabled by setting this flag to true.

Sample value: false
Default value: false

Yes No No Disables the secure cookies header.

Sample value: false
Default value: false

Category: Session
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
Yes Yes No Idle timeout, in seconds, before a user session is terminated while editing applications, modules, or data tables.

Sample value: 840
Default value: 840

Yes Yes No Timeout, in seconds, before a resource lock is released, for an editing session of applications, modules, or data tables.

Sample value: 120
Default value: 120

Yes Yes No Interval, in seconds, before the client sends a ping to the server, to refresh the lock for an editing session of applications, modules, or data tables.

Sample value: 15
Default value: 15

Category: Workflow
Setting Name flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json DesignerEnv Description Value
Yes Yes No Specify the maximum number of builds allowed per application.

Sample value: 20
Default value: 20

No No Yes

Section: flowsettings

Boolean value to indicate if PTE objects are enabled at runtime.

Sample value: true
Default value: false


The features specified in this section are configured under the features object in the flowsettings.json file or the tenantsettings.json file.

For example,

"features": {
           "nexus": true,
These features are configured only in the flowsettings.json file and the tenantsettings.json file, and not in the DesignerEnv transaction list.
Category Feature Setting Name Mandatory flowsettings.json tenantsettings.json Description Default Value
Audio enableBulkAudioImport Optional Yes Yes Enable/disable the bulk audio import feature. false
grammarValidation Optional Yes yes If this feature is enabled, Designer will validate invalid grammar files during grammar upload and you can upload only valid grammar files (GRXML or Nuance compiled binary grammar files). false
externalAudioSupport Optional Yes Yes If this feature is enabled, a new audio type, External Audio, is available in the Play Message block. It accepts a single variable that contains a URL to the audio resource. MCP will fetch this resource directly and play it. The only supported value of Play As is Audio URI. There is no automatic language switching for this audio type. false
Nexus nexus Optional Yes Yes Enable/disable the Nexus feature. false
Survey survey Optional Yes Yes Enable/disable the survey feature. true
UI Plugins plugins Optional Yes Yes Plugin configuration details.

(Steps are given below the table.)

plugins Optional Yes Yes Enable or disable the plugin feature. false
Milestone enableImplicitModuleMilestones Optional Yes Yes Enable reporting each Shared Module call as an internal milestone. If disabled, Shared Module calls will not generate a milestone. false
Bots enableDialogFlowCXBot Optional Yes Yes When enabled, Dialogflow CX bot type is added to the bot registry and available for selection in the Bot provider drop-down when you configure a new bot. false
Multisite Routing multisiteRouting Optional Yes Yes Enables the Override DN option in the Advanced > Targeting section of the Route Call block to Force Route the interaction to a specified DN. false

Adding a UI plugin to Designer

  1. Add the plugins array object in the flowsettings.json file (/ofs/designer/flowsettings.json).
    The plugins object contains all the input properties for the plugin app. This is a required property. Whenever there is a change in this object, refresh the browser for the changes to take effect.
    "plugins": [
          "url": "",
          "displayName": "Nexus PII Management",
          "placement": "messageCollections",
          "id":   "nexuspii",
          "mappings": {
                "prod": {
                    "G1-AUS4": ""
                "staging": {
                    "G1-USW1": ""
  2. Add the csplist array object in the flowsettings.json file (/ofs/designer/flowsettings.json).
    The cspList object contains the URL forms to be allowed by Designer's security policy. This is a required property. Whenever there is a change in this object, re-start the node container for the changes to take effect.
    If the URL is, the cspList would be:
    "cspList": ["**", "**", "**"]
  3. Turn on the plugins and nexus feature flags in the Designer tenantSettings.json file (/ofs/<tenantId>/config/tenantSettings.json).
    This is a required property. Whenever there is a change in this object, log out of Designer and log in again for the changes to take effect.
    If you want to enable the plugins feature for all tenants, add this feature flag in the flowsettings.json file. The feature is enabled for all the tenants under that bucket.
        "features": {
            "plugins": true,
            "nexus": true
  4. Add the url_<plugin-id> property under the plugins section, in Agent Setup. If there is no plugins section, create one. This section is for the tenant URL override. If the DesignerEnv setting (Transactions/Internal/DesignerEnv) is not provided, the plugin URL from the flowsettings.json file is considered.
    This is an optional property. Whenever there is a change in this object, log out of Designer and log in again for the changes to take effect.
    {"url_<plugin-id>" : ""}
Retrieved from " (2024-10-02 21:10:03)"
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