Tenant Provisioning
Learn how to provision Genesys Pulse.
Before performing the steps described on this page, complete the Before you begin instructions, and ensure that you have the following information:
- Versions:
- <image-version> =
- <chart-versions>= 100.0.000+0015
- K8S namespace pulse
- Project Name pulse
- Postgres credentials:
- <db-host>
- <db-port>
- <db-name>
- <db-user>
- <db-user-password>
- <db-ssl-mode>
- Docker credentials:
- <docker-registry>
- <docker-registry-secret-name>
- Redis credentials:
- <redis-host>
- <redis-port>
- <redis-password>
- <redis-enable-ssl>
- Tenant service variables:
- <tenant-uuid>
- <tenant-sid>
- <tenant-name>
- <tenant-dcu>
- GAuth/GWS service variables:
- <gauth-url-external>
- <gauth-url-internal>
- <gauth-client-id>
- <gauth-client-secret>
- <gws-url-external>
- <gws-url-internal>
- Storage class:
- <pv-storage-class-rw-many>
- <pv-storage-class-rw-once>
- Pulse:
- <pulse-host>
Single namespace
Single namespace deployments have a software-defined networking (SDN) with multitenant mode, where namespaces are network isolated. If you plan to deploy Pulse into the single namespace, ensure that your environment meets the following requirements for inputs:
- Back-end services deployed into the single namespace must include the string pulse:
- <db-host>
- <db-name>
- <redis-host>
- The hostname used for Ingress must be unique, and must include the string pulse:
- <pulse-host>
- Internal service-to-service traffic must use the service endpoints, rather than the Ingress Controller:
- <gauth-url-internal>
- <gws-url-internal></source>
Tenant provisioning
Install init tenant chart
Get the init-tenant helm chart:
helm repo update
helm search repo <pulsehelmrepo>/init-tenant
Prepare the override file:
- Update the values-override-init-tenant.yaml file (AKS):
# Default values for init-tenant. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # * Images # Replace for your values: registry and secret image: tag: "<image-version>" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent registry: "<docker-registry>" imagePullSecrets: [name: "<docker-registry-secret-name>"] configurator: enabled: true # set service domain used to access voice service # example for GKE VPC case: voice.svc.gke1-uswest1.gcpe002.gencpe.com voiceDomain: "voice.svc.<domain>" # set service domain used to access ixn service # example for GKE VPC case: ixn.svc.gke1-uswest1.gcpe002.gencpe.com ixnDomain: "ixn.svc.<domain>" # set service domain used to access pulse service # example for GKE VPC case: pulse.svc.gke1-uswest1.gcpe002.gencpe.com pulseDomain: "pulse.svc.<domain>" # set configration server password, used when create secrets cfgUser: "default" # set configration server user, used when create secrets cfgPassword: "password" # common log configuration cfgHost: "tenant-9350e2fc-a1dd-4c65-8d40-1f75a2e080dd.voice.svc.<domain>" log: # target directory where log will be stored, leave empty for default logDir: "" # path where volume will be mounted volumeMountPath: /data/log # log volume type: none | hostpath | pvc volumeType: none # log volume hostpath, used with volumeType "hostpath" volumeHostPath: /mnt/log # log PVC parameters, used with volumeType "pvc" pvc: name: pulse-init-tenant-logs accessModes: - ReadWriteMany capacity: 10Gi class: <pv-storage-class-rw-many> # * Tenant info # Replace for your values tenant: # Tenant UUID id: <tenant-uuid> # Tenant SID (like 0001) sid: <tenant-sid> # common configuration. config: dbName: "<db-name>" # set "true" when need @host added for username dbUserWithHost: true # set "true" for CSI secrets mountSecrets: false # Postgres config map name postgresConfig: "pulse-postgres-configmap" # Postgres secret name postgresSecret: "pulse-postgres-secret" # Postgres secret key for user postgresSecretUser: "META_DB_ADMIN" # Postgres secret key for password postgresSecretPassword: "META_DB_ADMINPWD" ## Service account settings serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: false # Annotations to add to the service account annotations: {} # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: "" ## Add annotations to all pods ## podAnnotations: {} ## Specifies the security context for all Pods in the service ## podSecurityContext: {} ## Resource requests and limits ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ ## resources: limits: memory: 256Mi cpu: 200m requests: memory: 128Mi cpu: 100m ## Priority Class ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/ ## priorityClassName: "" ## Node labels for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ ## nodeSelector: {} ## Tolerations for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ ## tolerations: [] # * Templates templates: - Agent_Group_Status.gpb - Agent_KPIs.gpb - Agent_Login.gpb - Alert_Widget.gpb - Callback_Activity.gpb - Campaign_Activity.gpb - Campaign_Callback_Status.gpb - Campaign_Group_Activity.gpb - Campaign_Group_Status.gpb - Chat_Agent_Activity.gpb - Chat_Queue_Activity.gpb - Chat_Service_Level_Performance.gpb - Chat_Waiting_Statistics.gpb - Email_Agent_Activity.gpb - Email_Queue_Activity.gpb - Facebook_Media_Activity.gpb - IFRAME.gpb - IWD_Agent_Activity.gpb - IWD_Queue_Activity.gpb - Queue_KPIs.gpb - Queue_Overflow_Reason.gpb - Static_Text.gpb - Twitter_Media_Activity.gpb - eServices_Agent_Activity.gpb - eServices_Queue_KPIs.gpb
- Update the values-override-init-tenant.yaml file (GKE):
- ImportantEnable configurator only for configurations in GKE with VPC scoped DNS.
# Default values for init-tenant. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # * Images # Replace for your values: registry and secret image: tag: "<image-version>" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent registry: "<docker-registry>" imagePullSecrets: [name: "<docker-registry-secret-name>"] configurator: enabled: true # set service domain used to access voice service # example for GKE VPC case: voice.svc.gke1-uswest1.gcpe002.gencpe.com voiceDomain: "voice.svc.<domain>" # set service domain used to access ixn service # example for GKE VPC case: ixn.svc.gke1-uswest1.gcpe002.gencpe.com ixnDomain: "ixn.svc.<domain>" # set service domain used to access pulse service # example for GKE VPC case: pulse.svc.gke1-uswest1.gcpe002.gencpe.com pulseDomain: "pulse.svc.<domain>" # set configration server password, used when create secrets cfgUser: "default" # set configration server user, used when create secrets cfgPassword: "password" # common log configuration cfgHost: "tenant-<tenant-uuid>.voice.svc.<domain>" log: # target directory where log will be stored, leave empty for default logDir: "" # path where volume will be mounted volumeMountPath: /data/log # log volume type: none | hostpath | pvc volumeType: none # log volume hostpath, used with volumeType "hostpath" volumeHostPath: /mnt/log # log PVC parameters, used with volumeType "pvc" pvc: name: pulse-init-tenant-logs accessModes: - ReadWriteMany capacity: 10Gi class: nfs-client # * Tenant info # Replace for your values tenant: # Tenant UUID id: <tenant-uuid> # Tenant SID (like 0001) sid: <tenant-sid> # common configuration. config: dbName: "<db-name>" # set "true" when need @host added for username dbUserWithHost: true # set "true" for CSI secrets mountSecrets: false # Postgres config map name postgresConfig: "pulse-postgres-configmap" # Postgres secret name postgresSecret: "pulse-postgres-secret" # Postgres secret key for user postgresSecretUser: "META_DB_ADMIN" # Postgres secret key for password postgresSecretPassword: "META_DB_ADMINPWD" ## Service account settings serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: false # Annotations to add to the service account annotations: {} # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: "" ## Add annotations to all pods ## podAnnotations: {} ## Specifies the security context for all Pods in the service ## podSecurityContext: fsGroup: null runAsUser: null runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: true ## Resource requests and limits ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ ## resources: limits: memory: 256Mi cpu: 200m requests: memory: 128Mi cpu: 100m ## Priority Class ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/ ## priorityClassName: "" ## Node labels for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ ## nodeSelector: {} ## Tolerations for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ ## tolerations: [] # * Templates templates: - Agent_Group_Status.gpb - Agent_KPIs.gpb - Agent_Login.gpb - Alert_Widget.gpb - Callback_Activity.gpb - Campaign_Activity.gpb - Campaign_Callback_Status.gpb - Campaign_Group_Activity.gpb - Campaign_Group_Status.gpb - Chat_Agent_Activity.gpb - Chat_Queue_Activity.gpb - Chat_Service_Level_Performance.gpb - Chat_Waiting_Statistics.gpb - Email_Agent_Activity.gpb - Email_Queue_Activity.gpb - Facebook_Media_Activity.gpb - IFRAME.gpb - IWD_Agent_Activity.gpb - IWD_Queue_Activity.gpb - Queue_KPIs.gpb - Queue_Overflow_Reason.gpb - Static_Text.gpb - Twitter_Media_Activity.gpb - eServices_Agent_Activity.gpb - eServices_Queue_KPIs.gpb
Install the init-tenant helm chart:
To install the init-tenant helm chart, run the following command:
helm upgrade --install "pulse-init-tenant-<tenant-sid>" pulsehelmrepo/init-tenant --wait --wait-for-jobs --version="<chart-version>"--namespace=pulse -f values-override-init-tenant.yaml
If installation is successful, the exit code 0 appears.
Validate the init-tenant helm chart:
To validate the init-tenant helm chart, run the following command:
kubectl get pods -n="pulse" -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=init-tenant,app.kubernetes.io/instance=pulse-init-tenant-<tenant-sid>"
If the deployment was successful, the pulse-init-tenant job is listed as Completed/. For example:
pulse-init-tenant-100-job-qszgl 0/1 Completed 0 2d20h
Install dcu helm chart
Get the dcu helm chart:
helm repo update
helm search repo <pulsehelmrepo>/dcu
Prepare the override file:
- Update the values-override-dcu.yaml file (AKS):
# Default values for dcu. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. replicaCount: "<tenant-dcu>" # * Tenant info # tenant identification, or empty for shared deployment tenant: # Tenant UUID id: "<tenant-uuid>" # Tenant SID (like 0001) sid: "<tenant-sid>" # * Common log configuration log: # target directory where log will be stored, leave empty for default logDir: "" # path where volume will be mounted volumeMountPath: /data/log # log volume type: none | hostpath | pvc volumeType: pvc # log volume hostpath, used with volumeType "hostpath" volumeHostPath: /mnt/log # log PVC parameters, used with volumeType "pvc" pvc: name: pulse-dcu-logs accessModes: - ReadWriteMany capacity: 10Gi class: <pv-storage-class-rw-many> # * Config info # Set your values. config: dbName: "<db-name>" # set "true" when need @host added for username dbUserWithHost: true mountSecrets: false postgresConfig: "pulse-postgres-configmap" # Postgres secret name postgresSecret: "pulse-postgres-secret" # Postgres secret key for user postgresSecretUser: "META_DB_ADMIN" # Postgres secret key for password postgresSecretPassword: "META_DB_ADMINPWD" redisConfig: "pulse-redis-configmap" # Redis secret name redisSecret: "pulse-redis-secret" # Redis secret key for access key redisSecretKey: "REDIS01_KEY" # * Image # container image common settings image: tag: "<image-version>" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent registry: "<docker-registry>" imagePullSecrets: [name: "<docker-registry-secret-name>"] ## Service account settings serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: false # Annotations to add to the service account annotations: {} # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: "" ## Add annotations to all pods ## podAnnotations: {} ## Specifies the security context for all Pods in the service ## podSecurityContext: {} ## Add labels to all pods ## podLabels: {} ## HPA Settings ## Not supported in this release! hpa: enabled: false ## Priority Class ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/ ## priorityClassName: "" ## Node labels for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ ## nodeSelector: {} ## Tolerations for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ ## tolerations: [] ## Pod Disruption Budget Settings podDisruptionBudget: enabled: false ## Affinity for assignment. ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity ## affinity: {} # * Monitoring settings monitoring: # enable the Prometheus metrics endpoint enabled: false # enable golden signals metrics (not supported for PE) goldenSignals: enabled: false # port number of the Prometheus metrics endpoint port: 9091 # HTTP path to scrape for metrics path: /metrics # additional annotations required for monitoring PODs # you can reference values of other variables as {{.Values.variable.full.name}} podAnnotations: {} # prometheus.io/scrape: "true" # prometheus.io/port: "{{.Values.monitoring.port}}" # prometheus.io/path: "/metrics" podMonitor: # enables PodMonitor creation for the POD enabled: true # interval at which metrics should be scraped scrapeInterval: 30s # timeout after which the scrape is ended scrapeTimeout: # namespace of the PodMonitor, defaults to the namespace of the POD namespace: additionalLabels: {} alerts: # enables alert rules enabled: true # alert condition duration duration: 5m # namespace of the alert rules, defaults to the namespace of the POD namespace: additionalLabels: {} ########################################################################## # * Configuration for the Collector container collector: # resource limits for container resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "300Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "200m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "4Gi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "8000m" # securityContext: {} # * Configuration for the StatServer container statserver: # resource limits for container resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "300Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "100m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "4Gi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "4000m" # securityContext: {} # * Configuration for the monitor sidecar container monitorSidecar: # resource limits for container resources: # disabled: true # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "30Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "2m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "70Mi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "10m" # securityContext: {} ########################################################################## # * Configuration for the Configuration Server Proxy container csproxy: # define domain for the configuration host params: cfgHost: "tenant-<tenant-uuid>.voice.<domain>" # resource limits for container resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "200Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "50m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "2Gi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "1000m" # securityContext: {} # volumeClaims contains persistent volume claims for services # All available storage classes can be found here: # https://github.com/genesysengage/tfm-azure-core-aks/blob/master/k8s-module/storage.tf volumeClaims: # statserverBackup is storage for statserver backup data statserverBackup: name: statserver-backup accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce # capacity is storage capacity capacity: "1Gi" # class is storage class. Must be set explicitly. class: <pv-storage-class-rw-once>
- Update the values-override-dcu.yaml file (GKE):
# Default values for dcu. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. replicaCount: "<tenant-dcu>" # * Tenant info # tenant identification, or empty for shared deployment tenant: # Tenant UUID id: "<tenant-uuid>" # Tenant SID (like 0001) sid: "<tenant-sid>" # * Common log configuration log: # target directory where log will be stored, leave empty for default logDir: "" # path where volume will be mounted volumeMountPath: /data/log # log volume type: none | hostpath | pvc volumeType: pvc # log volume hostpath, used with volumeType "hostpath" volumeHostPath: /mnt/log # log PVC parameters, used with volumeType "pvc" pvc: name: pulse-dcu-logs accessModes: - ReadWriteMany capacity: 10Gi class: <pv-storage-class-rw-many> # * Config info # Set your values. config: dbName: "<db-name>" # set "true" when need @host added for username dbUserWithHost: true mountSecrets: false postgresConfig: "pulse-postgres-configmap" # Postgres secret name postgresSecret: "pulse-postgres-secret" # Postgres secret key for user postgresSecretUser: "META_DB_ADMIN" # Postgres secret key for password postgresSecretPassword: "META_DB_ADMINPWD" redisConfig: "pulse-redis-configmap" # Redis secret name redisSecret: "pulse-redis-secret" # Redis secret key for access key redisSecretKey: "REDIS01_KEY" # * Image # container image common settings image: tag: "<image-version>" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent registry: "<docker-registry>" imagePullSecrets: [name: "<docker-registry-secret-name>"] ## Service account settings serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: false # Annotations to add to the service account annotations: {} # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: "" ## Add annotations to all pods ## podAnnotations: {} ## Specifies the security context for all Pods in the service ## podSecurityContext: runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 500 runAsGroup: 500 fsGroup: 0 ## Add labels to all pods ## podLabels: {} ## HPA Settings ## Not supported in this release! hpa: enabled: false ## Priority Class ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/ ## priorityClassName: "" ## Node labels for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ ## nodeSelector: {} ## Tolerations for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ ## tolerations: [] ## Pod Disruption Budget Settings podDisruptionBudget: enabled: false ## Affinity for assignment. ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity ## affinity: {} # * Monitoring settings monitoring: # enable the Prometheus metrics endpoint enabled: false # enable golden signals metrics (not supported for PE) goldenSignals: enabled: false # port number of the Prometheus metrics endpoint port: 9091 # HTTP path to scrape for metrics path: /metrics # additional annotations required for monitoring PODs # you can reference values of other variables as {{.Values.variable.full.name}} podAnnotations: {} # prometheus.io/scrape: "true" # prometheus.io/port: "{{.Values.monitoring.port}}" # prometheus.io/path: "/metrics" podMonitor: # enables PodMonitor creation for the POD enabled: true # interval at which metrics should be scraped scrapeInterval: 30s # timeout after which the scrape is ended scrapeTimeout: # namespace of the PodMonitor, defaults to the namespace of the POD namespace: additionalLabels: {} alerts: # enables alert rules enabled: true # alert condition duration duration: 5m # namespace of the alert rules, defaults to the namespace of the POD namespace: additionalLabels: {} ########################################################################## # * Configuration for the Collector container collector: # resource limits for container resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "300Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "200m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "4Gi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "8000m" # securityContext: # runAsUser: 500 # runAsGroup: 500 # * Configuration for the StatServer container statserver: # resource limits for container resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "300Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "100m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "4Gi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "4000m" # securityContext: # runAsUser: 500 # runAsGroup: 500 # * Configuration for the monitor sidecar container monitorSidecar: # resource limits for container resources: # disabled: true # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "30Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "2m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "70Mi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "10m" # securityContext: # runAsUser: 500 # runAsGroup: 500 ########################################################################## # * Configuration for the Configuration Server Proxy container csproxy: # define domain for the configuration host params: cfgHost: "tenant-<tenant-uuid>.voice.<domain>" # resource limits for container resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "200Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "50m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "2Gi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "1000m" # securityContext: # runAsUser: 500 # runAsGroup: 500 # volumeClaims contains persistent volume claims for services # All available storage classes can be found here: # https://github.com/genesysengage/tfm-azure-core-aks/blob/master/k8s-module/storage.tf volumeClaims: # statserverBackup is storage for statserver backup data statserverBackup: name: statserver-backup accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce # capacity is storage capacity capacity: "1Gi" # class is storage class. Must be set explicitly. class: <pv-storage-class-rw-once>
Install the dcu helm chart
To install the dcu helm chart, run the following command:
helm upgrade --install "pulse-dcu-<tenant-sid>" pulsehelmrepo/dcu --wait --reuse-values --version=<chart-version> --namespace=pulse -f values-override-dcu.yaml
Validate the dcu helm chart
To validate the dcu helm chart, run the following command:
kubectl get pods -n=pulse -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=dcu,app.kubernetes.io/instance=pulse-dcu-<tenant-sid>"
Check the output to ensure that all pulse-dcu pods are running, for example:
pulse-dcu-100-0 3/3 Running 0 5m23s
pulse-dcu-100-1 3/3 Running 0 4m47s
Install lds helm chart
Get the lds helm chart:
helm repo update
helm search repo <pulsehelmrepo>/lds
Prepare the override file:
- Update values in the values-override-lds.yaml file (AKS):
# Default values for lds. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. replicaCount: 2 # * Tenant info # tenant identification, or empty for shared deployment tenant: # Tenant UUID id: "<tenant-uuid>" # Tenant SID (like 0001) sid: "<tenant-sid>" # * Common log configuration log: # target directory where log will be stored, leave empty for default logDir: "" # path where volume will be mounted volumeMountPath: /data/log # log volume type: none | hostpath | pvc volumeType: pvc # log volume hostpath, used with volumeType "hostpath" volumeHostPath: /mnt/log # log PVC parameters, used with volumeType "pvc" pvc: name: pulse-lds-logs accessModes: - ReadWriteMany capacity: 10Gi class: <pv-storage-class-rw-many> # * Container image common settings image: tag: "<image-version>" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent registry: "<docker-registry>" imagePullSecrets: [name: "<docker-registry-secret-name>"] ## Service account settings serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: false # Annotations to add to the service account annotations: {} # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: "" ## Add annotations to all pods ## podAnnotations: {} ## Specifies the security context for all Pods in the service ## podSecurityContext: {} ## Add labels to all pods ## podLabels: {} ## HPA Settings ## Not supported in this release! hpa: enabled: false ## Priority Class ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/ ## priorityClassName: "" ## Node labels for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ ## nodeSelector: {} ## Tolerations for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ ## tolerations: [] ## Pod Disruption Budget Settings podDisruptionBudget: enabled: false ## Affinity for assignment. ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity ## affinity: {} # * Monitoring settings monitoring: # enable the Prometheus metrics endpoint enabled: false # enable golden signals metrics (not supported for PE) goldenSignals: enabled: false # port number of the Prometheus metrics endpoint port: 9091 # HTTP path to scrape for metrics path: /metrics # additional annotations required for monitoring PODs # you can reference values of other variables as {{.Values.variable.full.name}} podAnnotations: {} # prometheus.io/scrape: "true" # prometheus.io/port: "{{.Values.monitoring.port}}" # prometheus.io/path: "/metrics" podMonitor: # enables PodMonitor creation for the POD enabled: true # interval at which metrics should be scraped scrapeInterval: 30s # timeout after which the scrape is ended scrapeTimeout: # namespace of the PodMonitor, defaults to the namespace of the POD namespace: additionalLabels: {} alerts: # enables alert rules enabled: true # alert condition duration duration: 5m # namespace of the alert rules, defaults to the namespace of the POD namespace: additionalLabels: {} # * Configuration for the LDS container lds: # resource limits for container resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "50Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "50m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "4Gi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "4000m" # securityContext: {} # * Configuration for the monitor sidecar container monitorSidecar: # resource limits for container resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "30Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "2m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "70Mi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "10m" # securityContext: {} # * Configuration for the Configuration Server Proxy container csproxy: # define domain for the configuration host params: cfgHost: "tenant-<tenant-uuid>.voice.<domain>" resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "200Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "50m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "2Gi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "1000m" # securityContext: {}
- Update values in the values-override-lds.yaml file (GKE):
# Default values for lds. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. replicaCount: 2 # * Tenant info # tenant identification, or empty for shared deployment tenant: # Tenant UUID id: "<tenant-uuid>" # Tenant SID (like 0001) sid: "<tenant-sid>" # * Common log configuration log: # target directory where log will be stored, leave empty for default logDir: "" # path where volume will be mounted volumeMountPath: /data/log # log volume type: none | hostpath | pvc volumeType: pvc # log volume hostpath, used with volumeType "hostpath" volumeHostPath: /mnt/log # log PVC parameters, used with volumeType "pvc" pvc: name: pulse-lds-logs accessModes: - ReadWriteMany capacity: 10Gi class: <pv-storage-class-rw-many> # * Container image common settings image: tag: "<image-version>" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent registry: "<docker-registry>" imagePullSecrets: [name: "<docker-registry-secret-name>"] ## Service account settings serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: false # Annotations to add to the service account annotations: {} # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: "" ## Add annotations to all pods ## podAnnotations: {} ## Specifies the security context for all Pods in the service ## podSecurityContext: runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 500 runAsGroup: 500 fsGroup: 0 ## Add labels to all pods ## podLabels: {} ## HPA Settings ## Not supported in this release! hpa: enabled: false ## Priority Class ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/ ## priorityClassName: "" ## Node labels for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ ## nodeSelector: {} ## Tolerations for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ ## tolerations: [] ## Pod Disruption Budget Settings podDisruptionBudget: enabled: false ## Affinity for assignment. ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity ## affinity: {} # * Monitoring settings monitoring: # enable the Prometheus metrics endpoint enabled: false # enable golden signals metrics (not supported for PE) goldenSignals: enabled: false # port number of the Prometheus metrics endpoint port: 9091 # HTTP path to scrape for metrics path: /metrics # additional annotations required for monitoring PODs # you can reference values of other variables as {{.Values.variable.full.name}} podAnnotations: {} # prometheus.io/scrape: "true" # prometheus.io/port: "{{.Values.monitoring.port}}" # prometheus.io/path: "/metrics" podMonitor: # enables PodMonitor creation for the POD enabled: true # interval at which metrics should be scraped scrapeInterval: 30s # timeout after which the scrape is ended scrapeTimeout: # namespace of the PodMonitor, defaults to the namespace of the POD namespace: additionalLabels: {} alerts: # enables alert rules enabled: true # alert condition duration duration: 5m # namespace of the alert rules, defaults to the namespace of the POD namespace: additionalLabels: {} # * Configuration for the LDS container lds: # resource limits for container resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "50Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "50m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "4Gi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "4000m" # securityContext: # runAsUser: 500 # runAsGroup: 500 # * Configuration for the monitor sidecar container monitorSidecar: # resource limits for container resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "30Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "2m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "70Mi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "10m" # securityContext: # runAsUser: 500 # runAsGroup: 500 # * Configuration for the Configuration Server Proxy container csproxy: # define domain for the configuration host params: cfgHost: "tenant-<tenant-uuid>.voice.<domain>" resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "200Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "50m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "2Gi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "1000m" # securityContext: # runAsUser: 500 # runAsGroup: 500
Update values in the values-override-lds-vq.yaml file:
# Default values for lds.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
cfgApp: "pulse-lds-vq-$((K8S_POD_INDEX % 2))"
name: pulse-lds-vq-logs
Install the lds helm chart:
To install the lds helm chart, run the following command:
helm upgrade --install "pulse-lds-<tenant-sid>" pulsehelmrepo/lds --wait --version=<chart-version> --namespace=pulse -f values-override-lds.yaml
helm upgrade --install "pulse-lds-vq-<tenant-sid>" pulsehelmrepo/lds --wait --version=<chart-version> --namespace=pulse -f values-override-lds.yaml -f values-override-lds-vq.yaml
If the installation is successful, the exit code 0 appears.
Validate the lds helm chart:
To validate the lds helm chart, run the following command:
kubectl get pods -n=pulse -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=lds,app.kubernetes.io/instance=pulse-lds-<tenant-sid>"
Verify that the command reports all pulse-lds-vq pods as Running, for example:
pulse-lds-100-0 3/3 Running 0 2d20h
pulse-lds-100-1 3/3 Running 0 2d20h
Install permissions helm chart
Get the permissions helm chart
helm repo update
helm search repo <pulsehelmrepo>/permissions
Prepare the override file:
- Update values in the values-override-permissions.yaml file (AKS):
# Default values for permissions. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # * Image configuration image: tag: "<image-version>" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent registry: "<docker-registry>" imagePullSecrets: [name: "<docker-registry-secret-name>"] # * Tenant info # tenant identification, or empty for shared deployment tenant: # Tenant UUID id: "<tenant-uuid>" # Tenant SID (like 0001) sid: "<tenant-sid>" # common configuration. config: dbName: "<db-name>" # set "true" when need @host added for username dbUserWithHost: true # set "true" for CSI secrets mountSecrets: false # Postgres config map name postgresConfig: "pulse-postgres-configmap" # Postgres secret name postgresSecret: "pulse-postgres-secret" # Postgres secret key for user postgresSecretUser: "META_DB_ADMIN" # Postgres secret key for password postgresSecretPassword: "META_DB_ADMINPWD" # Redis config map name redisConfig: "pulse-redis-configmap" # Redis secret name redisSecret: "pulse-redis-secret" # Redis secret key for access key redisSecretKey: "REDIS01_KEY" # * Configuration for the Configuration Server Proxy container csproxy: # define domain for the configuration host params: cfgHost: "tenant-<tenant-uuid>.voice.<domain>" # resource limits for container resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "200Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "50m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "2Gi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "1000m" # securityContext: {} # * Common log configuration log: # target directory where log will be stored, leave empty for default logDir: "" # path where volume will be mounted volumeMountPath: /data/log # log volume type: none | hostpath | pvc volumeType: pvc # log volume hostpath, used with volumeType "hostpath" volumeHostPath: /mnt/log # log PVC parameters, used with volumeType "pvc" pvc: name: pulse-permissions-logs accessModes: - ReadWriteMany capacity: 10Gi class: <pv-storage-class-rw-many> ## Specifies the security context for all Pods in the service ## podSecurityContext: {} ## Resource requests and limits ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ ## resources: limits: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "500m" requests: memory: "400Mi" cpu: "50m" ## HPA Settings ## Not supported in this release! hpa: enabled: false ## Priority Class ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/ ## priorityClassName: "" ## Node labels for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ ## nodeSelector: {} ## Tolerations for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ ## tolerations: [] ## Pod Disruption Budget Settings podDisruptionBudget: enabled: false ## Affinity for assignment. ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity ## affinity: {}
- Update values in the values-override-permissions.yaml file (GKE):
# Default values for permissions. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # * Image configuration image: tag: "<image-version>" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent registry: "<docker-registry>" imagePullSecrets: [name: "<docker-registry-secret-name>"] # * Tenant info # tenant identification, or empty for shared deployment tenant: # Tenant UUID id: "<tenant-uuid>" # Tenant SID (like 0001) sid: "<tenant-sid>" # common configuration. config: dbName: "<db-name>" # set "true" when need @host added for username dbUserWithHost: true # set "true" for CSI secrets mountSecrets: false # Postgres config map name postgresConfig: "pulse-postgres-configmap" # Postgres secret name postgresSecret: "pulse-postgres-secret" # Postgres secret key for user postgresSecretUser: "META_DB_ADMIN" # Postgres secret key for password postgresSecretPassword: "META_DB_ADMINPWD" # Redis config map name redisConfig: "pulse-redis-configmap" # Redis secret name redisSecret: "pulse-redis-secret" # Redis secret key for access key redisSecretKey: "REDIS01_KEY" # * Configuration for the Configuration Server Proxy container csproxy: # define domain for the configuration host params: cfgHost: "tenant-<tenant-uuid>.voice.<domain>" # resource limits for container resources: # minimum resource requirements to start container requests: # minimal amount of memory required to start a container memory: "200Mi" # minimal CPU to reserve cpu: "50m" # resource limits for containers limits: # maximum amount of memory a container can use before being evicted # by the OOM Killer memory: "2Gi" # maximum amount of CPU resources that can be used and should be tuned to reflect # what the application can effectively use before needing to be horizontally scaled out cpu: "1000m" # securityContext: # runAsUser: 500 # runAsGroup: 500 # * Common log configuration log: # target directory where log will be stored, leave empty for default logDir: "" # path where volume will be mounted volumeMountPath: /data/log # log volume type: none | hostpath | pvc volumeType: pvc # log volume hostpath, used with volumeType "hostpath" volumeHostPath: /mnt/log # log PVC parameters, used with volumeType "pvc" pvc: name: pulse-permissions-logs accessModes: - ReadWriteMany capacity: 10Gi class: <pv-storage-class-rw-many> ## Specifies the security context for all Pods in the service ## podSecurityContext: fsGroup: null runAsUser: null runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: true ## Resource requests and limits ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ ## resources: limits: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "500m" requests: memory: "400Mi" cpu: "50m" ## HPA Settings ## Not supported in this release! hpa: enabled: false ## Priority Class ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/ ## priorityClassName: "" ## Node labels for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ ## nodeSelector: {} ## Tolerations for assignment. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ ## tolerations: [] ## Pod Disruption Budget Settings podDisruptionBudget: enabled: false ## Affinity for assignment. ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity ## affinity: {}
Install the permissions helm chart: To install the permissions helm chart, run the following command:
helm upgrade --install "pulse-permissions-<tenant-sid>" pulsehelmrepo/permissions --wait --version="<chart-version>" --namespace=pulse -f values-override-permissions.yaml
If installation is successful, the exit code 0 appears.
Validate the permissions helm chart:
To validate the permissions helm chart, run the following command:
kubectl get pods -n=pulse -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=permissions,app.kubernetes.io/instance=pulse-permissions-<tenant-sid>"
Verify that the command report all pulse-permissions pods as Running, for example:
pulse-permissions-100-c5ff8bb7d-jl7d7 2/2 Running 2 2d20h
Check init-tenant helm chart manifests:
To output the manifest into the helm-template directory, run the following command:
helm template --version=<chart-version> --namespace=pulse --debug --output-dir helm-template pulse-init-tenant-<tenant-sid> pulsehelmrepo/init-tenant -f values-override-init-tenant.yaml
Check dcu helm chart manifests:
To output the dcu Helm chart manifest into the helm-template directory, run the following command:
helm template --version=<chart-version> --namespace=pulse --debug --output-dir helm-template pulse-dcu-<tenant-sid> pulsehelmrepo/dcu -f values-override-dcu.yaml
Check lds helm chart manifests:
To output the lds chart manifest into the helm-template directory, run the following command:
helm template --version=<chart-version> --namespace=pulse --debug --output-dir helm-template pulse-lds-<tenant-sid> pulsehelmrepo/lds -f values-override-lds.yaml
Check permissions Helm chart manifests:
To output the Helm chart manifest into the helm-template directory, run the following command:
helm template --version=<chart-version> --namespace=pulse --debug --output-dir helm-template pulse-permissions pulsehelmrepo/permissions -f values-override-permissions.yaml