Architecture - Service Discovery

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This topic is part of the manual Genesys Voice Platform Private Edition Guide for version Current of Genesys Voice Platform.

Learn about Genesys Voice Platform- service discovery architecture


The following diagram displays the architecture of GVP Service Discovery.

For information about the overall architecture of Genesys Multicloud CX private edition, see the high-level Architecture page.

See also High availability and disaster recovery for information about high availability/disaster recovery architecture.

Architecture diagram — Connections

The numbers on the connection lines refer to the connection numbers in the table that follows the diagram. The direction of the arrows indicates where the connection is initiated (the source) and where an initiated connection connects to (the destination), from the point of view of Genesys Voice Platform as a service in the network.


Connections table

The connection numbers refer to the numbers on the connection lines in the diagram. The Source, Destination, and Connection Classification columns in the table relate to the direction of the arrows in the Connections diagram above: The source is where the connection is initiated, and the destination is where an initiated connection connects to, from the point of view of Genesys Voice Platform as a service in the network. Egress means the Genesys Voice Platform service is the source, and Ingress means the Genesys Voice Platform service is the destination. Intra-cluster means the connection is between services in the cluster.

Connection Source Destination Protocol Port Classification Data that travels on this connection
1 SD Configuration Server TCP 8888 Egress TCP messages. SD connects to configuration server to Check/Add/Delete MCP applications.
2 SD Consul Agent TCP 8500/8501 Egress TCP messages. SD periodically syncs with Consul to get information of MCPs registered in Consul.
3 Prometheus SD HTTP 9090 Ingress HTTP messages. SD metric upload to Prometheus.
4 Kubelet SD HTTP 8080 Ingress HTTP GET Requests and for liveness and readiness checks.
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