About Genesys Voice Platform

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This topic is part of the manual Genesys Voice Platform Private Edition Guide for version Current of Genesys Voice Platform.

Learn about Genesys Voice Platform and how it works in Genesys Multicloud CX private edition.

Genesys Voice Platform

Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) is a software-only, standards-based voice portal that provides cost-effective customer interactions, 24x7, for businesses using voice, video, the web, and the cloud. Functioning beyond traditional IVR systems, GVP provides touch-tone access to applications and incorporates speech recognition technology and video for conversational exchanges, better to identify and resolve customer requests.

GVP employs a VoiceXML-based media server for network service providers and enterprise customers. GVP is a self-service system that comes with Genesys Media Server and can provide media services simultaneously with VoiceXML self-service applications.

Media services available with GVP are:

  • Call parking
  • Call qualification
  • Call progress detection
  • Third-party call recording support
  • Call conferencing
  • Audio/video streaming

So GVP can be used to provide augmented routing and agent services in addition to self-service applications, proactive contact solutions and outbound calling media.

Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) comprises the following services:

Supported Kubernetes platforms

GVP services are supported on the following cloud platforms:

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

See the Genesys Voice Platform Release Notes for information about when support was introduced.

GVP Configuration Server

GVP Configuration Server service is the internal application that connects to the database for the GVP service.

Service Discovery

Service Discovery:

  • Allows MCP pods to be discovered via consul as they are scaled out and added to LRG in Config Server
  • Checks the tenant configmap and if there are new tenant information changes that are not in GVP Configuration Server
  • Creates/updates the tenant configuration, such as IVR profile in GVP Configuration Server

Reporting Server

Reporting Server (RS) receives the data and statistics submitted by the reporting clients (Resource Manager, Media Control Platform, and MRCP Proxy)

RS provides this service: storage in the SQLServer DB is used for billing and reporting purposes. RS uses persistent volume for storing the Active MQ journal files.

Resource Manager

Resource Manager (RM) is the first element to process requests for GVP services, and it interacts with the GVP Configuration Server to determine the tenant, the IVR profile, and the resource required to deliver the service. It then forwards the request to the resource that can deliver the service, such as Media Control Platform (MCP) and others.

Resource Manager acts as a SIP proxy for SIP traffic between any two SIP components in the GVP architecture.

Resource Manager also acts as a SIP notifier, accepting SIP SUBSCRIBE requests from SIP Server and maintaining multiple independent subscriptions for the same or different SIP devices.

K8s headless service is created to expose both the RM addresses. The K8s RM headless service name is configured in the sip-server cluster MSML DN (VOIP DN). SIP Server is enabled to use SRV, and the RM headless service name is used as SRV record for contacting RM.

When RM pairs are upgraded, the K8s RM headless service name remains the same, so there is no need to update the SIP DNs.

Media Control Platform

Media Control Platform (MCP) provides media services such as:

  • Call parking
  • Call qualification
  • Call Progress Detection
  • Third-party call recording support
  • Call conferencing
  • Audio/video streaming
Retrieved from "https://all.docs.genesys.com/GVP/Current/GVPPEGuide/Overview (2025-02-07 17:53:43)"
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