Upgrade, rollback, or uninstall Genesys Voice Platform

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This topic is part of the manual Genesys Voice Platform Private Edition Guide for version Current of Genesys Voice Platform.

Learn how to upgrade, rollback or uninstall Genesys Voice Platform.

Upgrade Genesys Voice Platform

Media Control Platform

MCP supports a canary upgrade, where a single instance of the statefulset (green) containing the new version is deployed along with the existing statefulset (blue).


Canary Upgrade

Add 1 instance of the new version in the green statefulset. Download the required Helm chart release from the JFrog repository and install. Refer to Helm Chart URLs.

Adding 1 instance of green with new version

helm install gvp-mcp-green ./<gvp-mcp-helm-artifact> -f gvp-mcp-values.yaml --set hpa.maxReplicas=1 --set replicaCount=1

Validating the upgrade

The readiness and liveness probes run some basic validation tests. To validate the deployment was successful, verify that all containers are running. and in Ready state.


kubectl get pods| grep gvp-mcp-green
NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
gvp-mcp-pipe-green-0                           4/4     Running   0          70m

Check for errors in the pod events.


Kubectl describe pod gvp-mcp-green-0

Complete the upgrade

Scale-up the green statefulset, assuming the overridevalues.yaml has the desired HPA min and max replicas.

Scale-up green with new version

helm upgrade gvp-mcp-green ./<gvp-mcp-helm-artifact> -f gvp-mcp-values.yaml

Uninstall old blue statefulset to complete the upgrade.

helm uninstall gvp-mcp-blue

Resource Manager

Upgrade with Helm

1. Download RM helm.

2. Navigate to gvp-rm-microservice-master\helmcharts\gvp-rm

3. Check and update RM version in chart.yaml [Optional]

4. Check and update values.yaml [Optional]. Refer to the Resource Manager Override Helm chart values.

5. Navigate to gvp-rm-microservice-master\helmcharts

6. Issue the following command: < helm upgrade <deployment_name> gvp-rm >

Command:  helm upgrade gvp-rm gvp-rm
RM upgrade

Service Discovery

Service Discovery is upgraded with a rolling restart of the single instance.


Download the required Helm chart release from the JFrog repository and install. Refer to Helm Chart URLs.

helm upgrade gvp-sd ./<gvp-sd-helm-artifact> -f gvp-sd-values.yaml

Validating the upgrade

The readiness and liveness probes run some basic validation tests. To validate the deployment was successful, verify that all containers are running and in Ready state.


kubectl get pods| grep gvp-sd
NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
gvp-sd-5d8c7bf4cf-znrqt                         2/2     Running   0          70m

Check for errors in the pod events.


kubectl describe pod gvp-sd-5d8c7bf4cf-znrqt

Reporting Server

You need an SQL server deployed and secrets created in Kubernetes cluster.

DB is pre-initialised and has data [Optional]

1.Download RS helm.

2.Navigate to gvp-rs-microservice-master\helmcharts\gvp-rs

3.Check and update RS version in chart.yaml [Optional].

4.Check and update values.yaml. Configure DB details in values.yaml. Refer to the Reporting Server Override Helm chart values.

  1. DB server name
  2. DB name
  3. DB username
  4. secretProviderClassName
  5. dbreadersecretFileName
  6. dbadminsecretFileName

5.Navigate to gvp-rs-microservice-master\helmcharts

6.Issue the following command < helm upgrade <deployment_name> gvp-rs

             Command:  helm upgrade gvp-rs gvp-rs

GVP Configuration Server

GVP Configuration Server is upgraded with a rolling restart of the single instance.


Download the required Helm chart release from the JFrog repository and install. Refer to Helm Chart URLs.

helm upgrade gvp-configserver ./<gvp-configserver-helm-artifact> -f gvp-configserver-values.yaml

Validating the upgrade

The readiness and liveness probes run some basic validation tests. To validate the deployment was successful, verify that all containers are running and in Ready state.

kubectl get pods| grep gvp-configserver

NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
gvp-configserver-0                             2/2     Running   0          70m

Check for errors in the pod events.

kubectl describe pod gvp-configserver-0

Rollback Genesys Voice Platform

Media Control Platform

The rollback procedure is to uninstall the new statefulset that was added during the canary upgrade.

Uninstall green statefulset during rollback

helm uninstall gvp-mcp-green

Scaling up/down the current stack

In the event that the current stack needs to be updated, for example making changes to the scaling policy but keeping the same version of the software, make the changes to the overridevalues.yaml and upgrade the current statefulset (blue in the example below).

Scale-up blue

helm upgrade gvp-mcp-blue ./<gvp-mcp-helm-artifact> -f gvp-mcp-values.yaml

Resource Manager

Rollback can be done using the below command:

helm rollback gvp-rm<deployment name>

Service Discovery

The rollback procedure is to uninstall the new version and re-install the old version.

helm rollback gvp-sd

Reporting Server

Rollback can be done using the below command:

helm rollback <servicename>

GVP Configuration Server

The rollback procedure is to uninstall the new version and re-install the old version.

helm rollback gvp-configserver

Uninstall Genesys Voice Platform

Media Control Platform

If there is only one MCP stack/statefulset, the uninstallation will cause service disruption.

Uninstall any statefulsets which are currently installed.

helm uninstall gvp-mcp-<blue/green>

Resource Manager

Uninstall Resource Manager using the following command:

helm uninstall gvp-rm<deployment name>

Service Discovery


Since there is only one Service Discovery instance, the uninstallation will cause service disruption.

Uninstall any statefulsets which are currently installed.

helm uninstall gvp-sd

Reporting Server

Uninstall Reporting Server by using the following command:

helm uninstall gvp-rs<deployment name>

GVP Configuration Server


Since there is only one GVP Configuration Server instance, the uninstallation will cause service disruption.

Uninstall any stateful sets which are currently installed.

helm uninstall gvp-configserver
Retrieved from "https://all.docs.genesys.com/GVP/Current/GVPPEGuide/Upgrade (2024-04-25 17:40:02)"
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