Provision Genesys Voice Platform

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This topic is part of the manual Genesys Voice Platform Private Edition Guide for version Current of Genesys Voice Platform.

Learn how to provision Genesys Voice Platform.

This page includes the following sections:

Tenant provisioning

GVP Service Discovery (SD) container is used for provisioning tenant object in GVP Configuration Server and creating application objects for - Configuration Server, Media Control Platform app objects under Resource Manager logical resource group.


GVP Service Discovery (SD) container (running in K8s) does the following:

  1. Runs a timer that gets invoked every 1 min by default (this is configurable).
  2. Checks Consul for the registered MCPs and then checks GVP Configuration Server (CS) for the MCPs present there and does the necessary addition/removal of MCPs from CS to sync with Consul data.
  3. Checks the tenant-inventory configmap in the gvp namespace of the K8s cluster and, if configmap is updated from the last run, then based on the new data creates/updates tenant information.
  4. Note that SD processes one tenant at a time.

The following objects are created in CS as part of GVP Tenant creation, and unless specified SD uses default values for those objects:

  • The Tenant object itself with properties set in the Annex section
  • The following IVR Profiles:
    • IVRAppDefault
    • conference
    • cpd
    • record
    • media
  • The following Transactions object (used by Recording Uploader):
    • hybrid_integration

For Tenant creation, the following parameters SHOULD be specified:

  • As part of Tenant provisioning, the tenant is registered to GWS and you get a GWS-CCID. This parameter is mandatory for GVP tenant creation.
  • The id for the tenant is a mandatory parameter. This can be arbitrary string, but the preferable value is the last 4-digits of the GWS-CCID.
  • The tenant name parameter is preferred to be populated.
  • The default-application parameter should be set to IVRAppDefault always.
  • The provisioned parameter should be set to 'true', unless the git pipeline workflow does that. Once this is set, then Service Discovery populates the tenant's contact center id (uuid) and the tenant's default IVR-Profile's dbid in Consul KV store.

Provision Consul to provide gvp_config_dbid and ivr_app_dbid parameters with Tenant ID and default IVR application ID values from the GVP Configuration Server database.


  • gvp_config_dbid is the DB ID for a particular tenant.
  • ivr_app_dbid is the DB ID for the default IVR application for that tenant.

Example request:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" https://<consul_url>/v1/kv/tenants/<tenant_uuid>/gvp
"gvp_config_dbid": "161",
"ivr_app_dbid"  : "217"

Use Case 1 - Deploy New Tenant

  • As mentioned above, deploying a new tenant with SD and CS simply boils down to creating a configmap in your K8s cluster under gvp namespace.

Note: SD doesn't support creating multiple tenants in bulk, so you need to provide one JSON data file per tenant and repeat the process for multiple tenants.

  • A bare minimum JSON should contain the minimal set of parameters mentioned above:
    "name": "CustomerX",
    "id": "2026",
    "gws-ccid": "285bd12f-5e4a-4c76-ad93-752ee1a82026",
    "default-application": "IVRAppDefault"
  • Delete the existing tenant-inventory configmap if any: kubectl -n gvp delete configmap tenant-inventory --ignore-not-found
  • Create the configmap with your JSON file: kubectl -n gvp create configmap tenant-inventory --from-file tenant-2026.json
  • This configmap is mounted as a volume in SD - so the new JSON is updated in the /etc/config folder of the SD container.
[genesys@gvp-sd-bfcdd567f-8hrzm config]$ pwd
[genesys@gvp-sd-bfcdd567f-8hrzm config]$ ls -ls
total 0
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 May  5 12:59 tenant-2026.json > 2026.json
  • In the next cycle, SD will detect the new file and process it - thus creating/updating tenant and the associated objects.
  • Once processed, SD ignores the file in subsequent cycles.

Use Case 2 - Update Existing Tenant

Note: Service Discovery cannot change/update configuration for Environment tenant. This limitation will be addressed in future release.

The mechanism for updating existing tenant is very similar to deploying new tenant. In this case, the existing JSON for the tenant needs to be updated with new parameters.

Note: You MUST always keep the minimal set of parameters present in the JSON even if in the case of update.

Example 1 - Recording destination provisioning for recording uploader

WEM provisioning is supported through the hybrid_integration transactions object. Only change is to specify the additional WEM parameters in the Tenant JSON file. An example JSON file with the WEM parameters may look like the following:

    "name": "CustomerX",
    "id": "2026",
    "gws-ccid": "285bd12f-5e4a-4c76-ad93-752ee1a82026",
    "default-application": "IVRAppDefault",
    "provisioned": "true", 
    "transactions": {
        "name": "hybrid_integration",
        "recording-uploader.destFolder": {
            "destType": "Folder"
        "recording-uploader.destFolder.mediaUpload": {
            "folder_path": "/rup/recordings"

The rest of the steps are the same as above. Delete existing configmap and create new with updated JSON.

Provisioning Nexus connection in GVP MCP

Integrating MCP to Nexus for Dialogflow voicebot

This section explains how to integrate MCP to Nexus for Dialogflow voicebot.


The following are the pre-requisites for integrating MCP to Nexus for Dialogflow voicebot:

  1. The Nexus bot endpoint URL. For example:
  2. You should register the Tenant to Nexus.
  3. Verify that the Nexus API key is configured for the tenant by logging into the Tenant’s Configuration Server > Transactions > DesginerEnv > Nexus.


Update the following parameters in the section mcpConfig in the values.yaml file and deploy/redeploy MCP:
nexus_asr1.pool.size: 1

  nexus_asr1.provision.vrm.client.resource.uri: "[\"ws://\"]"

  nexus_asr1.provision.vrm.client.resource.type: "ASR" "ASRC"

  nexus_asr1.provision.vrm.client.resource.engines: "nexus" "mulaw" 8000 true

  nexus_asr1.provision.vrm.client.resource.certificate: ""

  nexus_asr1.provision.vrm.client.resource.privatekey: ""

  nexus_asr1.provision.vrm.client.resource.proxy: ""

  nexus_asr1.provision.vrm.client.TransportProtocol: "WEBSOCKET"
The mandatory parameters are:
You can leave the remaining parameters as default.

For more information on the above-mentioned parameters, refer to Configure Genesys Voice Platform.


Make test calls and check the following statements in MCP logs:
Int 50148 5A1A9632-10053FC2 140635978869056 asr_open 5A1A9632-10053FC2-asr-nexus-471699/success
Int 50149 5A1A9632-10053FC2 140635978869056 asr_close 5A1A9632-10053FC2-asr-nexus-471699
Int 50159 5A1A9632-10053FC2-asr-nexus-471699 140635978869056 ws_stats 5c49970a-d41a-91f5-6ece-af6d71bf2120 Tx: total 477/76320, sent 477/76320, failed 0/0, dropped 0/0 Rx: 0/0

Integrating MCP to Nexus for Agent Assist

This section explains how to integrate MCP to Nexus for Agent Assist.


The following are the pre-requisites for Integrating MCP to NEXUS for Agent Assist:

  1. The Nexus Agent Assist endpoint URL. For example:
  2. You should register the Tenant to Nexus.
  3. The GWS URL and client secrets. For example:


For configuration, complete these steps:

  1. Create a new Kubernetes secret:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: shared-gauth-gvp-client-secret
      namespace: gvp
    type: Opaque
     gauth-gvp-client-secret: $CLIENT_SECRET
    Note: As regards Client secret, you must obtain the value from your GWS and replace “$CLIENT_SECRET " with the actual secret.
  2. Update the following parameters in the section secrets in the values.yaml file:
     enabled: true
     clientName: "gvp_client"
       secretName: "shared-gauth-gvp-client-secret"
       secretKey: "gauth-gvp-client-secret"
  3. Update the following parameters in the section gws in the values.yaml file and deploy/redeploy MCP:
      authEndpoint: $<GWS_URL>
    Note: Replace “$<GWS_URL>" with the actual URL.
  4. Add the following parameters to record the IVR profile of the Tenant:
    "recordingclient.stream1.dest": "fixed,<nexus Agent Assist URL>",
    "recordingclient.stream1.dialogflow.engineId": "fixed,dfaa",
    "recordingclient.stream1.encoding": "fixed,audio/mulaw",
    "recordingclient.stream1.gauth": "fixed,true",
    "recordingclient.stream1.xccid": "fixed,true",
    "recordingclient.gvp.config.msml.record.enablesipfilerecording": "fixed,true"


Make test calls and check the following statements in the MCP logs:
Int 50156 F5099632-100028BD-0_268435867 140575662311744 streamer_open 0_268435867success
Int 50157 F5099632-100028BD-0_268435867 140575662311744 streamer_close 0_268435867
The MCP metrics section includes the following Nexus-related triggers:
MCP_WEBSOCKET_CLIENT_OPEN_ERROR A websocket client error opening a connection to service, such as Nexus
MCP_WEBSOCKET_CLIENT_PROTOCOL_ERROR A websocket client received a protocol error from the service, such as Nexus
Retrieved from " (2024-10-02 07:12:01)"
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