Voice Platform Reporting Server metrics and alerts
Find the metrics Voice Platform Reporting Server exposes and the alerts defined for Voice Platform Reporting Server.
Service | CRD or annotations? | Port | Endpoint/Selector | Metrics update interval |
Voice Platform Reporting Server | ServiceMonitor / PodMonitor | 9116 | Metrics endpoint:
curl -v "http://<RS_POD_IP>:9116/snmp?target=" Enabling metrics: Service/Pod Monitoring Settings prometheus:
enabled: true
port: 9116 Enable for Prometheus operator podMonitor:
enabled: true
path: /snmp
module: [ if_mib ]
target: [ ] monitoring:
See details about:
Metrics[edit source]
Metric and description | Metric details | Indicator of |
The name of the message queue (rsQueueName{gvpConfigDBID="172",rsQueueIndex="1",rsQueueName="rs.queue.remote_cdr.rm"} |
Unit: DisplayString Type: Gauge |
Information |
Used to get the size of the message queue. (rsQueueSize{gvpConfigDBID="172",rsQueueIndex="1"} ) |
Unit: Unsigned32 Type: Gauge |
Traffic |
Used to get dequeue value of the message queue. (rsDequeueCount{gvpConfigDBID="172",rsQueueIndex="1"} ) |
Unit: Counter64 Type: Counter |
Traffic |
Used to get enqueue value of the message queue. (rsEnqueueCount{gvpConfigDBID="172",rsQueueIndex="1"}) |
Unit: Counter64 Type: Counter |
Traffic |
The time (in hundredths of a second) since the RS was started. |
Unit: Unsigned32 Type: Gauge |
Information |
Alerts[edit source]
The following alerts are defined for Voice Platform Reporting Server.
Alert | Severity | Description | Based on | Threshold |
PodStatusNotReady | CRITICAL | The trigger will flag an alarm when RS pod status is Not ready for 30 mins and this will be controlled through override-value.yaml file. | kube_pod_status_ready | 30mins
ContainerRestartedRepeatedly | CRITICAL | The trigger will flag an alarm when the RS or RS SNMP container gets restarted 5 or more times within 15 mins | kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total | 15mins
InitContainerFailingRepeatedly | CRITICAL | The trigger will flag an alarm when the RS init container gets failed 5 or more times within 15 mins | kube_pod_init_container_status_restarts_total | 15mins
ContainerCPUreached80percent | HIGH | The trigger will flag an alarm when the RS container CPU utilization goes beyond 80% for 15 mins | container_cpu_usage_seconds_total, container_spec_cpu_quota, container_spec_cpu_period | 15mins
ContainerMemoryUsage80percent | HIGH | The trigger will flag an alarm when the RS container Memory utilization goes beyond 80% for 15 mins | container_memory_usage_bytes, kube_pod_container_resource_limits_memory_bytes | 15mins
RSQueueSizeCritical | HIGH | The trigger will flag an alarm when RS JMS message queue size goes beyond 15000 (3GB approx. backlog) for 15 mins | rsQueueSize | 15mins
PVC50PercentFilled | HIGH | This trigger will flag an alarm when the RS PVC size is 50% filled
kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes, kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes | 15mins
PVC80PercentFilled | CRITICAL | This trigger will flag an alarm when the RS PVC size is 80% filled
kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes, kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes | 5mins |