Voice Platform Configuration Server metrics and alerts

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This topic is part of the manual Genesys Voice Platform Private Edition Guide for version Current of Genesys Voice Platform.

Find the metrics Voice Platform Configuration Server exposes and the alerts defined for Voice Platform Configuration Server.

Service CRD or annotations? Port Endpoint/Selector Metrics update interval
Voice Platform Configuration Server Service/Pod Monitoring Settings Not applicable Service/Pod Monitoring Settings:
  createRule: true

Grafana Dashboard Settings:

 enabled: true

See details about:

Metrics[edit source]

No metrics are defined for Voice Platform Configuration Server.

Metric and description Metric details Indicator of

Alerts[edit source]

The following alerts are defined for Voice Platform Configuration Server.

Alert Severity Description Based on Threshold
ContainerCPUreached70percentForConfigserver HIGH The trigger will flag an alarm when the Configserver container CPU utilization goes beyond 70% for 15 mins container_cpu_usage_seconds_total, container_spec_cpu_quota, container_spec_cpu_period 15mins

ContainerMemoryUseOver90PercentForConfigserver HIGH The trigger will flag an alarm when the Configserver container working memory use is over 90% of the limit for 15 mins container_memory_working_set_bytes, kube_pod_container_resource_limits_memory_bytes 15mins

ContainerMemoryUseOver1GBForConfigserver HIGH The trigger will flag an alarm when the Configserver container working memory has exceeded 1GB for 15 mins container_memory_working_set_bytes 15mins

ContainerRestartsOver4ForConfigserver HIGH This alert is triggered when the Configserver container restarts in 15 mins exceeded 4 kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total 15mins

ContainerNotRunningForConfigserver HIGH This alert is triggered when the Configserver container has not been running for 15 minutes kube_pod_container_status_running 15mins

ContainerRestartsOver4ForServiceHandler MEDIUM This alert is triggered when the service-handler container restarts exceeded 4 for 15 mins kube_pod_container_status_running 15mins

ContainerNotRunningForServiceHandler MEDIUM This alert is triggered when the service-handler container has not been running for 15 minutes kube_pod_container_status_running 15mins
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