Deploy the Tenant Service
Learn how to deploy the Tenant Service.
For solution-level deployment information, see [[PrivateEdition/Current/PEGuide/GetStarted|]].
Deployment scenarios
More than one deployment scenario is supported, including single region, redundant and multi-region deployment, and multi-tenant deployment.
Single region/location/cluster
You deploy Tenant resources in a single Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster within the same or separate namespace (project) with the Voice platform. If shared resources are being deployed across all tenants, they must also be added to the same target namespace.
Before proceeding with the Tenant(s) deployment at a location, the following features are required:
- POD Monitor for all tenant pods
- FluentBit logging framework
The deployment must include the tenant-monitor module execution at a location, as described in tenant-monitor.
Single tenant
Basic deployment
Single-node deployment requires a single override file and one "tenant" module to deploy, with reference implementation described at Single service at one location.
Mandatory parameters for basic installation are:
- tenant uuid (v4)
- tenant nickname (becomes a Helm release name)
- all backend parameters (along with all secrets that may be required based on these parameters)
To increase the number of nodes, adjust the node count parameter. For more information, see Scalability and redundancy parameters.
The upgrade can be performed by re-running deployment with the same mandatory parameters and adjusted version of tenant image(s) and Helm charts. The upgrade is performed automatically, one node at a time (if node count is > 1). The update of the tenant configuration may happen automatically upon upgrade of the primary node. Genesys recommends performing a backup of the backend database for a Tenant Service before upgrading.
Multiple tenants at one location
Basic deployment
Additional tenants can be deployed at the same location with following guidelines:
- Each Tenant Service must have a unique tenant uuid, shortid, and nickname.
- Each Tenant Service is deployed or upgraded and adjusted independently.
Multiple regions/locations/clusters
Basic deployment
In multi-regional/multi-location deployments, one region/location is considered "master" (from a tenant perspective) and includes the database backend with write capabilities. Other regions/locations have replicas of the database backend in read-only mode. A Tenant Service at each location may be deployed to have one of its nodes running as master (write access to provisioning data via config API) or have all its nodes running only as replicas (read access to configuration).
Multi-regional deployments have to be done according to these steps (with pre-requisites already satisfied at each region/location):
- If required, deploy the tenant-monitor module at a location planned as a master tenant node.
- Complete basic deployment of a Tenant Service in the master region, including specification of DR parameters for master, as per Scalability and redundancy parameters.
- Complete deployment of the database backend with replica of master database at location(s) where replica tenant nodes are expected to run, including provisioning of access keys/secrets to access local replica.
- If required, deploy the tenant-monitor module at location(s) , where replicas are expected to run.
- Complete basic tenant deployment for additional region(s) and specify DR parameters for a master region (see Scalability and redundancy parameters).
The same customization scenarios discussed for tenant nodes can be applied for each location independently.
Can be performed by re-running deployment with the same mandatory parameters and adjusted version of tenant image(s) and helm charts for every location. Update of tenant configuration may happen automatically upon upgrade of master node in master region. It is recommended to perform back up of the backend database for a Tenant Service before upgrading the master region.
Deploy the service
This section provides reference commands with key parameters that are required to complete each deployment step.
Before proceeding with the Tenant Service deployment, ensure you have completed procedures in the Configure security section of this guide.
Location-specific deployment steps
Monitoring/logging shared configuration and infrastructure deployment:helm upgrade --install --force --wait --timeout 600s -n voice tenant-monitor https://<jfrog artifactory/helm location>/tenant-monitor-$TENANT_MANIFEST_VERSION.tgz --username "$JFROG_USER" --password "$JFROG_PASSWORD"
create: "true"
enable: "true"
enabled: "true"
createSC: "false"
createpvClaim: "true"
logClaim: "tenant-logs-pvc"
logClaimSize: "5Gi"
logStorageClass: "azure-files"
Storageprovisioner: "TBD OC provosioner"
parameters: {}
Service-specific deployment steps
Single service at one location
A single-service deployment can be implemented with these sample parameters in tenant-node-values.yaml:tenantid: 9350e2fc-a1dd-4c65-8d40-1f75a2e080dd
replicaCount: 1
dbhost: "/opt/genesys/dbserver/dbserver"
dbuser: "/opt/genesys/dbuser/dbuser"
dbname: "/opt/genesys/dbname/dbname"
pgpwdSecretName: "/opt/genesys/dbpassword/dbpassword"
usesecret: "true"
pullSecrets: mycred
registry: <docker-repo>
tag: <version of tenant service>
registry: <docker-repo>
tag: <version of tenant service>
registry: <docker-repo>
tag: <version of tenant service>
enable: "true"
pulsemode: "setup"
enable: "true"
registry: <docker-repo>
tag: <version of roles service batch image>
cpu: "2"
memory: 4Gi
cpu: "1"
memory: 1Gi
readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 500
runAsGroup: 500
type: ClusterIP
serviceuser: "default"
serviceuserpwd: "<random-password-string>"
usetoken: "true"
token: "/opt/genesys/consul-shared-secret/consul-consul-voice-token"
volumes: |
- name: fluent-logs
emptyDir: {}
- name: tenants-fluent-bit-config
name: tenants-fluent-bit-config
- name: consul-shared-secret
secretName: consul-voice-token
- name: dbserver
secretName: dbserver
- name: dbname
secretName: dbname
- name: dbuser
secretName: dbuser
- name: dbpassword
secretName: dbpassword
- name: redis-config-secret
defaultMode: 420
secretName: redis-config-token
- name: kafka-secrets
defaultMode: 420
secretName: kafka-secrets-token
- name: redis-tenant-secret
defaultMode: 420
secretName: redis-tenant-token
volumeMounts: |
- name: fluent-logs
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/logs/JSON"
- name: consul-shared-secret
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/consul-shared-secret"
- name: dbserver
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/dbserver"
- name: dbname
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/dbname"
- name: dbuser
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/dbuser"
- name: dbpassword
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/dbpassword"
- name: redis-config-secret
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/redis-config-secret"
- name: redis-tenant-secret
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/redis-tenant-secret"
- name: kafka-secrets
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/kafka-secrets"
initVolumeMounts: |
- name: consul-shared-secret
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/consul-shared-secret"
- name: dbserver
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/dbserver"
- name: dbname
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/dbname"
- name: dbuser
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/dbuser"
- name: dbpassword
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/dbpassword"
enabled: "false"
enabled: "true"
port: 6379
isCluster: true
usesecret: "true"
usesecretenv: "false"
redisCacheSecretName: "/opt/genesys/redis-config-secret/redis-config-state"
redisTenantSecretName: "/opt/genesys/redis-tenant-secret/redis-tenant-stream"
enabled: "true"
usesecret: "true"
usesecretenv: "false"
kafkaSecretName: "/opt/genesys/kafka-secrets/kafka-secrets"
create: true
helm upgrade --install --force --wait --timeout 600s -n voice -f ./tenant-node-values.yaml tenant<shortid> https://<jfrog artifactory/helm location>/tenant-<helm version>.tgz --username "$JFROG_USER" --password "$JFROG_PASSWORD"
Deploy in OpenShift
Samples and references
Enabling a service admin password (the secret should be created as described in the Service account password section):
serviceuser: "default"
svcpwdSecretName: "/opt/genesys/service-user-account/svcpassword"
volumes: |
- name: service-user-account
secretName: svcuseraccount
volumeMounts: |
- name: service-user-account
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/service-user-account"
initVolumeMounts: |
- name: service-user-account
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/service-user-account"
Enabling GWS integration (the secret should be created as described in the Genesys Authentication backend secrets section):
enabled: "true"
usesecret: "true"
gwsuserSecretName: "/opt/genesys/gauth-client-id/clientid"
gwspwdSecretName: "/opt/genesys/gauth-client-token/clientsecret"
volumes: |
- name: gauth-client-id
secretName: gauthclientid
- name: gauth-client-token
secretName: gauthclientsecret
volumeMounts: |
- name: gauth-client-id
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/gauth-client-id/clientid"
- name: gauth-client-token
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/gauth-client-token/clientsecret"
initVolumeMounts: |
- name: gauth-client-id
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/gauth-client-id/clientid"
- name: gauth-client-token
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/opt/genesys/gauth-client-token/clientsecret"
Mount Persistent Volume Claim to store Tenant logs, then add the following override values in tenant-node-values.yaml:
volumes: |
- name: log
claimName: tenant-logs-pvc
volumeMounts: |
- mountPath: /opt/genesys/logs/volume
name: log
- mountPath: /logs
name: log
initVolumeMounts: |
- mountPath: /opt/genesys/logs/volume
name: log
- mountPath: /logs
name: log