Configure the Tenant Service

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Learn how to configure the Tenant Service.

Override Helm chart values

For additional information about overriding Helm chart values, see Overriding Helm Chart values in the Genesys Multicloud CX Private Edition Guide.

This section describes the purpose and use case for each configurable parameter in a Tenant Service deployment.

The content in the following tables is not intended to be actual values or the names of override options for the Helm charts; you can extract those later from the values.yaml file for each Helm chart.

Group Name Purpose Comments
version Tenant image versions Target image to install; must use same version for all init containers.
version Roles and permissions version Target version of roles and permissions to apply.
location Image location Target registry to pull images from.

Group Name Purpose Comments
Tenant name Nickname of the tenant. Human-readable name. The default value is the Helm release name.
Tenant uuid Unique identifier of all instances of the Tenant Service. All nodes deployed to handle the end-customer environment use that UUID that is also registered. The last four positions of the UUID are used as the short Tenant ID, when applicable.

Backend parameters
Group Name Purpose Comments
postgres database host A reference to the backend DBMS into which to persist the service. Either a direct value or a file path that points to a mapped volume with file content to be used as the DBMS name.
postgres database user A reference to the backend database into which to persist the service. Either a direct value or a file path that points to a mapped volume with file content to be used as the database username.
postgres database name A reference to the backend database into which to persist the service. Either a direct value or a file path that points to a mapped volume with file content to be used as the database name.
postgres database password parameters Either direct value or reference to a secret name and key that hold a value; depends on relevant Kubernetes secret flag and Kubernetes secret env map flag. These parameters control how password is being extracted by service. Direct value is supported to testing purposes. Secret name can be specified if password from external secret will be mounted as a volume and password exposed via file. Secret key can be specified if password will be mapped to environment variable.
postgres Kubernetes secret usage flags Indication of Kubernetes secret being used to keep password and whenever secret shall be mounted to env variable or expected to be mapped as a volume. Boolean values that force use of secret  (instead of direct database password).
postgres ssl usage specify secure connection preferences Allow or require TLS.
consul Kubernetes secret usage flags indication of Kubernetes secret being used to keep token and whenever secret shall be mounted to env variable or expected to be mapped as a volume boolean values that force use of secret  (instead of direct consul token value).
consul consul token parameters either direct value or reference to a secret name and key that hold a value, depends on relevant Kubernetes secret flag and Kubernetes secret env map flag these parameters control how token is being extracted by service. direct value is supported to testing purposes; secret name can be specified if token from external secret shall be mounted as a volume and token exposed via file; secret key can be specified if password shall be mapped to environment variable
redis Kubernetes secret usage flags indication of Kubernetes secrets being used to keep connection strings and whenever secrets shall be mounted to env variables or expected to be mapped as a volumes boolean values that forces use of secret  (instead of direct connection strings). applicable for all type of redis connections supported by tenant
redis redis connection string for tenant stream either direct value or reference to a secret name and key that hold a value, depends on relevant Kubernetes secret flag and Kubernetes secret env map flag these parameters control how string is being extracted by service. direct value is supported for testing purposes; secret name can be specified if value from external secret shall be mounted as a volume and connection parameters  exposed via file; secret key can be specified if string shall be mapped to environment variable
redis redis connection string for config cache either direct value or reference to a secret name and key that hold a value, depends on relevant Kubernetes secret flag and Kubernetes secret env map flag these parameters control how string is being extracted by service. direct value is supported for testing purposes; secret name can be specified if value  from external secret shall be mounted as a volume and connection parameters exposed via file; secret key can be specified if string shall be mapped to environment variable
redis cluster flag type of redis backend to connect indicate whenever backend for redis is cluster or standalone server (same is used for all types of redis endpoints)
kafka Kubernetes secret usage flags indication of Kubernetes secrets being used to keep connection strings and whenever secrets shall be mounted to env variables or expected to be mapped as volumes boolean values that force use of secret (instead of direct connection strings).
kafka Kafka connection string either direct value or reference to a secret name and key that hold a value, depends on relevant Kubernetes secret flag and Kubernetes secret env map flag these parameters control how string is being extracted by service. direct value is supported for testing purposes; secret name can be specified if value from external secret shall be mounted as a volume and connection parameters exposed via file;  secret key can be specified if string shall be mapped to environment variable

Kubernetes parameters
Group name purpose comments
Auth and Autorization Service Account Specify non-default service account that shall be associated with all PODs of a tenant service deployment PODs will be assigned default account if not specified. If required, a separate account will be created during tenant deployment and set to use by all PODs. This could be required if consul registration of tenant service relies on tenant's POD having Kubernetes accounts named after tenant service being registered. Service account is being created with name matching service name of as tenant (as visible in consul)
Auth and Authorization security context Adjust security context to run with random user If random user is used to launch tenant containers, an adjustment to security context is needed for all tenant containers. Tenant is running as user 500 in group/fsgroup 500 by default and it may use group/fsgroup 0 for random user. For more information, see Security context configuration.
Auth and Autorization Pod identity specify optional annotation to associate with POD in order to access Kubernetes resources PODs may be assigned an ADODB identity if needed
Scheduling pod node selector specify optional node pool selector for tenant PODs PODs can be assigned to a specific pool, if needed.   There is no default Kubernetes pool  selections
Scheduling pod  toleration specify optional toleration for tenant PODs PODs can be set to tolerate specific taints, There is no default tolerations
Scheduling affinity enable affinity of tenant PODs to provide high availability PODs of same tenant service may be forced to schedule in different locations (if supported by underlying infrastructure) using annotation when this is enabled. There is no affinity by default.
Scheduling priority class specify optional priority class for tenant PODs PODS may be assigned specific priority class; not set by default.

Logging parameters
Group name purpose comments
logging frameworks fluentbit Specify usage of fluentbit for tenant console logging Tenant PODs won't use fluentbit logging solution by default. Tenant-specific fluentbit configuration can be enabled when deploying tenant-monitor resources, and use of fluentbit sidecar can be enabled on tenant PODs afterward.
logging frameworks fluentbit config Specify config map with fluentbit sidecar configuration that should be mounted as a volume. If fluent is enabled in both tenant-monitor and tenant charts, a volume-referencing config map shall be specified, as below (if custom config map is created, map name can be set differently)
    - name: tenants-fluent-bit-config


       name: tenants-fluent-bit-config
logging frameworks fluentbit local storage Specify volume and volume mount where fluentbit logs will accumulate. If fluent bit is enabled, the following volume is added:
  - name: fluent-logs

     emptyDir: {}

and volume mount:

   - name: fluent-logs

     mountPath: "/opt/genesys/logs/JSON"

file logging logging persistent volume Specify usage of persistent volumes for logging by tenant  components that produce log files. Tenant PODs won't use persistent volume claims by default and no storage classes are created. Persistent volume claims can be added to tenant PODs when this is enabled.
file logging logging persistent volume storage class If use of persistent volume for logging has been enabled, storage class can be specified for these volumes as needed. If tenant PODS are set to use persistent volume claims, storage class can be specified explicitly for volume claims. Storage class is not specified in PVC by default.
file logging logging storage class   if logging to persistent volume is enabled and storage class has been specified explicitly then creation of storage class can also be enabled as needed tenant-specific storage class for persistent volumes won't get created by default, can be enabled when deploying tenant-monitor resources and later utilized by tenant PODs using same storage class name. storage class name shall be specified for this to work
file logging logging empty directory default logging mount path pointing to a Kubernetes empty directory volume part of default mounts provided for tenant service

Monitoring and observability
Group name purpose comments
prometheus Prometheus PodMonitor Specify if PodMonitor to scrape Prometheus endpoints of tenant pods should be created. Tenant-monitor doesn't create PodMonitor for Prometheus by default. Prometheus specific monitor can be created as part of infrastructure deployment when this is enabled.
prometheus Pod level annotations Alternative to enabling pod monitor.
Group name purpose comments
GWS GWS endpoint specify dedicated endpoint to  register tenant service upon initial deployment or upgrade when provided, define contact address to reach master GWS environment service that should be used to register tenant resources to make them available for GWS-based applications. by default, endpoint isn't specified and localhost connection attempt will be made by tenant container, GWS endpoint shall be reachable via service mesh upstream
GWS GWS endpoint tls mode enable https (secure) connection  mode to contact GWS endpoint when endpoint is provided, use of this parameter forces secure connection when accessing GWS on that address. NOTE: not available in initial release, only http connections are supported
GWS Kubernetes secret usage flags indication of Kubernetes secrets being used to keep client id and token and whenever secrets shall be mounted to env variables or expected to be mapped as volumes boolean values that force use of secret  (instead of direct client id and token).
GWS client id and token either direct values or references to secret names and keys that hold values, depends on relevant Kubernetes secret flag and Kubernetes secret env map flag these parameters control how client id and token is being extracted by service. direct value is supported for testing purposes; secret name can be specified if value from external secret shall be mounted as a volume and connection parameters exposed via file; secret key can be specified if string shall be mapped to environment variables
Service Mesh upstream services override upstream service references used by tenant instance to locate intra-service and platform dependencies via consul tenant POD has default service references that tenant service has to access via consul service mesh, this parameter allow to specify alternative values to make consul service names to tenant POD local ports allocated for service mesh.
voice sip domain provide sip communication domain for voice /sbc integration customize SIP URI used to deliver between tenant and core voice platform and / or SBC
Tenant service user provide name of service user account this account is being used to manage all parts of tenant service provisioning and is created at bootstrap
Tenant Kubernetes secret usage flags indicate usage of Kubernetes secrets to keep tenant service account password
Tenant service user password either direct value or references to a secret name and key that hold  values, depends on relevant Kubernetes secret flag and Kubernetes secret env map flag these parameters control how password for internal admin account is being accessed service. direct value is supported for testing purposes; secret name can be specified if password from external secret shall be mounted as a volume and password exposed as a file;  secret key can be specified if password shall be mapped to environment variables
Scalability and redundancy parameters
Group name purpose comment
Tenant node count manage number of nodes deployed per service instance by default service instance is being deployed with single node. if local high availability is required, additional nodes can be added to as service by value of this parameter and re-running deployment
Tenant master location manage location where master (writable) tenant node can be found for multi-regional deployments by default tenant service is deployed as master, and expects to have writable local database backend accessible at its location, this parameter is required when deploying additional regions of the same tenant at other locations and its content should match with the name of consul datacenter where master tenant nodes are deployed. it shall be set the same across all locations
Extended parameters
Group name purpose comment
postgres main volume mounts for backend secrets specify volumes and volume mounts for main tenant container that reference secrets to bound usage of volumes and volume mounts depends on backend parameters selected as part of backend provisioning. volumes and mounts need to be specified if backend secrets are provisioned to come from secrets mapped as file systems.  Note: Tenant has only one set of volume and volumeMounts entries in parameters overrides, all volumes for all purposes must be concatenated into one entry
postgres init volume mounts for backend secrets specify volumes and volume mounts for init containers (which are  started as part of tenant onboarding and require secrets to operate) Similar to volumes/mounts of main tenant container. Note: Tenant has only one set of initVolumes and initVolumeMounts entries in parameters overrides, all volumes for all purposes must be concatenated into one entry.
consul main volume mounts for consul token specify volume mounts for main container to bound for consul access creds usage of volumes and volume mounts depends on backend parameters selected as part of consul provisioning. Volumes and mounts need to be specified if consul token is being  provisioned from secret mapped as file systems. Note: Tenant has only one set of volume and volumeMounts entries in parameters overrides, all volumes for all purposes must be concatenated into one entry
consul init volume mounts for consul token specify volume mounts for main container to bound for consul access creds Similar to volumes/mounts of main tenant container. Tenant has only one set of initVolumes and initVolumeMounts entries in parameters overrides, all volumes for all purposes must be concatenated into one entry.
redis Only main container needs to be bound  
kafka Only main container needs to be bound

Configure Kubernetes

Configure security

Before you deploy the Tenant Service, be sure to read Security Settings in the Setting up Genesys Multicloud CX Private Edition guide.

Security context configuration

By default, the user and group IDs are set in the values.yaml file as 500:500:500, meaning the genesys user.

    # primaryApp containers' Security Context
    # ref:
    # Containers should run as genesys user and cannot use elevated permissions
    readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
    runAsNonRoot: true
    # base/centos7 uses uid=500
    runAsUser: 500
    runAsGroup: 500
    # ref:
    # fsGroup is only valid at pod level
    fsGroup: 500

Arbitrary UIDs in OpenShift

If you want to use arbitrary UIDs in your OpenShift deployment, you must override the securityContext settings in the values.yaml file, so that you do not define any specific IDs.

    # primaryApp containers' Security Context
    # ref:
    # Containers should run as genesys user and cannot use elevated permissions
    readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
    runAsNonRoot: true
    # base/centos7 uses uid=500
    runAsUser: null
    runAsGroup: 0
    # ref:
    # fsGroup is only valid at pod level
    fsGroup: null

Configure service-specific secrets

Postgres database backend

Database backend can be allocated as shared or dedicated. The Tenant Service requires a separate database. Once deployed, secrets with details of Postgres backend parameters must be created as follows:

kubectl create secret generic dbserver -n voice --from-literal="dbserver=<postgres service endpoint>"
kubectl create secret generic dbname -n voice --from-literal="dbname=<tenant DB name at postgres>"
kubectl create secret generic dbuser -n voice --from-literal="dbuser=<postgres user for tenant database>"
kubectl create secret generic dbpassword -n voice --from-literal="dbpassword=<password>"

Service account password

The default account that allows access to the Tenant Service config interface after initial deployment can be supplied a password through a secret. If not provided, password will be used  as a default value (empty passwords are prohibited by the Tenant Service).

kubectl create secret generic svcuseraccount -n voice --from-literal="svcpassword=<password>"

Genesys Authentication backend secrets

Genesys Web Services (GWS)/Genesys Authentication integration requires a client ID and token to allow the Tenant Service to register at GWS.

kubectl create secret generic gauthclientid -n voice --from-literal="clientid=<client id>"
kubectl create secret generic gauthclientsecret -n voice --from-literal="clientsecret=<token>"
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