Configure Telemetry Service

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This topic is part of the manual Telemetry Service Private Edition Guide for version Current of Telemetry Service.

Learn how to configure Telemetry Service.

Configure a secret to access JFrog

If you haven't done so already, create a secret for accessing the JFrog registry:
kubectl create secret docker-registry <credential-name> --docker-server=<docker repo> --docker-username=<username> --docker-password=<password> --docker-email=<emailid>
Now map the secret to the default service account:
kubectl secrets link default <credential-name> --for=pull

Override Helm chart values

Parameter Description Default Valid values
serviceMonitoringAnnotations.enabled Activation of Prometheus monitoring annotations on service. true
podDisruptionBudget.enabled Activation of pod disruption. true
enableServiceLinks Enable service links in single namespace environment. false
tlm.replicaCount Number of replicas. 2
tlm.image.registry docker registry.
tlm.image.repository docker registry. Telemetry
tlm.image.tag WWE image version.
tlm.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
tlm.image.imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets. []
tlm.service.type k8s service type. ClusterIP
tlm.service.port_external k8s service port external (for customer facing). 8107
tlm.service.port_internal k8s service port internal (for metric scrapping endpoint). 9107
tlm.ingress Ingress configuration block. See #Ingress. {enabled:false}
tlm.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU K8s allocates for container. 750m
tlm.resources.limits.memory Maximum amount of Memory K8s allocates for container. 1400Mi
tlm.resources.requests.cpu Guaranteed CPU allocation for container. 750m
tlm.resources.requests.memory Guaranteed Memory allocation for container. 1400Mi
tlm.deployment.strategy k8s deployment strategy. {}
tlm.priorityClassName k8s priority classname. genesysengage-high-priority
tlm.affinity pod affinity. {}
tlm.nodeselector k8s nodeselector map. { general }
tlm.tolerations pod toleration. []
tlm.annotations pod annotations. []
tlm.autoscaling.enabled activate auto scaling. true
tlm.autoscaling.targetCPUPercent CPU percentage autoscaling trigger. 40
tlm.autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas. 2
tlm.autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas. 10
tlm.secrets.name_override Name override of the secret to target. ``
tlm.secrets.TELEMETRY_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET GAuth client Secret value. ``
tlm.context.envs.* Environment variables for Telemetry Service. Please refer to TLM service documentation. ``

You can modify the configuration to suit your environment by two methods:

  • Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,
    helm install telemetry-service.tgz --set tlm.replicaCount 4
  • Specify the parameters to be modified in a values.yaml file.
    helm install --name tlm -f values.yaml telemetry-service.tgz

Configure Kubernetes


Configure security


Environment variables

Parameter Description Default Valid values
tlm.context.envs.TELEMETRY_AUTH_CLIENT_ID GAuth client ID value. telemetry_client
tlm.context.envs.TELEMETRY_CLOUD_PROVIDER Specify the mode how telemetry service should be executed: Possible values aws / azure / openshift. ``
`TELEMETRY_SERVICES_AUTH` URL of the GWS Auth public API. This is a mandatory field. http://gws-core-auth:8095
`TELEMETRY_AUTH_CLIENT_ID` The Client ID that is used to authenticate with GWS Auth service. telemetry_client
`TELEMETRY_CORS_DOMAIN` Domains to be supported by CORS. This can a comma separated list.
Add a `\` before `.` for regex matching. eg: `\.genesyslab\.com` (another `\` should be added when using quotes).
`TELEMETRY_TRACES_PROVIDER` The trace provider to use can be `ElasticSearch` or `Console`. ElasticSearch
`TELEMETRY_TRACES_CONCURRENT` The maximum of parallel bulk request to Elasticsearch at the same time. 3
`TELEMETRY_TRACES_THRESHOLD` The maximum buffer entries for Elasticsearch service. `400000`
`TELEMETRY_CONFIG_SERVICE` The data source to fetch configuration information. Possible values : s3, azure, env, or an empty string. none
`TELEMETRY_CONFIG_SERVICE_CORS` This overrides data source to fetch CORS configurations. Possible values : Same value as `TELEMETRY_CONFIG_SERVICE` or `environmentservice` for using the environment-service API (Uses the `TELEMETRY_SERVICES_ENVIRONMENT` variable). none
`TELEMETRY_CLOUD_PROVIDER` Cloud provider for the service. Can be `aws`, `azure`, `gcp` or `premise`. `aws`
`TELEMETRY_CONFIG_CONTRACTS` Stringified JSON array to provision contracts through `env` config provider. `[]`
`TELEMETRY_CONFIG_TENANTS` A Stringified JSON to provision tenants through `env` config provider. `{}`
`TELEMETRY_SERVICES_ENVIRONMENT` The URL of the GWS environment service API. Used only if environment service is used for configuration provisioning. value of `TELEMETRY_SERVICES_AUTH` http://gauth-environment-active.gauth

Prepare an environment

Create a new project namespace for Telemetry:

kubectl create namespace tlm

See Creating namespaces for a list of approved namespaces.

Download the telemetry helm charts from the JFrog repository:

Create a values-telemetry.yaml file and update the following parameters:

TELEMETRY_CORS_DOMAIN: "<domain for which cors has been enabled>"
  enabled: true

Copy the values-telemetry.yaml file and the tlm Helm package to the installation location.

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