Manage API keys

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This topic is part of the manual Digital Channels Administrator's Guide for version Current of Digital Channels.

Learn how to manage API keys for Digital Channels.

Related documentation:

Digital Channels allows management of chat and secure mail API keys. You can add or revoke API keys.

Access API Keys under Provisioning menu.DC api keys main.png

The following user rights are required to manage the API keys:

  • Nexus.ApiKeys.canView and Nexus.ApiKeys.canRead - to view the API Keys page
  • Nexus.ApiKeys.canCreate - to create new API keys
  • Nexus.ApiKeys.canUpdate - to update an existing API key
  • Nexus.ApiKeys.canDelete - to delete an existing API key

Create or edit an API key

To add a new API key, click Add API Key.

When you create a new API Key, the New API Key view opens on the right side of the page. To begin, give your API key a name and a permission it can use. You can choose either Secure Mail or Chat. The permission cannot be changed later.

The API key is enabled by default. If you want to disable it when creating the key, toggle the Enabled option (Des PII status.png).

If you want the API key not to expire, select the Will never expire option. Alternatively, if you want to set an expiration date for the API key, clear the Will never expire option and choose a date in the Expiration Date option.

Enable an API key

To enable an API key, toggle the Enabled option (Des PII status.png) from the API keys listing or from the API Key Details view.

Expire an API key

To expire an API key, clear the Will never expire option and choose a date in the Expiration Date option.

If a key is expired, the API Key Details view displays the date and time when the key expired. DC api keys expire info.png

If you want to extend the expiry date, select a new date in the Expiration Date option.

Delete an API key

To delete a key, just click the delete icon (Des PII delete.png). If you just want to disable the API key temporarily, consider changing the key's enable option instead.

Copy an API key

You can copy an existing API key with the Copy button (Des PII copy.png). This opens the New API Key view with the copied API information. The name of the API key includes "_N", where "N" is the number of the copy. For example: APIKEYtest_1, APIKEYtest_2, and so on.

Find an API key

To search for an API key, use the search box above the table. The results filter automatically based on the text you enter in the search box. You can search for an API key name or the person who created the key.

You can filter the available API keys by:

  • Status - Available (keys that are not revoked or expired), Unavailable (keys that are revoked or expired), and Soon Unavailable (keys that will be revoked or expire withing a month). Click on the button to toggle displaying the keys matching the selected option.
  • Permissions - Choose either Secure Mail or Chat from the dropdown to list keys that match the selected permissions.
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