Provision Genesys Web Services and Applications

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Learn how to provision Genesys Web Services and Applications.


  • You have installed the Genesys Authentication services and the following URLs are accessible:
    • <auth-url>/auth/v3/oauth/token
    • <auth-url>/environment/v3/environments
  • You have the ops credentials (admin_username and admin_password) from the values_gauth.yaml file.
  • Genesys Web Services and Applications services are accessible.
  • You have Configuration Server details such as hostname or IP, port, username, password, and cloud application name.

Create API Client

curl --location --request POST '<gauth-url>/auth/v3/ops/clients' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--user ops:ops \ ---------------------------- Cloud ops credentials (<username:password>) from values_gauth.yaml. The default value is ops:ops
--data-raw '{"data": {
 "name": "external_api_client", ----------------- <Client Name>
 "clientType": "CONFIDENTIAL",
 "internalClient": true,
 "refreshTokenExpirationTimeout": 43200,
 "client_id": "external_api_client", ----------------- <Client ID>
 "client_secret": "", --------------------------<Client Password>
 "authorities": ["ROLE_INTERNAL_CLIENT"],
 "scope": ["*"],
 "authorizedGrantTypes": ["client_credentials", "authorization_code", "refresh_token", "password"],
 "redirectURIs": ["https://gauth.<>","https://wwe.<>","https://gws.<>","https://prov.<>"], -----> should add gws/prov external URLS here
 "accessTokenExpirationTimeout": 43200
 "status": {
  "code": 0
"data": {
  "clientType": "CONFIDENTIAL",
  "scope": [
  "internalClient": true,
  "authorizedGrantTypes": [
"authorities": [
  "redirectURIs": [
  "accessTokenExpirationTimeout": 43200,
  "refreshTokenExpirationTimeout": 43200,
  "createdAt": 1619796576236,
  "name": "external_api_client",
  "client_id": "external_api_client",
  "client_secret": "secret",
  "encrypted_client_secret": "A34BOmXDedZwbTKrwmd4eA=="

Create Authentication Token

curl --location --user external_api_client:secret --request POST '<gauth-url>/auth/v3/oauth/token' \ ----- user is the API client created in the previous step

--data-urlencode 'username=ops' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=external_api_client' \ ------------------ client ID created in the previous step
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'password=ops'
    "access_token": "5f1ecb33-5c63-4606-8e30-824e494194c6",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "refresh_token": "f0c7eed6-cc55-426f-9594-7ae14903e749",
    "expires_in": 43199,
    "scope": "*"

Add Genesys Tenant/Environment

Complete this step after installing the Tenant service.
curl --location --request POST '<gauth-url>/environment/v3/environments' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer f3aa2109-8889-4182-b2b7-d86917c53e4e' \ ----- access token generated in previous step
--data-raw '{
   "data": {
      "id" : <CC-id>, which is used while deploying the Tenant service
      "username": "default", ---------------------------- Configuration Server username
      "password": "password", ------------------------- Configuration Server password
      "connectionProtocol": "addp",
      "remoteTimeout": 7,
      "appName": "Cloud", -------------------------- Cloud app
      "traceMode": "CFGTMBoth",
      "tlsEnabled": false,
      "configServers": [{
         "primaryPort": 2020, ---------------------- Configuration Server port
         "readOnly": false,
         "primaryAddress": "", ------ Configuration Server IP
         "locations": "/USW1"
      "localTimeout": 5,
      "tenant": "Environment"
   "status": {
      "code": 0
   "path": "/environments/d0fb6386-236c-4739-aec0-b9c1bd6173df" - Environment ID

Add Contact Center

Complete this step after installing the Tenant service.
curl --location --request POST '<gauth-url>/environment/v3/contact-centers' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 9901f8d6-0351-47f8-b718-7db992f53a02' \
--data-raw '{
    "data": {
        "domains": <customer-domain>,
        "environmentId": "343dd264-7c26-4f9e-82c5-26baedbcb797", ------- > Environment ID created in the previous step
        "auth": "configServer",
        "id" : <CC-id>, which is used while deploying Tenant service

    "status": {
        "code": 0
    "path": "/contact-centers/ed4c03f3-6275-4419-8b2b-11d14af10655" - Contact center ID

Record the contact center ID (also known as CCID) from the POST request above – you need it to provision other Genesys services. Now, open a web browser, navigate to the GWS URL and try to log in using any agent available in Configuration Server.

Update CORS settings

Please follow the Provision Genesys Authentication instructions for CORS settings.

Create an Agent Setup admin user

Complete the steps in this section to create an admin user for Agent Setup.

The Tenant service should be running and able to access Configuration Server.
  1. Log in to Configuration Manager.
  2. Create a Person (uncheck isAgent Checkbox) with userName: AgentAdmin.
  3. Add the created user to the Users access group as well as to the Agent Setup Administrators group.

Launch Agent Setup using the URL gws.<domain>/ui/provisioning and log in with the AgentAdmin user.

Refer to Get started with Agent Setup for more information.

Retrieved from " (2024-09-19 17:26:34)"
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