Provision Genesys Authentication

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This topic is part of the manual Genesys Authentication Private Edition Guide for version Current of Genesys Authentication.

Learn how to provision Genesys Authentication.

Provisioning for Genesys Authentication is tied closely with other Genesys services. You must install these services before continuing with the steps on this page:


  • You have installed the Genesys Authentication services and the following URLs are accessible:
    • <auth-url>/auth/v3/oauth/token
    • <auth-url>/environment/v3/environments
  • You have the ops credentials (services.secret.admin_username and services.secret.admin_password) from the values.yaml file.
  • The Tenant Service is accessible.
  • You have Tenant Configuration Server service details such as hostname or IP, port, username, password, and cloud application name.

Create a new API Client

Make a POST request to create a new API client for Genesys Authentication:

curl --location --request POST '<gauth-url>/auth/v3/ops/clients' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--user ops:ops \ ---------- Cloud ops credentials (<username:password>) from values.yaml. The default value is ops:ops
--data-raw '{"data": {
    "name": "external_api_client", ---------- <Client Name>
    "clientType": "CONFIDENTIAL",
    "internalClient": true,
    "refreshTokenExpirationTimeout": 43200,
    "client_id": "external_api_client", ---------- <Client ID>
    "client_secret": "", ---------- <Client Password>
    "authorities": ["ROLE_INTERNAL_CLIENT"],
    "scope": ["*"],
    "authorizedGrantTypes": ["client_credentials", "authorization_code", "refresh_token", "password"],
    "redirectURIs": ["https://gauth.<>","https://wwe.<>","https://gws.<>","https://prov.<>"], ---------- should add gws/prov external URLS here
    "accessTokenExpirationTimeout": 43200

The result includes the client_id you need to Create an authentication token:

"status": {
        "code": 0
    "data": {
        "clientType": "CONFIDENTIAL",
        "scope": [
        "internalClient": true,
        "authorizedGrantTypes": [
        "authorities": [
        "redirectURIs": [
        "accessTokenExpirationTimeout": 43200,
        "refreshTokenExpirationTimeout": 43200,
        "createdAt": 1619796576236,
        "name": "external_api_client",
        "client_id": "external_api_client",
        "client_secret": "secret",
        "encrypted_client_secret": "A34BOmXDedZwbTKrwmd4eA=="

Create an authentication token

Make the following POST request to create an authentication token:

curl --location --user external_api_client:secret --request POST '<gauth-url>/auth/v3/oauth/token' \ ---------- user is the API client created in the previous step
--data-urlencode 'username=ops' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=external_api_client' \ ---------- The client ID created in the previous step
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'password=ops'

The result includes the access_token you need to Add a Genesys tenant/environment:

    "access_token": "5f1ecb33-5c63-4606-8e30-824e494194c6",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "refresh_token": "f0c7eed6-cc55-426f-9594-7ae14903e749",
    "expires_in": 43199,
    "scope": "*"

Add a Genesys tenant/environment

Complete this step after installing the Tenant service.

Make the following POST request to create the Environment tenant:

curl --location --request POST '<gauth-url>/environment/v3/environments' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer f3aa2109-8889-4182-b2b7-d86917c53e4e' \ ----- access token generated in previous step
--data-raw '{
    "data": {
        "id" : <Tenant Service UUID> ---------- Tenant Service UUID you configured as part of the Tenant Service deployment
        "username": "default", ---------- Tenant Configuration Server service username
        "password": "password", ---------- Tenant Configuration Server service password
        "connectionProtocol": "addp",
        "remoteTimeout": 7,
        "appName": "Cloud", ---------- Cloud app
        "traceMode": "CFGTMBoth",
        "tlsEnabled": false,
        "configServers": [{
            "primaryPort": 8888, ---------- Tenant Configuration Server service port
            "readOnly": false,
            "primaryAddress": "tenant-839fa06b-6cbd-4af3-97d0-b579b850c4ec.voice.svc.cluster.local", ---------- Tenant Configuration Server service URI
            "locations": "/USW1"
        "localTimeout": 5,
        "tenant": "Environment"

The result includes the environment ID you need to Add a contact center:

    "status": {
        "code": 0
    "path": "/environments/d0fb6386-236c-4739-aec0-b9c1bd6173df" ---------- Environment ID

Add a contact center

Complete this step after installing the Tenant service.

Make the following POST request to add a contact center to the environment:

curl --location --request POST '<gauth-url>/environment/v3/contact-centers' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 9901f8d6-0351-47f8-b718-7db992f53a02' \
--data-raw '{
    "data": {
        "domains": [
        "environmentId": "343dd264-7c26-4f9e-82c5-26baedbcb797", ---------- Environment ID created in the previous step
        "auth": "configServer",
        "id" : <Tenant Service UUID> ---------- Tenant Service UUID you configured as part of the Tenant Service deployment

The result includes the contact center ID (also known as CCID) you will need to provision other Genesys services:

    "status": {
        "code": 0
    "path": "/contact-centers/ed4c03f3-6275-4419-8b2b-11d14af10655" ---------- Contact center ID

Add a data center

Make the following POST request to add a data center:

curl --location --request POST '<gauth-url>/environment/v3/data-centers' \
--user ops:ops \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "data": {
        "location": "/usw1", ---------- The region as per Genesys Multicloud CX name convention
        "entryPoint": <gauth-url>, ---------- For the location above
        "readOnly": false/true ---------- This should be false for a primary or writeable region only, true for all other regions

The result should look like this:

"status": {
        "code": 0

Update CORS settings

Make the following request to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and add URLs for each service that requires authentication. Note: CORS is required for Universal Contact Service.

Updates to the value field, which contains the list of URLs that require CORS permission, override any existing records. To preserve the existing records, make a GET request to collect the URLs and then append the new values as a comma separate list in your POST.
curl --location --request POST '<gauth-url>/environment/v3/contact-centers/<contactcenter-id>/settings' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 3f26790a-6e5b-4dc7-a139-ae78dab2a331' \ ---------- Bearer token
--data-raw '
      "value":"<URL_1>,<URL_2>,<URL_3>" ---------- URLs that require CORS permission

Clean up environments and contact centers

Complete the steps in this section to delete an environment and clean up its related objects, including the contact center and any related CORS settings.


Delete an environment

First, get your environments:
curl --location --request GET 'https://<gauth-url>/environment/v3/environments'  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <Bearer Token>'
The response includes all environments and related information:
Make note of and use this ID to delete the environment:
curl --location --request DELETE 'https://<gauth-url>/environment/v3/environments/<environment ID from previous step>' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <Bearer Token>'
The response:
Repeat the delete request for each environment. Confirm all environments are deleted by calling GET /environment/v3/environments again.

Delete a contact center

First, get your contact centers:
curl --location --request GET 'https://<gauth-url>/environment/v3/contact-centers/' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <Bearer Token>'
The response includes all contact centers and related information:
Make note of and use this ID to delete the contact center:
curl --location --request DELETE 'https://<gauth-url>/environment/v3/contact-centers/<contactcenter id>' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <Bearer Token>'
The response:
Repeat the delete request for each contact center. Confirm all contact centers are deleted by calling GET /environment/v3/contact-centers/ again.
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