Upgrade, rollback, or uninstall Genesys Authentication

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This topic is part of the manual Genesys Authentication Private Edition Guide for version Current of Genesys Authentication.

Learn how to upgrade, rollback or uninstall Genesys Authentication.

Upgrade Genesys Authentication from version

If you have installed Genesys Authentication version, before upgrading to a new version you must first prepare the PostgreSQL database.

Run the following psql commands:
env=# SET search_path TO env;
env=# delete from schema_version where version = '18';
env=# delete from schema_version where version = '18.1';
env=# drop table openid_providers;

Now follow the instructions in Upgrade Genesys Authentication to complete the upgrade to the new version.

Upgrade Genesys Authentication

Genesys Authentication supports a Rolling Update strategy to upgrade its services. To upgrade Genesys Authentication, first Override the Helm chart values.

Next, run the following command to upgrade:
helm upgrade -f values.yaml gauth ./gauth

Rollback Genesys Authentication

To rollback Genesys Authentication, you can either use the helm rollback command or the helm upgrade command and specify the previous values.

An example using helm rollback:
helm rollback gauth
An example using helm upgrade:
helm upgrade -f previous-values.yaml gauth ./gauth

Uninstall Genesys Authentication

Use the following command to uninstall Genesys Authentication:
helm uninstall gauth
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