How to manage workitems

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Here is everything you require to know to handle incoming WorkItems interactions with the Gplus Adapter for MS Dynamics

Inbound workitems from a known contact

After you log in and make yourself available, you can receive inbound WorkItem from the queue. When the Gplus Adapter alerts you of an incoming WorkItem, you receive a toaster notification with the information about the WorkItem interaction. WorkItems can transport arbitrary information depending which type of entity they represents. In the below example the notification displays:

  • the customer phone number
  • the Department
  • the type of WorkItem (inbound workitem)
  • the WorkItem subject

To answer the WorkItem Interaction, click Accept. When you accept a WorkItem from an already known customer, you receive a MS Dynamics screen pop of the record that matches the customer contact information. If you want to learn further on screen pops, see What are screen pops

GAMD Inbound WorkItem.png

GAMD Inbound Workitem Task.png

Below the WorkItem Interaction controls, the Adapter shows the Task Information section, where you can examine information about the WorkItem. Your administrator determines the access and content of the Case Information section. You can also set the Dispositions of the WorkItem Interaction.

The interaction remains active until you mark the WorkItem interaction done. Remember you can't sign out if there are any active Interaction. To learn more about logging out, see Adapter basics.


A workbin is like a personal queue or storage area where you can store email and workitem interactions to be handled later.

Agents typically may access only their own workbins. You can access workbins from the GPlus menu

GAMD WorkBinMenu.png

When you open the workbin you can see your WorkItems in progress

GAMD WorkBin Status.png

In the workbin view you can perform the following actions:

Icons Description
GASN WorkBin OpenWorkitem.png Open the workitem
GASN Workbin MarkDone.png Mark done the workitem
GASN WorkBin delete.png Delete the workitem

Relevant links

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