View table: ArticlePEServiceMetrics

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Table structure:

  • IncludedServiceId - String
  • CRD - String
  • Annotations - Wikitext
  • Port - Wikitext
  • Endpoint - Wikitext
  • MetricsUpdateInterval - String
  • MetricsIntro - Wikitext
  • AlertsIntro - Wikitext

This table has 103 rows altogether.

Page IncludedServiceId CRD Annotations Port Endpoint MetricsUpdateInterval MetricsIntro AlertsIntro
AUTH/Current/AuthPEGuide/AUTHMetrics b3193057-cc68-443e-961f-1d54c8b2f846 Annotations 8081 /prometheus Real-time Authentication Service exposes many Genesys-defined as well as system metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available metrics. The metrics documented on this page are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Authentication Service metrics not documented on this page.

The following system metrics are likely to be most relevant:

  • api_requests_seconds_count_total
  • api_requests_seconds_sum_total
  • jvm_threads_deadlocked
  • jvm_gc_pause_seconds_count
  • jetty_threads_current
  • jvm_memory_used_bytes
AUTH/Current/AuthPEGuide/ENVMetrics 94d22886-7976-4bce-9e98-0400c32c222b Annotations 8081 /prometheus Real-time Environment Service exposes many Genesys-defined as well as system metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available metrics. The metrics documented on this page are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Environment Service metrics not documented on this page.

The following system metrics are likely to be most relevant:

  • api_requests_seconds_count_total
  • api_requests_seconds_sum_total
  • jvm_threads_deadlocked
  • jvm_gc_pause_seconds_count
  • jetty_threads_current
  • jvm_memory_used_bytes
DES/Current/DESPEGuide/DAS Metrics e8818b81-a976-498c-bac3-3293d0b93b73 ServiceMonitor 8081 ?'"`UNIQ--source-00000007-QINU`"'?Labels to identify which service to communicate with depend on an unique label applicable to DAS.

Path: /metrics

10 seconds Given below are some of the metrics exposed by the DAS service:
DAS exposes many Genesys-defined as well as system metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available metrics. The metrics documented on this page are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available DAS metrics not documented on this page.
DES/Current/DESPEGuide/DES Metrics 1fc73d24-f1e5-45e1-a5ef-b642bbd83c9e ServiceMonitor 8888 ?'"`UNIQ--source-0000005A-QINU`"'?

Labels to identify which service to communicate with depend on the release name.

Path: /metrics

10 seconds Given below are some of the metrics exposed by the DES service:
Designer exposes many Genesys-defined as well as system metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available metrics. The metrics documented on this page are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Designer metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:AUTH/Current/AuthPEGuide/AUTHMetrics b3193057-cc68-443e-961f-1d54c8b2f846 Annotations 8081 /prometheus Real-time Authentication Service exposes many Genesys-defined as well as system metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available metrics. The metrics documented on this page are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Authentication Service metrics not documented on this page.

The following system metrics are likely to be most relevant:

  • api_requests_seconds_count_total
  • api_requests_seconds_sum_total
  • jvm_threads_deadlocked
  • jvm_gc_pause_seconds_count
  • jetty_threads_current
  • jvm_memory_used_bytes
Draft:AUTH/Current/AuthPEGuide/ENVMetrics 94d22886-7976-4bce-9e98-0400c32c222b Annotations 8081 /prometheus Real-time Environment Service exposes many Genesys-defined as well as system metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available metrics. The metrics documented on this page are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Environment Service metrics not documented on this page.

The following system metrics are likely to be most relevant:

  • api_requests_seconds_count_total
  • api_requests_seconds_sum_total
  • jvm_threads_deadlocked
  • jvm_gc_pause_seconds_count
  • jetty_threads_current
  • jvm_memory_used_bytes
Draft:DES/Current/DESPEGuide/DAS Metrics e8818b81-a976-498c-bac3-3293d0b93b73 ServiceMonitor 8081 ?'"`UNIQ--source-00000009-QINU`"'?Labels to identify which service to communicate with depend on an unique label applicable to DAS.

Path: /metrics

10 seconds Given below are some of the metrics exposed by the DAS service:
DAS exposes many Genesys-defined as well as system metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available metrics. The metrics documented on this page are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available DAS metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:DES/Current/DESPEGuide/DES Metrics 1fc73d24-f1e5-45e1-a5ef-b642bbd83c9e ServiceMonitor 8888 ?'"`UNIQ--source-0000005A-QINU`"'?

Labels to identify which service to communicate with depend on the release name.

Path: /metrics

10 seconds Given below are some of the metrics exposed by the DES service:
Designer exposes many Genesys-defined as well as system metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available metrics. The metrics documented on this page are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Designer metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:GAWFM/Current/GAWFMPEGuide/GAWFMMetrics 00211468-df69-4556-8281-d028ae2148c3
Draft:GVP/Current/GVPPEGuide/GVP Configuration Server Metrics 71357caf-d8ff-4720-985f-9d854b8e8766 Service/Pod Monitoring Settings Not applicable Service/Pod Monitoring Settings:


Grafana Dashboard Settings:


No metrics are defined for Voice Platform Configuration Server.
Draft:GVP/Current/GVPPEGuide/GVP MCP Metrics b83a47fb-1f8f-4675-acbf-93de4c2f631b Service/Pod Monitoring Settings 9116,



Metrics endpoints:


Service/Pod Monitoring Settings:


Grafana dashboard settings:


Draft:GVP/Current/GVPPEGuide/GVP Service Discovery Metrics c7464277-7b8a-4478-aabb-ab9398b3a4e4 Automatic 9090 ?'"`UNIQ--source-0000000D-QINU`"'?
Draft:GVP/Current/GVPPEGuide/Reporting Server Metrics 62ad5ef3-8215-4258-a2d6-cf010ffc92b3 ServiceMonitor / PodMonitor 9116 Metrics endpoint:


Enabling metrics:

Service/Pod Monitoring Settings


Enable for Prometheus operator



  • prometheusRulesEnabled: true
  •   grafanaEnabled: true


  •   monitorName: gvp-monitoring
Draft:GVP/Current/GVPPEGuide/Resource Manager Metrics 27055834-94d9-43e1-8935-90e64f68b7f5 ServiceMonitor / PodMonitor 9116,


Metrics endpoints:


Enable metrics:

Service/Pod Monitoring Settings?'"`UNIQ--source-00000002-QINU`"'?Enable for Prometheus operator?'"`UNIQ--source-00000004-QINU`"'?monitoring:

  • prometheusRulesEnabled: true
  • grafanaEnabled: true


  • monitorName: gvp-monitoring
  • logFilePrefixName: RM
Draft:GWS/Current/GWSPEGuide/GWSMetrics Use the following annotations for each pod: ?'"`UNIQ--syntaxhighlight-0000001D-QINU`"'?
  • gws-platform-setting - 48141
  • gws-platform-ocs - 48091
  • gws-platform-voice - 48041
  • gws-platform-statistics - 48071
  • gws-platform-configuration - 48031
  • gws-platform-datacollector - 48181
/prometheus <span style="background-color:yellow;">How often are metrics updated?</span> Web Services and Applications platform services expose many Genesys-defined as well as system metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available metrics. The metrics documented on this page are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available platform services metrics not documented on this page.

The metrics on this page are applicable to the following services:

  • gws-platform-setting
  • gws-platform-ocs
  • gws-platform-voice
  • gws-platform-statistics
  • gws-platform-configuration
  • gws-platform-datacollector

The following system metrics are likely to be most relevant:

  • jetty_requests_seconds
  • api_requests_seconds_sum_total
  • api_requests_seconds_count_total
  • jvm_gc_pause_seconds_count
  • jvm_gc_pause_seconds_sum
  • process_cpu_usage

For information about standard system metrics to monitor services, see System metrics.

The alerts in this table are applicable to the following services:
  • gws-platform-setting
  • gws-platform-ocs
  • gws-platform-voice
  • gws-platform-statistics
  • gws-platform-configuration
  • gws-platform-datacollector
Draft:GWS/Current/GWSPEGuide/WorkspaceMetrics b9c7bbe7-f284-4ecd-9d2d-4c3cb943de1f Use the following annotations for each pod: ?'"`UNIQ--syntaxhighlight-0000000B-QINU`"'? 48051 /prometheus <span style="background-color:yellow;">How often are metrics updated?</span> Workspace Service exposes many Genesys-defined metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available metrics. The metrics documented on this page are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Workspace Service metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:IXN/Current/IXNPEGuide/Interaction Server metrics ed7ae447-cc86-42d1-a856-92a802e32dd5 PodMonitor 13131,



option - default port 13131 - Endpoint: “/health/prometheus/all”

option ixnNode.ports.default - default port 13133 - Endpoint: “/metrics”

option - default port 13139 - Endpoint: “/metrics”

Note: The above options are references to ports that match endpoints. Use these options to perform the associated query.

Default This table includes IXN Server metrics and IXN Node metrics. IXN Node metrics begin with the prefix ixnnode.

Note: There are more metrics than the ones listed in the table. However, only the metrics listed in the table are supported.

Draft:PEC-AD/Current/WWEPEGuide/WWEMetrics N/A cAdvisor port (not specific to the WWE container) N/A N/A All the WWE Service metrics are standard Kubernetes metrics as delivered by a standard Kubernetes metrics service. These can apply to any similar pod. The WWE container does not expose any Prometheus endpoint that would expose service-defined metrics.

You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available system metrics exposed by WWE. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful:

  • container_cpu_usage_seconds_total
  • container_fs_reads_bytes_total
  • container_memory_working_set_bytes
  • container_network_receive_bytes_total
  • container_network_transmit_bytes_total
  • kube_pod_container_status_ready
  • kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total

For information about standard system metrics to use to monitor services, see System metrics.

For information about standard metrics to monitor Genesys Web services, see Genesys Web Services and Applications metrics and alerts.

Draft:PEC-CAB/Current/CABPEGuide/CallbackMetrics Supports both CRD (Service Monitor) and annotations 3050 /metrics Real-time updates GES exposes some default metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, and the state of the Node.js runtime, as well as metrics coming directly from the GES API such as the number of created callbacks, call-in requests, and so on. These basic metrics are created as counters, which means that the values will monotonically increase over time from the beginning of a GES pod's lifespan. For more information about counters, see Metric Types in the Prometheus documentation.

You might see metrics documented on this page that you cannot find on the endpoint or – if they exist – they might have no value. These are alert-type metrics. This type of metric is set when the condition it tracks is first encountered. For example, if GES has never experienced a DNS failure since it started, then no GES_DNS_FAILURE alert has ever been generated and the GES_DNS_FAILURE metric would not yet exist. For more information, see Alerting.

You might see metrics with almost identical names, except for case (upper or lower). Metrics with names ending in _tolerance are simply thresholds and exist at the level at which an alert is triggered; they are not the same as the metric used for monitoring. For more information, see Alerting.

You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that GES exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available GES metrics not documented on this page.

Draft:PEC-DC/Current/DCPEGuide/DCMetrics 6d2878ce-c095-4e7b-9654-eb9df0c3a368 Both &mdash; ServiceMonitor and annotations 4004 15 seconds Digital Channels exposes many Genesys-defined metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available metrics. The metrics documented on this page are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Digital Channels metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:PEC-Email/Current/EmailPEGuide/Email metrics and alerts 43df3e00-ef60-49d1-b48c-3d76210eb9cb Both or either, depends on harvester Default is 4024 (overridden by values) /iwd-email/v3/metrics 15 sec recommended, depends on harvester
Draft:PEC-Email/Current/EmailPEGuide/EmailMetrics 43df3e00-ef60-49d1-b48c-3d76210eb9cb Both or either, depends on harvester Default is 4024 (overridden by values) /iwd-email/v3/metrics 15 sec recommended, depends on harvester
Draft:PEC-GPA/Current/GPAPEGuide/GPAMetrics 2f20adfb-c996-4f2e-b2ce-19cd1d57f4e7 N/A cAdvisor port (not specific to the GPA container) N/A N/A All the WWE Service metrics are standard Kubernetes metrics as delivered by a standard Kubernetes metrics service. These can apply to any similar pod. The WWE container does not expose any Prometheus endpoint that would expose service-defined metrics.

You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available system metrics exposed by GPA. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful:

  • container_cpu_usage_seconds_total
  • container_fs_reads_bytes_total
  • container_memory_working_set_bytes
  • container_network_receive_bytes_total
  • container_network_transmit_bytes_total
  • kube_pod_container_status_ready
  • kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total

For information about standard system metrics to use to monitor services, see System metrics.

For information about standard metrics to monitor Genesys Web services, see Genesys Web Services and Applications metrics and alerts.

Draft:PEC-IWD/Current/IWDDMPEGuide/IWDDM metrics and alerts ae11adf6-6d79-4503-8e26-e3326ec4cce6 n/a n/a n/a n/a Labeling is used to distinguish the characteristics of the metrics that is being measured. Along with the metrics the following labels can be used:
Label Description
tenant Name of the tenant taken from IWDDM_CCID environment variable
job Job name. Possible value is:
  • iwddm_metrics
execution_chain Indicates execution chain. Possible values are:
  • intraday
  • historical
  • initialize
  • full
table Allows to organize metrics by table names
dimension Allows to organize metrics by dimension names
Draft:PEC-IWD/Current/IWDPEGuide/IWD metrics and alerts 1ead80a4-682f-465e-adee-2fd456937c7d Both or either, depends on harvester Default is 4024 (overridden by values) /iwd/v3/metrics 15 sec recommended, depends on harvester
Draft:PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/APIAMetrics 2f979634-6783-45e8-9072-e138c7c9abfa ServiceMonitor 9102 /metrics 15 seconds Here are some of the metrics exposed by API aggregator.
Draft:PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/CPGMMetrics 2eec2e1c-aa48-4277-a694-9a30c6110532 ServiceMonitor 3106 /metrics 15 seconds Here are some of the metrics exposed by Campaign manager.
Draft:PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/CPLMMetrics 7a612438-6296-4db9-b96e-ccb4ffb31ec0 ServiceMonitor 3107 /metrics 15 seconds
Draft:PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/DMMetrics ac6e96db-7e0e-499f-9dc9-731db57a8ae9 ServiceMonitor 3109 /metrics 15 seconds
Draft:PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/JSMetrics 100a6d42-35ae-48c2-b16f-aa8799d13cb7 ServiceMonitor 3108 /metrics 15 seconds
Draft:PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/LBMetrics a83b6aab-42e4-4960-abbc-ae39fd8ec319 ServiceMonitor 3104 /metrics 15 seconds
Draft:PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/LMMetrics 9b4388db-ed6e-4e32-97ca-2623ecb6cd73 ServiceMonitor 3105 /metrics 15 seconds
Draft:PEC-REP/Current/GCXIPEGuide/GCXIMetrics 4e6a78a6-ecb9-4886-8819-016d7f81b06f ServiceMonitor 8180 ?'"`UNIQ--source-00000000-QINU`"'? 15 minutes
Draft:PEC-REP/Current/GCXIPEGuide/RAAMetrics 5462861b-e347-4eaa-b621-9795838ee431 PodMonitor and PrometheusRule metrics: 9100,
health: 9101
RAA forms matched labels from raa.statefulset.selector.matchLabels values, specified in values.yaml.
The default contains a single raa-app item with raa.serviceName variable as a value.
The element raa.serviceName is a concatenation of parameters.


metrics: several seconds, <br/>health: up to 3 minutes Various raa.prometheusRule.alerts.* parameters in the values.yaml file specify the severity of alerts and some thresholds.
Draft:PEC-REP/Current/GIMPEGuide/GCAMetrics f05492f5-52ed-490a-b0d5-c318a4a7272b PodMonitor 9249 ?'"`UNIQ--source-00000004-QINU`"'?

where the value of fullname depends on .Values.tenant_id.

30 seconds Use standard Kubernetes metrics to monitor the GCA service. For information about standard Kubernetes and other system metrics to monitor services, see System metrics. Alerts are based on Kubernetes cluster metrics.
Draft:PEC-REP/Current/GIMPEGuide/GIMMetrics e65e00cb-c1c8-4fb8-9614-80ac07c3a4e3 PodMonitor 8249 Endpoint: /metrics

Selector: ?'"`UNIQ--source-0000000B-QINU`"'? where the value of fullname depends on .Values.tenant_id.

30 seconds The following metrics are defined for the GIM service.
Draft:PEC-REP/Current/GIMPEGuide/GSPMetrics c39fe496-c79e-4846-b451-1bc8bedb126b PodMonitor 9249 Endpoint: /

Selector: ?'"`UNIQ--source-0000000F-QINU`"'? where the value of gsp.fullname depends on deployment parameters such as Helm release name, .Values.fullnameOverride, and .Values.nameOverride.

30 seconds GSP exposes some standard Apache Flink and Kafka metrics as well as Genesys-defined metrics, which are exposed via the Flink API. Therefore, all GSP metrics start with the prefix flink_ but in some cases the values are calculated by GSP.

You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics Flink and the Flink Kafka connector expose through GSP.

The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. The naming convention is <flink_scope_prefix>_<GSP suffix>. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available GSP metrics not documented on this page.

The alerts are based on Flink and Kubernetes cluster metrics.

Note for new writer: Location where Dev defines the GSP alarms:

Draft:PEC-REP/Current/PulsePEGuide/dcuMetrics 0c4f792b-b3be-45de-9e86-435cbd35f573 PodMonitor 9091 ?'"`UNIQ--source-000000AD-QINU`"'?

Endpoints to query: /metrics/

30 seconds Alerts are based on Collector, Stat Server, and Kubernetes cluster metrics.
Draft:PEC-REP/Current/PulsePEGuide/ldsMetrics 07158e52-151e-4f2a-ba7f-e63645d37c45 PodMonitor 9091 ?'"`UNIQ--source-0000000D-QINU`"'?

Endpoints to query: /metrics/

30 seconds Alerts are based on LDS and Kubernetes cluster metrics.
Draft:PEC-REP/Current/PulsePEGuide/PulseMetrics 0373361c-f97b-45ec-b46d-bde2cb5710fc ServiceMonitor 8090 ?'"`UNIQ--source-00000003-QINU`"'?

Endpoints to query:

  • For a list of metrics: /actuator/metrics/
  • For metric output: /actuator/metrics/ / actuator/metrics/
30 seconds The pulse_*_Boolean metrics are readable only from Prometheus directly. You cannot read them using the cURL command-line tool. Alerts are based on Pulse, Java, and Kubernetes cluster metrics.
Draft:PEC-REP/Current/PulsePEGuide/PulsePermissionsMetrics e951c496-4d1b-4bfb-acaf-c2a1151db7a2 The Pulse Permissions service does not expose metrics. Alerts are based on Kubernetes cluster metrics.
Draft:PrivateEdition/Current/TenantPEGuide/VoiceTenantServiceMetrics 5a34ac72-3fae-4368-afd8-5b899e1c52ba PodMonitor 15000 /metrics

(http://<pod address>:15000/metrics)

30 seconds (Applicable for any metric(s) that Tenant Service exposes. The update interval is not a property of the metric; it is a property of the optional PodMonitor that you can create.) You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Tenant Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Tenant Service metrics not documented on this page. If you enable a Tenant PodMonitor to expose the Tenant health metric, then you can create a basic alert rule for the Tenant Service using a template like the following:?'"`UNIQ--source-00000007-QINU`"'?Enter your values where there are placeholders in the preceding template; the placeholders are:
  • <namespace where tenant is deployed>
  • <name of tenant helm release>

Values are based on how you deployed tenant(s); in other words, what you used for override values.

Draft:STRMS/Current/STRMSPEGuide/ServiceMetrics 9ce44113-a53b-40ec-a078-21c69430b048
Draft:STRMS/Current/STRMSPEGuide/STRMSMetrics Prometheus annotations 3700 (internal) /metrics 15 seconds All alert metrics are prefixed with application_streams_. For example,  if you want to query init_error in Grafana, you should use application_streams_init_error.
Draft:TLM/Current/TLMPEGuide/TLMMetrics n/a Annotations /metrics Use standard Kubernetes metrics, as delivered by a standard Kubernetes metrics service (such as cAdvisor), to monitor the Telemetry Service. For information about standard system metrics to use to monitor services, see System metrics.

The following standard Kubernetes metrics are likely to be most relevant.

Draft:UCS/Current/UCSPEGuide/UCSMetrics ServiceMonitor podAnnotations 10052 ucsx.ucsx.svc.cluster.local:10052/metrics 30 seconds
Draft:VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceAgentStateServiceMetrics fe5268d0-df4c-4c25-bb9a-283f94d25d49 PodMonitor 11000 http://<pod-ipaddress>:11000/metrics 30 seconds Voice Agent State Service exposes Genesys-defined, Agent State Service–specific metrics as well as some standard Kafka metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Agent State Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Agent State Service metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceCallStateServiceMetrics e6a28c22-4cf7-4037-b117-2f7c5b35d8f5 Supports both CRD and annotations 11900 http://<pod-ipaddress>:11900/metrics 30 seconds Voice Call State Service exposes Genesys-defined, Call State Service–specific metrics as well as some standard Kafka metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Call State Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Call State Service metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceConfigServiceMetrics a0519f2a-7110-4037-b752-3393df349c62 Supports both CRD and annotations 9100 http://<pod-ipaddress>:9100/metrics 30 seconds You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Voice Config Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Config Service metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceDialPlanServiceMetrics fba64ef9-5625-4497-84ff-f44a2b5bd6d6 Supports both CRD and annotations 8800 http://<pod-ipaddress>:8800/metrics 30 seconds You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Voice Dial Plan Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Dial Plan Service metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceFrontEndServiceMetrics fa42b327-7d9a-43c9-b13d-c33ec96146eb Supports both CRD and annotations 9101 http://<pod-ipaddress>:9101/metrics 30 seconds Voice FrontEnd Service exposes Genesys-defined, FrontEnd Service–specific metrics as well as some standard Kafka metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the FrontEnd Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available FrontEnd Service metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceOrchestrationServiceMetrics 79f6035b-590e-4c34-9432-fcd4b5ff519d Supports both CRD and annotations 11200 http://<pod-ipaddress>:11200/metrics 30 seconds You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Voice Orchestration Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Orchestration Service metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceRegistrarServiceMetrics 34f32476-4f7c-446d-9224-3a4175f25e24 Supports both CRD and annotations 11500 http://<pod-ipaddress>:11500/metrics 30 seconds Voice Registrar Service exposes Genesys-defined, Registrar Service–specific metrics as well as some standard Kafka metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Registrar Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Voice Registrar Service metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceRQServiceMetrics 25aca843-1ef0-44f4-9d67-b2a215dcf082 Supports both CRD and annotations 12000 http://<pod-ipaddress>:12000/metrics 30 seconds You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Voice RQ Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Voice RQ Service metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceSIPClusterServiceMetrics 66502b9a-041d-42d7-b9de-7a8cce2a5e5d Supports both CRD and annotations 11300 http://<pod-ipaddress>:11300/metrics 30 seconds Voice SIP Cluster Service exposes Genesys-defined, SIP Cluster Service–specific metrics as well as some standard Kafka metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the SIP Cluster Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available SIP Cluster Service metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceSIPProxyServiceMetrics 17df7b83-4bd2-492a-a705-d03c8cbab63a Supports both CRD and annotations 11400 http://<pod-ipaddress>:11400/metrics 30 seconds Voice SIP Proxy Service exposes Genesys-defined, SIP Proxy Service–specific metrics as well as some standard Kafka metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the SIP Proxy Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available SIP Proxy Service metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceVoicemailServiceMetrics 9973e20e-6a5a-427f-a47e-5d8cb006f452 Supports both CRD and annotations 8081 http://<pod-ipaddress>:8081/metrics 30 seconds You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Voice Voicemail Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Voicemail Service metrics not documented on this page.
Draft:WebRTC/Current/WebRTCPEGuide/WebRTC Metrics d703e174-b039-43c9-8859-e25b3a7feb22 PodMonitor 10052 /metrics 30s WebRTC exposes many Genesys-defined as well as system metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available metrics. The metrics documented on this page are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available WebRTC metrics not documented on this page.
GVP/Current/GVPPEGuide/GVP Configuration Server Metrics 71357caf-d8ff-4720-985f-9d854b8e8766 Service/Pod Monitoring Settings Not applicable Service/Pod Monitoring Settings:


Grafana Dashboard Settings:


No metrics are defined for Voice Platform Configuration Server.
GVP/Current/GVPPEGuide/GVP MCP Metrics b83a47fb-1f8f-4675-acbf-93de4c2f631b Service/Pod Monitoring Settings 9116,



Metrics endpoints:


Service/Pod Monitoring Settings:


Grafana dashboard settings:


GVP/Current/GVPPEGuide/GVP Service Discovery Metrics c7464277-7b8a-4478-aabb-ab9398b3a4e4 Automatic 9090 ?'"`UNIQ--source-00000000-QINU`"'?
GVP/Current/GVPPEGuide/Reporting Server Metrics 62ad5ef3-8215-4258-a2d6-cf010ffc92b3 ServiceMonitor / PodMonitor 9116 Metrics endpoint:


Enabling metrics:

Service/Pod Monitoring Settings


Enable for Prometheus operator



  • prometheusRulesEnabled: true
  •   grafanaEnabled: true


  •   monitorName: gvp-monitoring
GVP/Current/GVPPEGuide/Resource Manager Metrics 27055834-94d9-43e1-8935-90e64f68b7f5 ServiceMonitor / PodMonitor 9116,


Metrics endpoints:


Enable metrics:

Service/Pod Monitoring Settings?'"`UNIQ--source-00000017-QINU`"'?Enable for Prometheus operator?'"`UNIQ--source-00000019-QINU`"'?monitoring:

  • prometheusRulesEnabled: true
  • grafanaEnabled: true


  • monitorName: gvp-monitoring
  • logFilePrefixName: RM
IXN/Current/IXNPEGuide/Interaction Server metrics ed7ae447-cc86-42d1-a856-92a802e32dd5 PodMonitor 13131,



option - default port 13131 - Endpoint: “/health/prometheus/all”

option ixnNode.ports.default - default port 13133 - Endpoint: “/metrics”

option - default port 13139 - Endpoint: “/metrics”

Note: The above options are references to ports that match endpoints. Use these options to perform the associated query.

Default This table includes IXN Server metrics and IXN Node metrics. IXN Node metrics begin with the prefix ixnnode.

Note: There are more metrics than the ones listed in the table. However, only the metrics listed in the table are supported.

PEC-AD/Current/WWEPEGuide/WWEMetrics ede68189-e927-42f9-a3dd-4742b8142340 N/A cAdvisor port (not specific to the WWE container) N/A N/A All the WWE Service metrics are standard Kubernetes metrics as delivered by a standard Kubernetes metrics service. These can apply to any similar pod. The WWE container does not expose any Prometheus endpoint that would expose service-defined metrics.

You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available system metrics exposed by WWE. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful:

  • container_cpu_usage_seconds_total
  • container_fs_reads_bytes_total
  • container_memory_working_set_bytes
  • container_network_receive_bytes_total
  • container_network_transmit_bytes_total
  • kube_pod_container_status_ready
  • kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total

For information about standard system metrics to use to monitor services, see System metrics.

For information about standard metrics to monitor Genesys Web services, see [[GWS/Current/GWSPEGuide/GWSMetrics#Metrics|]].

PEC-CAB/Current/CABPEGuide/CallbackMetrics ccf022d5-17e5-49dc-a6e7-e5acd1dab6fa Supports both CRD (Service Monitor) and annotations 3050 /metrics Real-time updates GES exposes some default metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, and the state of the Node.js runtime, as well as metrics coming directly from the GES API such as the number of created callbacks, call-in requests, and so on. These basic metrics are created as counters, which means that the values will monotonically increase over time from the beginning of a GES pod's lifespan. For more information about counters, see Metric Types in the Prometheus documentation.

You might see metrics documented on this page that you cannot find on the endpoint or – if they exist – they might have no value. These are alert-type metrics. This type of metric is set when the condition it tracks is first encountered. For example, if GES has never experienced a DNS failure since it started, then no GES_DNS_FAILURE alert has ever been generated and the GES_DNS_FAILURE metric would not yet exist. For more information, see Alerting.

You might see metrics with almost identical names, except for case (upper or lower). Metrics with names ending in _tolerance are simply thresholds and exist at the level at which an alert is triggered; they are not the same as the metric used for monitoring. For more information, see Alerting.

You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that GES exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available GES metrics not documented on this page.

PEC-DC/Current/DCPEGuide/DCMetrics 6d2878ce-c095-4e7b-9654-eb9df0c3a368 Both &mdash; ServiceMonitor and annotations 4004 15 seconds Digital Channels exposes many Genesys-defined metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the available metrics. The metrics documented on this page are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Digital Channels metrics not documented on this page.
PEC-Email/Current/EmailPEGuide/EmailMetrics 43df3e00-ef60-49d1-b48c-3d76210eb9cb Both or either, depends on harvester Default is 4024 (overridden by values) /iwd-email/v3/metrics 15 sec recommended, depends on harvester
PEC-IWD/Current/IWDDMPEGuide/IWDDM metrics and alerts ae11adf6-6d79-4503-8e26-e3326ec4cce6 n/a n/a n/a n/a Labeling is used to distinguish the characteristics of the metrics that is being measured. Along with the metrics the following labels can be used:
Label Description
tenant Name of the tenant taken from IWDDM_CCID environment variable
job Job name. Possible value is:
  • iwddm_metrics
execution_chain Indicates execution chain. Possible values are:
  • intraday
  • historical
  • initialize
  • full
table Allows to organize metrics by table names
dimension Allows to organize metrics by dimension names
PEC-IWD/Current/IWDPEGuide/IWD metrics and alerts 1ead80a4-682f-465e-adee-2fd456937c7d Both or either, depends on harvester Default is 4024 (overridden by values) /iwd/v3/metrics 15 sec recommended, depends on harvester
PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/APIAMetrics 2f979634-6783-45e8-9072-e138c7c9abfa ServiceMonitor 9102 /metrics 15 seconds Here are some of the metrics exposed by API aggregator.
PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/CPGMMetrics 2eec2e1c-aa48-4277-a694-9a30c6110532 ServiceMonitor 3106 /metrics 15 seconds Here are some of the metrics exposed by Campaign manager.
PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/CPLMMetrics 7a612438-6296-4db9-b96e-ccb4ffb31ec0 ServiceMonitor 3107 /metrics 15 seconds
PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/DMMetrics ac6e96db-7e0e-499f-9dc9-731db57a8ae9 ServiceMonitor 3109 /metrics 15 seconds
PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/JSMetrics 100a6d42-35ae-48c2-b16f-aa8799d13cb7 ServiceMonitor 3108 /metrics 15 seconds
PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/LBMetrics a83b6aab-42e4-4960-abbc-ae39fd8ec319 ServiceMonitor 3104 /metrics 15 seconds
PEC-OU/Current/CXCPEGuide/LMMetrics 9b4388db-ed6e-4e32-97ca-2623ecb6cd73 ServiceMonitor 3105 /metrics 15 seconds
PEC-REP/Current/GCXIPEGuide/GCXIMetrics 4e6a78a6-ecb9-4886-8819-016d7f81b06f ServiceMonitor 8180 ?'"`UNIQ--source-00000000-QINU`"'? 15 minutes
PEC-REP/Current/GCXIPEGuide/RAAMetrics 5462861b-e347-4eaa-b621-9795838ee431 PodMonitor and PrometheusRule metrics: 9100,
health: 9101
RAA forms matched labels from raa.statefulset.selector.matchLabels values, specified in values.yaml.
The default contains a single raa-app item with raa.serviceName variable as a value.
The element raa.serviceName is a concatenation of parameters.


metrics: several seconds, <br/>health: up to 3 minutes Various raa.prometheusRule.alerts.* parameters in the values.yaml file specify the severity of alerts and some thresholds.
PEC-REP/Current/GIMPEGuide/GCAMetrics f05492f5-52ed-490a-b0d5-c318a4a7272b PodMonitor 9249 ?'"`UNIQ--source-0000000B-QINU`"'?

where the value of fullname depends on .Values.tenant_id.

30 seconds Use standard Kubernetes metrics to monitor the GCA service. For information about standard Kubernetes and other system metrics to monitor services, see System metrics. Alerts are based on Kubernetes cluster metrics.
PEC-REP/Current/GIMPEGuide/GIMMetrics e65e00cb-c1c8-4fb8-9614-80ac07c3a4e3 PodMonitor 8249 Endpoint: /metrics

Selector: ?'"`UNIQ--source-00000045-QINU`"'? where the value of fullname depends on .Values.tenant_id.

30 seconds The following metrics are defined for the GIM service.
PEC-REP/Current/GIMPEGuide/GSPMetrics c39fe496-c79e-4846-b451-1bc8bedb126b PodMonitor 9249 Endpoint: /

Selector: ?'"`UNIQ--source-00000000-QINU`"'? where the value of gsp.fullname depends on deployment parameters such as Helm release name, .Values.fullnameOverride, and .Values.nameOverride.

30 seconds GSP exposes some standard Apache Flink and Kafka metrics as well as Genesys-defined metrics, which are exposed via the Flink API. Therefore, all GSP metrics start with the prefix flink_ but in some cases the values are calculated by GSP.

You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics Flink and the Flink Kafka connector expose through GSP.

The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. The naming convention is <flink_scope_prefix>_<GSP suffix>. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available GSP metrics not documented on this page.

The alerts are based on Flink and Kubernetes cluster metrics.
PEC-REP/Current/PulsePEGuide/dcuMetrics 0c4f792b-b3be-45de-9e86-435cbd35f573 PodMonitor 9091 ?'"`UNIQ--source-00000012-QINU`"'?

Endpoints to query: /metrics/

30 seconds Alerts are based on Collector, Stat Server, and Kubernetes cluster metrics.
PEC-REP/Current/PulsePEGuide/ldsMetrics 07158e52-151e-4f2a-ba7f-e63645d37c45 PodMonitor 9091 ?'"`UNIQ--source-0000005A-QINU`"'?

Endpoints to query: /metrics/

30 seconds Alerts are based on LDS and Kubernetes cluster metrics.
PEC-REP/Current/PulsePEGuide/PulseMetrics 0373361c-f97b-45ec-b46d-bde2cb5710fc ServiceMonitor 8090 ?'"`UNIQ--source-00000015-QINU`"'?

Endpoints to query:

  • For a list of metrics: /actuator/metrics/
  • For metric output: /actuator/metrics/ / actuator/metrics/
30 seconds The pulse_*_Boolean metrics are readable only from Prometheus directly. You cannot read them using the cURL command-line tool. Alerts are based on Pulse, Java, and Kubernetes cluster metrics.
PEC-REP/Current/PulsePEGuide/PulsePermissionsMetrics e951c496-4d1b-4bfb-acaf-c2a1151db7a2 The Pulse Permissions service does not expose metrics. Alerts are based on Kubernetes cluster metrics.
PrivateEdition/Current/TenantPEGuide/VoiceTenantServiceMetrics 5a34ac72-3fae-4368-afd8-5b899e1c52ba PodMonitor 15000 /metrics

(http://<pod address>:15000/metrics)

30 seconds (Applicable for any metric(s) that Tenant Service exposes. The update interval is not a property of the metric; it is a property of the optional PodMonitor that you can create.) You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Tenant Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Tenant Service metrics not documented on this page. If you enable a Tenant PodMonitor to expose the Tenant health metric, then you can create a basic alert rule for the Tenant Service using a template like the following:?'"`UNIQ--source-00000006-QINU`"'?Enter your values where there are placeholders in the preceding template; the placeholders are:
  • <namespace where tenant is deployed>
  • <name of tenant helm release>

Values are based on how you deployed tenant(s); in other words, what you used for override values.

STRMS/Current/STRMSPEGuide/STRMSMetrics Prometheus annotations 3700 (internal) /metrics 15 seconds All alert metrics are prefixed with application_streams_. For example,  if you want to query init_error in Grafana, you should use application_streams_init_error.
TLM/Current/TLMPEGuide/TLMMetrics n/a Annotations /metrics Use standard Kubernetes metrics, as delivered by a standard Kubernetes metrics service (such as cAdvisor), to monitor the Telemetry Service. For information about standard system metrics to use to monitor services, see System metrics.

The following standard Kubernetes metrics are likely to be most relevant.

UCS/Current/UCSPEGuide/UCSMetrics ServiceMonitor podAnnotations 10052 ucsx.ucsx.svc.cluster.local:10052/metrics 30 seconds
VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceAgentStateServiceMetrics fe5268d0-df4c-4c25-bb9a-283f94d25d49 PodMonitor 11000 http://<pod-ipaddress>:11000/metrics 30 seconds Voice Agent State Service exposes Genesys-defined, Agent State Service–specific metrics as well as some standard Kafka metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Agent State Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Agent State Service metrics not documented on this page.
VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceCallStateServiceMetrics e6a28c22-4cf7-4037-b117-2f7c5b35d8f5 Supports both CRD and annotations 11900 http://<pod-ipaddress>:11900/metrics 30 seconds Voice Call State Service exposes Genesys-defined, Call State Service–specific metrics as well as some standard Kafka metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Call State Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Call State Service metrics not documented on this page.
VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceConfigServiceMetrics a0519f2a-7110-4037-b752-3393df349c62 Supports both CRD and annotations 9100 http://<pod-ipaddress>:9100/metrics 30 seconds You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Voice Config Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Config Service metrics not documented on this page.
VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceDialPlanServiceMetrics fba64ef9-5625-4497-84ff-f44a2b5bd6d6 Supports both CRD and annotations 8800 http://<pod-ipaddress>:8800/metrics 30 seconds You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Voice Dial Plan Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Dial Plan Service metrics not documented on this page.
VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceFrontEndServiceMetrics fa42b327-7d9a-43c9-b13d-c33ec96146eb Supports both CRD and annotations 9101 http://<pod-ipaddress>:9101/metrics 30 seconds Voice FrontEnd Service exposes Genesys-defined, FrontEnd Service–specific metrics as well as some standard Kafka metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the FrontEnd Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available FrontEnd Service metrics not documented on this page.
VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceOrchestrationServiceMetrics 79f6035b-590e-4c34-9432-fcd4b5ff519d Supports both CRD and annotations 11200 http://<pod-ipaddress>:11200/metrics 30 seconds You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Voice Orchestration Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Orchestration Service metrics not documented on this page.
VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceRegistrarServiceMetrics 34f32476-4f7c-446d-9224-3a4175f25e24 Supports both CRD and annotations 11500 http://<pod-ipaddress>:11500/metrics 30 seconds Voice Registrar Service exposes Genesys-defined, Registrar Service–specific metrics as well as some standard Kafka metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Registrar Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Voice Registrar Service metrics not documented on this page.
VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceRQServiceMetrics 25aca843-1ef0-44f4-9d67-b2a215dcf082 Supports both CRD and annotations 12000 http://<pod-ipaddress>:12000/metrics 30 seconds You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the Voice RQ Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available Voice RQ Service metrics not documented on this page.
VM/Current/VMPEGuide/VoiceSIPClusterServiceMetrics 66502b9a-041d-42d7-b9de-7a8cce2a5e5d Supports both CRD and annotations 11300 http://<pod-ipaddress>:11300/metrics 30 seconds Voice SIP Cluster Service exposes Genesys-defined, SIP Cluster Service–specific metrics as well as some standard Kafka metrics. You can query Prometheus directly to see all the metrics that the SIP Cluster Service exposes. The following metrics are likely to be particularly useful. Genesys does not commit to maintain other currently available SIP Cluster Service metrics not documented on this page.
