Join data

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Prior to uploading data to the GPR application, you can join interaction data with the available outcome, Agent Profile or Customer Profile data to create Datasets that provide richer feature sets from which to create Predictors and Models.

Related documentation:

Configuration for joining data

You can choose to join outcome, Agent Profile, or Customer Profile data with an interaction Dataset.

When you join the data, the interaction Dataset is the one containing joined fields. That is, the interaction Dataset uploaded to the GPR application displays all its own fields, plus the fields from the joined dataset.

To enable joining, perform the following steps:

  1. Specify the names of the Datasets to be joined in the value of the join option, configured on the Data Loader Application object.
    • For example, if you would like to join data from the Agent Profile that you have extracted from the Genesys Info Mart Database, the Customer Profile, and outcome data from a Dataset with the name "feedback", set the value of the join option to agents-gim, customers, feedback. Note that you must replace the <name> portion of the section name with the actual name of the interaction Dataset.
  2. Specify the fields to be joined to the interaction Dataset by adding the names of the columns from the joined datasets into the Data Loader schema-<name> configuration section, where <name> is the name of the interaction Dataset.
    • Each joined column should be a separate option in the schema-<name> configuration section. You can specify the references to the corresponding schema sections of the joined datasets instead specifying the actual datatypes for the joined fields, as you would if you were configuring an unjoined column.
    • For example, if you join fields from the Customer Profile with an interaction Dataset, the option value for all such fields is schema-customers.
  3. Specify the desired values for the following additional configuration options:
    • join-type - Configured in the [dataset-<name>] section that is used to configure the interaction Dataset to which you are joining additional data. Specifies the join type, whether inner (only successfully joined records are uploaded) or outer (all interaction records are uploaded to the platform and the missing data is replaced with null values).
    • join-keys - Configured in the [dataset-<name>] section of the Dataset(s) you are joining to the interaction Dataset. Specifies a comma-separated list of the column names by which to join the data from this Dataset to the interaction Dataset.

If you configure the enforce-schema-on-joined-data option to false, ALL columns from the joined datasets are added to the interaction Dataset. Be careful not to exceed the maximum allowed number of 100 columns in the joined Dataset, or Data Loader generates an error and exits the upload process.

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