Data Loader monitoring and logging

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You can monitor Data Loader status using the log events that Message Server sends to Solution Control Interface.

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Data Loader Log Events

Data Loader writes log data to Message Server using Genesys Management Framework centralized logging. The details of where logs are kept and what messages are sent are configured using the Data Loader log Section configuration options.

Data Loader provides the following Standard-, Info-, and Trace-level log events:

107-60119 107-60120 107-60400 107-60401 107-60606 107-60607 107-60608
107-60609 107-60610 107-60620 107-60702 107-60706 107-60707 107-60801
107-60802 107-60803 107-60804 107-60805 107-60806 107-60807 107-60808
107-60809 107-60810 107-60811 107-60812 107-60813    


Level Standard
Text <data_loader_name> terminated, <reason>
Attributes <data_loader_name> - The name of the Data Loader Application and other relevant information.

<reason> - An explanation for the termination.

Description Data Loader has quit unexpectedly on account of a critical configuration issue. The <reason> information should direct you to the source of the problem.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you configure an alarm to notify you when Data Loader generates this error message.
Actions Review the reason for the termination and correct the issue before trying to upload data.


Level Standard
Text Failed to connect to authenticate <endpoint>, response: <message>
Attributes <endpoint> - The endpoint for the GPR Core Platform authentication service.

<response> - An informational message indicating the reason the authentication attempt failed.

Description Data Loader authentication to the GPR Core Platform has failed.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you configure an alarm to notify you when Data Loader generates this error message.
Actions Verify that you have correctly configured the URL for Data Loader to connect to the Platform and that the Data Loader account is correctly configured with a valid password.


Level Standard
Text error... <error_message>
Attributes <error_message> - An informational message.
Description Data Loader was unable to push an Agent Profile batch update. If you receive this error message, Data Loader continues to operate normally.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you configure an alarm to notify you when Data Loader generates this error message.
Actions No action needed.


Level Standard
Text The log event text is one of the following:
  • The following Agent Groups are not found in Configuration Server. Please verify the correct names for these Agent Groups: <agent_group_names> in Data Loader option: <option_name>
  • There are no agents present in Configuration Server with the following skills. Please verify the correct names for these skills: <skill_names> in Data Loader option: <option_name>
Attributes <agent_group_names> or <skill_names> - The name of the Agent Group or skill you entered.

<option_name> - The option where you entered the Agent Group or skill name.

Description This log number has two possible messages indicating that a value for the include-skills or include-groups configuration option does not correspond to a configured skill or Agent Group. This log event is informational and does not indicate any issue with Data Loader.
Alarm Advisory No alarm required.
Actions Verify the names of the Agent Groups or skills and make corrections as necessary.


Level Standard
Text DATASET_UPLOAD_FAILURE: Datasets upload errors: <error_code>
Attributes <error_code> - An error message or list of error messages indicating an issue with dataset processing.
Description This log event could provide any of a number of issues related to dataset processing: configuration issues, Data Loader issues, and GPR Core Platform issues. The error message indicates the nature of the problem.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you configure an alarm to notify you when Data Loader generates this error message. The cancel event for this condition is 107-60607.
Actions If a GPR Core Platform error caused the issue, rerun the data upload manually by setting the upload-dataset option to false, waiting for one minute, then setting the option value back to true. Alternatively, you can wait for the next scheduled upload of the data, as configured in the update-period option.


Level Standard
Text Datasets upload errors resolved!
Attributes none
Description An informational message generated when a data upload is successful after an unsuccessful attempt. Confirms that whatever issue caused the previous upload failure has been resolved.
Alarm Advisory This is the cancel event for 107-60606.
Actions No action required


Level Standard
Text Platform service account password is about to expire in <number_of_days> days.
Attributes <number_of_days> - The number of days the current password remains valid.
Description An informational message.
Alarm Advisory No alarm required.
Actions Change your password within the specified period.


Level Standard
Text Platform service account password updated successfully
Attributes none
Description An informational message indicating that the password for the Data Loader SERVICE account was successfully updated.
Alarm Advisory No alarm required.
Actions No action required.


Level Standard
Text Platform service account password update failed.
Attributes None
Description A notification that the password for the Data Loader SERVICE account was not correctly updated.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you configure an alarm to notify you when Data Loader generates this error message.
Actions Restart Data Loader. If this issue persists, contact Genesys Customer Care.


Level Standard
Text <agent/customer_profile_name> profile schema doesn't match the schema defined in your schema configuration; <problem_description>
Attributes <agent/customer_profile_name> - The name of the Agent Profile dataset or Customer Profile dataset that has inconsistencies.

<problem_description> - Explains what the inconsistencies are.

Description The data you are uploading to the Agent Profile dataset or Customer Profile dataset does not correspond with the configuration specified for that dataset in the Data Loader Application object options.
Alarm Advisory No alarm required.
Actions Make the Profile schema consistent with the configuration specified on the Options tab of the Data Loader Application object.


Level Standard
Attributes <error_message> - A message explaining the nature of the issue with Configuration Server.
Description Configuration Server has experienced multiple switchovers between the primary and backup instances during the period specified in the confserv-monitoring-reconnect-min option.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you configure an alarm to notify you when Data Loader generates this error message.
Actions Check whether Configuration Server is experiencing some issue causing the repeated switchovers.


Level Standard
Attributes <error_message> - A message explaining the nature of the issue with Configuration Server.
Description Configuration Server is losing connection with Data Loader. The number of times the connection is lost before this alarm is triggered is set in the confserv-monitoring-reconnect-count option.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you configure an alarm to notify you when Data Loader generates this error message. The cancel event for this error condition is 107-60707.
Actions Check Configuration Server to determine the reason for this issue.


Level Standard
Text CONFSERV_CONNECTING_EVENT: <informational_message>
Attributes <informational_message> - A message updating the Configuration Server status.
Description The Configuration Server connection with Data Loader has been restored.
Alarm Advisory This is the cancel event for 107-60706.
Actions No action required.


Level Standard
Text ANONYMIZATION_SALT_GENERATION_FAILED: Premise anonymization enabled but salt generation failed with error: <error_message>
Attributes <error_message> - A explanatory message.
Description An error occurred causing Data Loader to be unable to generate the salt for anonymization. This prevents on-premise anonymization.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you set an alarm for this log event.
Actions Review the error message text for information about the cause of this issue.


Level Standard
Text ANONYMIZATION_SALT_UPDATED_BY_USER: Anonymization salt modified by the user in <modified_application_object>
Attributes <modified_application_object> - Identifies the Application object in which a user changed the salt value.
Description A user has changed the value for the 'salt option in the specified Application object. This message is informational. Data Loader automatically resets the salt to the original value.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you set an alarm for this event. The clearance event for this warning message is 107-60803.
Actions Remind the user who made the change that the salt value should not be edited. If the salt is changed, your predictors become unusable for scoring and routing.


Level Standard
Text ANONYMIZATION_SALT_RESTORED: Modified anonymization salt restored successfully in <modified_application_object>
Attributes <modified_application_object> - Identifies the Application object in which Data Loader restored the salt value.
Description An informational message confirming that Data Loader successfully restored the modified anonymization salt.
Alarm Advisory This is the clearance event for 107-60802.
Actions No action needed.


Level Standard
Text ANONYMIZATION_SALT_CORRUPTED: Salt corrupted by user in config! Unable to recover
Attributes No attributes.
Description This error message indicates that a user has changed the salt value in such a way that Data Loader is unable to restore the original value. On-premise anonymization requires a new salt, which is incompatible with that used for your current datasets and predictors. For recovery instructions, see Data anonymization.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you set an alarm for this log event.
Actions For recovery instructions, see Data anonymization.


Level Standard
Text SUBROUTINES_TRAN_LIST_NOT_FOUND: Subroutines transaction list Predictive_Route_DataCfg not found
Attributes No attributes.
Description The Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object does not exist in your configuration environment. This configuration object contains options required to use Predictive Routing.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you set an alarm for this log event.
Actions Create the Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object in the configuration environment for your Tenant.


Level Standard
Text SUBROUTINES_TRAN_LIST_DELETED: Subroutines transaction list Predictive_Route_DataCfg deleted by user! Unable to restore anonymization salt
Attributes No attributes.
Description A warning message indicating that a user has deleted the Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object. As a result, Data Loader cannot store the salt value required for the URS Strategy Subroutines to anonymize data on premise.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you set an alarm for this log event. 107-60807 is the clearance event for this error.
Actions Restart Data Loader to restore the anonymization salt value in the salt option.


Level Standard
Text SUBROUTINES_TRAN_LIST_CREATED: Subroutines transaction list Predictive_Route_DataCfg recreated by user! Data loader requires restart
Attributes No attributes.
Description A warning message indicating that a user has re-created the Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object. Ensure that this configuration object contains the correct option values for your configuration, and then restart Data Loader.
Alarm Advisory This is the clearance event for 107-60806.
Actions Restart Data Loader to restore the anonymization salt value in the salt option.


Level Standard
Text PROFILE_ID_FIELD_NOT_FOUND: Premise anonymization enabled but profile id field not found for <profile>
Attributes <profile> - The affected Agent or Customer Profile schema.
Description Anonymization on premise requires the anon-agent-id and anon-customer-id options to exist in the Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you set an alarm for this log event.
Actions Define the missing ID field in the <profile> schema.


Level Standard
Text ANON_PROFILE_ID_CONFIG_FAILED: Premise anonymization enabled but configuring profile id anon field failed for <profile>
Attributes <profile> - The affected Agent or Customer Profile schema.
Description Anonymization is set to happen on-premise but Data Loader cannot specify the correct value for the anon-agent-id and anon-customer-id options in the Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you set an alarm for this log event.
Actions Review the error message text for information about the cause of this issue.


Level Standard
Text PROFILE_ID_ANONYMIZATION_MODIFIED: Profile Id anonymization type modified for <profile>
Attributes <profile> - The affected Agent or Customer Profile schema.
Description The Data Loader schema-agents-gim or schema-customers setting for the ID field has changes in its anonymization settings, which makes existing datasets and predictors unusable.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you configure an alarm to notify you when Data Loader generates this error message.
Actions Upload the Agent and Customer profiles and datasets once again with the updated schema.


Level Standard
Text ANON_PROFILE_ID_MODIFIED: Profile Id anonymization type modified by user for <profile>
Attributes <profile> - The affected Agent or Customer Profile schema.
Description A user has manually changed the value for the anon-agents-id or anon-customers-id option. Data Loader sets these option values automatically. Manual changes to the value for the anon-agent-id or anon-customer-id options in the Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object cause a discrepancy with the anonymization setting for the ID field specified in schema-agents-gim or schema-customers.
Alarm Advisory Genesys recommends that you set an alarm for this log event.
Actions Data Loader should restore the original option value automatically. Look for log event 107-60812, which is the clearance event for this message, to confirm.


Level Standard
Text ANON_PROFILE_ID_RESTORED: Profile Id anonymization type restored for <profile>
Attributes <profile> - The affected Agent or Customer Profile schema.
Description Data Loader has corrected the value for the anon-agents-id or anon-customers-id option after a user manually changed it. Data Loader sets these option values automatically. Manual changes to the value for the anon-agent-id or anon-customer-id options in the Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object cause a discrepancy with the anonymization setting for the ID field specified in schema-agents-gim or schema-customers.
Alarm Advisory This is the clearance event for 107-60811.
Actions No action needed.


Level Standard
Text INVALID_PERMISSIONS: Invalid permissions to update configuration parameters in <configuration _object>
Attributes <configuration _object> - The affected Data Loader Application object or Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object.
Description Data Loader must be configured to have update privileges for Configuration Server so it can update the following:
  • The password used to access the GPR Core Platform, which is stored in the Data Loader and Predictive_Route_DataCfg configuration objects.
  • The anonymization salt value created to support anonymization.

Data Loader checks whether it has the correct permissions when it starts. If it does not have the required permissions, it quits and generates this log message. The Data Loader log file also records that Data Loader did not start.

Alarm Advisory You can optionally set an alarm for this log event.
Actions Grant Data Loader the correct permissions and then restart it.
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