Voice Microservices topics for event streaming

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This topic is part of the manual Voice Microservices Events and Models Reference for version Current of Voice Microservices.

Learn about the topics that Voice Microservices use for event streaming.

Voice Microservices use the following topics for event streaming:

  • voice-agentstate
    • To consume agent-related events, a client's consumer must subscribe to the voice-agentstate topic.
    • The event key uses the "{tenant_id}:{agent_id}" template.
  • voice-callthread
    • To consume call-related events, a client's consumer must subscribe to the voice-callthread topic. Genesys recommends that you avoid using the callthread consumer group name for subscription.
    • The event key uses the "{tenant_id}:{callthread_id}" template.

Events stored in each topic

This section lists the events for each Voice Microservices topic.

Voice Microservices events are in JSON format. This is a sample of the EventAgentLogin event and its attributes:
{ "id": EventAgentLogin, AgentID, ThisDN, AgentWorkMode, Extensions: {}}

The word "group", where used in this documentation, does not refer to any part of the topic or event structure. The group names are used to collect together similar events based on the purpose of events and the type of information they convey.

Events for the voice-agentstate topic

For information about the events in the voice-agentstate topic, including event descriptions and specific event attributes, see Agent state and DN events.

This is the list of events in the Agent state and DN group:

Events for the voice-callthread topic

For information about the events in the voice-callthread topic, including event descriptions and specific event attributes, see the following pages:

This is the list of events in the Call handling and transfer/conference group:

This is the list of events in the Call routing group:

This is the list of events in the Call treatment group:

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