Configure Email

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This topic is part of the manual Email Private Edition Guide for version Current of Email.

Learn how to configure Email.

Override Helm chart values

The following table provides information on the IWD deployment settings that can be configured in the values.yaml file:

Parameter Description Default
`deploymentType` Deployment type. Only two possible values are supported: Deployment, ReplicaSet Deployment
`replicaCount` Number of pods to be created 1
`image.registry` Docker registry for iWD
`image.repository` iWD Image name nexus/iwd
`image.pullPolicy` Image pull policy IfNotPresent
`image.pullSecrets` Specify docker-registry secret names as an array []
`affinity` Map of node/pod affinities {}
`nodeSelector` Node labels for pod assignment {}
`tolerations` Tolerations for pod assignment nil
`priorityClassName` Priority class name
`podSecurityContext` Pod security context {}
`securityContext` Security context {}
`podDisruptionBudget.enabled` Enable or disable pod disruption budget false
`podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable` Set minimal number of pods available during the disruption 1
`podAnnotations` Add annotations to pods {}
`podLabels` Add custom labels to pods {}
`hpa.enabled` Enable or disable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) false
`hpa.minReplicas` Minimal replicas count for HPA 1
`hpa.maxReplicas` Maximal replicas count for HPA 10
`hpa.targetCPUPercent` Specify target CPU utilization for HPA 60
`resources.limits.cpu` Maximum amount of CPU K8s allocates for container 2000m
`resources.limits.memory` Maximum amount of Memory K8s allocates for container 2000Mi
`resources.requests.cpu` Guaranteed CPU allocation for container 300m
`resources.requests.memory` Guaranteed Memory allocation for container 500Mi
`serviceAccount.create` Specifies whether a service account should be created false
`serviceAccount.annotations` Annotations to add to service account {}
`` Service account name ""
`existingSecret` Specify Secret name to read application secrets from nil
`gauth.auth.url` URL to Authentication service nil
`gauth.auth.redirectUrl` Redirect URL to Authentication service nil
`redis.nodes` Comma separate list of Redis nodes to connect nil
`redis.useCluster` Redis deployment mode false
`redis.enableTLS` Either to use TLS on Redis connection false
`redis.password` Access key for Redis authentication nil
`nexus.url` URL to Nexus nil
`nexus.apikey` Nexus API key nil
`service.type` Service type ClusterIP
`monitoring.enabled` Enable or disable pod monitor false
`monitoring.alarms` Create PrometheusRule k8s object with alarm definitions false
`monitoring.dashboards` Create ConfigMap with Grafana Dashboards false
`networkPolicies.enabled` Enable or disable network policies false
`dnsConfig.options` DNS Configuration options { name: ndots, value: "3" }

Configure Kubernetes


Not applicable as all required ConfigMaps are created via Helm Chart basing on the provided values.

Create the pull secret

Use the following code snippet as an example of how to create pull secret:

kubectl create secret docker-registry mycred --docker-username=<jfrog_username> --docker-password=<API key from jfrog>

You can add mycred to Helm override values by setting image.pullSecrets to [ mycred ].

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