How to configure the Gplus Adapter

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Procedure to configure the Adapter with ServiceNow.

If you have already installed the Gplus Adapter , the following procedure explains how to import the Gplus Adapter in ServiceNow.

Before proceeding with the following steps, make sure that the OpenFrame plugin is enabled in ServiceNow. If it is not, comply with the indications provided in How to install the Gplus Adapter.
The Adapter will not encounter any conflicts with preexisting customizations or specific configurations.

Deploy the Adapter System Update Set in ServiceNow

To install the System Update Set, follow this procedure:

GASN import update set.png

  • Choose and upload the XML file provided (Gplus_Adapter_ServiceNow_<VERSION>.xml).

GASN upload xml file.png

  • Once it is uploaded, open it and click Preview Update Set in the upper right to deploy the environment changes.
In the case of conflicts, you can perform several actions such as skipping, deleting or accepting them.
  • Click Commit Update Set.

You have imported the solution into ServiceNow. Check it searching for the Studio section and clicking it. It will open in a new tab and display the Gplus-Adapter-ServiceNow under the available applications.

Configure the OpenFrame page in ServiceNow

Before proceeding and checking the instance, you need to fully enable the solution by creating the configuration that will load it for any desired user.

  • Search for OpenFrame in the search area and choose Configurations.
If the OpenFrame menu is not visible, it means the Customer Service plugin is missing. Before proceeding with the following steps, make sure that the OpenFrame plugin is enabled in ServiceNow. If it is not, comply with the indications provided in How to install the Gplus Adapter.
  • Click New and fill all required fields.
If you are using the Agent Workspace, remember to check the Show presence indicator box.
User Groups are a useful feature, enabling you to associate the Adapter only to specific agents or agent groups. If you do not need this, you can just leave the default settings.
  • Fill in the following URL in the dedicated field:

GASN fill url field.png

  • Provide the following parameters in the configuration tab:
{"instance": "https://<ServiceNow Instance>", "branding": "genesys_logo.png", "language": "en-US", "screenpopnew": false, "defaultEntity": "incident", "defaultContact": "sys_user" , "customContactField": "<contact table field to be searched>", "customContactValue": "<genesys attach data key name to be used to search the contact>"}

When filling out these parameters, you have to replace <ServiceNow instance> with your own.

Key Value Description
instance default: none The full Genesys Engage Cloud GWS toolkit url including full path to api.js.

AWS: https://<ServiceNow Instance>/ui/wwe/api.js

Azure: https://<ServiceNow Instance>/api.js

screenpopnew default: false Search for associated Cases or Incidents for every new interaction:
  • One Case/Incident found: entity is opened
  • Multiple Cases/Incidents found: list is displayed
  • No Cases/Incidents found: new Case/Incident is created
defaultEntity default: incident

possible values:

  • incident
  • sn_customerservice_case
  • interaction
  • incident: default entity is Incident
  • sn_customerservice_case: default entity is Case
  • interaction: default entity is interaction
defaultContact default: sys_user

possible values:

  • sys_user
  • customer_contact
  • sys_user: search for Contacts in sys_user table (typically applies to Incidents)
  • customer_contact: search for Contacts in customer_contact table (typically applies to Cases)
customContactField default: none This parameter enable the customer search based on specific contact table fields.

It can be a custom parameter or a standard parameter.

The value must match the contact table column name (technical name used for identification)

for example the employee_number

customContactValue default: none This parameter take effect when the previous customContactField is configured.

It must contain the Genesys attached data key name that stores the information to perform the custom search. for example EMP_NUMBER must contain the employee number collected by the IVR before routing the interaction to the Agent using the Gplus.

To save the configuration, right-click the upper bar and select Save from the drop-down menu.

Now refresh the page: if a telephone icon appears in the upper right, you are all set. Click it for the OpenFrame area to appear.

While the system administrator has all required permissions, users do not. Therefore, you have to assign the OpenFrame user role (sn_openframe_user) to any user or group that will work with the Gplus Adapter for ServiceNow.

  • Click the Role module in the User Administration application menu.
  • Select New to create a new role.
  • Fill the Name field with sn_openframe_user and optionally enter a description.
  • Click Submit and the role is created.
  • Choose the Contains Role tab and then Edit.
  • Assign it to the desired agent or group of agents and click Save.

This will grant the selected users or groups to work with the Adapter.

If a user is not assigned the “sn_openframe_user” role, they will not be able to work with the Gplus Adapter for ServiceNow.

Configure the Gplus Adapter CSS images

The following procedure helps you configuring the CSS images for the Gplus Adapter:

  • Open the ServiceNow Studio.
  • Select the Gplus-Adapter-ServiceNow application.
  • Pick iwstoolbar.css in the left-hand panel and click Manage Attachment in the upper right.

GASN 32 manage attachment.png

  • Choose all files in the Attachments folder provided with the installation package as shown in the image below, then close the pop-up window.

GASN 33 attachments installation package.png

  • In the URL field, provide the ServiceNow instance adding "/" in its end (https://<ServiceNow Instance> to retrieve the CSS code snippet.

GASN CSS Generator.png

  • In the ServiceNow Studio, replace the code into the iwstoolbar.css style under the /* replace area start */ tag.

GASN 35 replace code.png

  • Click Update to save the configuration.
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