Activity History

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Gplus Adapter works with the Salesforce contact activity history by adding details about the interactions you handle.

Activity history for interactions

When you mark a voice, chat, email, or any other media channel interaction as done (Mark Done), Adapter searches for a corresponding record in the Salesforce database and links the task to the selected record. If record is found, Adapter creates an activity log task and links it to the matching record. If no corresponding record is found, or if more than one candidate record is found, Adapter instead creates a task in the Task Pool; you can then associate the task to the correct record.

In some environments, Adapter might be set up to create an activity record when the screen pop is displayed and modifies the logged activity when you mark the interaction Done. Activity on screen pop is created for inbound and internal calls.

You cannot update the Comments (Description) field. If you want to add notes to the activity log Comments field you must do so after you mark the interaction as Done. Any changes you make to the activity log before you mark the interaction as Done are overwritten by Adapter after you click Done.

The types of information that are saved in the activity history include:

  • subject
  • call duration
  • call type
  • case data
  • call UUID
  • disposition
  • notes
  • time stamp
  • chat transcript
  • email body
For Chat and Open Media interactions, the Call type field shows all chats as Inbound.
For emails, the Call type field shows Inbound for received emails and Outbound for sent emails and replies.

You can view the activity history of a contact by opening the contact record from Contacts tab and navigating to the Activity tab. The Activity tab shows all the activities performed against the contact. If you do not see the latest activity, click Refresh.

Clicking an activity will open the Task tab for that item where you can see the complete details of an activity.

Voice calls or chats that could not be established are not saved in the history. When a voice call or chat involves multiple parties, such as consultations and conferences, the activity is saved as only one interaction.

GAPI 900 SFL Task Creation Without Contact.png

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