Operator precedence

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This topic is part of the manual Field Codes Reference Guide for version Current of Routing and Designer.

Learn about operator precedence in field codes.

Related documentation:

The Operator Precedence table lists all the operators that you can use in field-code formulas.

  • Unary operators are shown with [Unary] after their symbols.
  • The operators are listed in order of precedence, with operators of higher precedence above those of lower precedence.
  • Operators in the same row have the same precedence. If two operators of the same precedence are used in a formula, then they are computed left to right if they are binary, and right to left if they are unary.
  • You can write some operators using more than one symbol. In these cases, the alternatives are shown in parentheses.
Operator Precedence Table
+ [Unary], - [Unary]
*, /, Mod
+, -
< (LT), <= (LE), > (GT), >= (GE), = (==, EQ), <> (!=, NE)
Not (!) [Unary]
And (&&)
Or ({{!}}{{!}})
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