Third-Party Messaging Overview

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This topic is part of the manual Genesys Multicloud CX Web-based API Reference for version Current of Developer.

The Third-Party Messaging API delivers messages between external messaging services (such as SMS or email) and Digital Channels.

API Overview

When a consumer sends a message, the third-party system must send a POST request to deliver the message to the agent in Digital Channels chat. In return, the agent’s response is delivered to the third-party system through a webhook that Digital Channels sends as a POST request. The third-party system may also send notifications about errors and different types of receipts.

Contact your Genesys representative to configure webhooks for Digital Channels.

Digital Channels requires the third-party system to respond to webhooks as follows:

  • Send a response to the webhook within 10 seconds.
  • The response for processed webhooks must have a 2XX HTTP code. We recommend 200 OK. The 201 Accepted code is reserved for when Digital Channels supports multiple messages per webhook.
  • The response body should contain the messageId field with the unique identifier of the message. Digital Channels uses this ID when it processes delivery receipts to find the message in the history and possibly update its status.
  • The response for webhooks that cannot be processed right now but should be redelivered must have a 5XX HTTP code. Digital Channels tries to redeliver the webhook according to the configuration for retry timeout and retry attempts. Contact your Genesys representative for details about this configuration.

The webhook POST request contains an X-Hub-Signature header with the SHA1 signature of the post payload. The signature is calculated using the keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC), where the key is the app secret. The signature is then prefixed with sha1=. The third-party system should verify this signature to validate the integrity and origin of the payload.

API Details

Find the API requests, responses, and details here:

Getting Started

Make sure to check out the Introduction to Engage Cloud APIs page for more information about core concepts in the Engage Cloud APIs, such as requests and responses.

Example: SMS data flow

1. Message API request

POST /channels/0123456789/messages HTTP/1.1
 x-ccid: 0ff723ff-6c6f-44e0-9ce3-ce579337eadd
 X-Hub-Signature: sha1=9577d7a3922516701c2e14ca043145eb2057b803
   "messages": [
       "channel": {
         "from": {
           "id": "16504661149"
         "to": {
           "id": "0123456789"
       "type": "Text",
       "text": "Consumer message text"

2. Message API response

   "status": {
     "code": 0
   "data": {
     "ids": [

3. Message Webhook request

 X-Hub-Signature: sha1=20a00a8efbe06a43e403e1975873930a027a8f67
 X-B3-TraceId: 05bb858a-3468-4c82-a8ce-3b1a9c4e4b67
   "channel": {
     "id": "0123456789",
     "type": "sms",
     "from": {
       "id": "0123456789"
     "to": {
       "id": "16504661149"
     "messageId": "1613474523265-0"
   "type": "Text",
   "text": "Agent message text"

4. Message Webhook response

   "messageId": "1613474523265-0"

5. Receipt API request

POST /channels/0123456789/messages HTTP/1.1
 x-ccid: 0ff723ff-6c6f-44e0-9ce3-ce579337eadd
 X-Hub-Signature: sha1=8d9652cea2d2289ae76fc8b870b96598c6d94b05
   "messages": [
       "channel": {
         "from": {
           "id": "0123456789"
         "to": {
           "id": "16504661149"
         "messageId": "1613474523265-0"
       "type": "Receipt",
       "status": "Delivered"

6. Receipt API response

   "status": {
     "code": 0

Example: Email data flow

1. Email Webhook request

 X-Hub-Signature: sha1=0959a2a00f3f57075d06094e5d9cdc32128f9ec8
 X-B3-TraceId: 5767ea58-1511-4a98-bc56-7f34c43e3a51
   "channel": {
     "id": "",
     "type": "email",
     "from": {
       "id": "",
       "name": "Sender display name"
     "to": [
         "id": "",
         "name": "First Recipient"
         "id": "",
         "name": "Second Recipient"
     "messageId": "f7acbac6-68db-4031-aec2-4bbd02627c4b",
     "context": {
       "replyTo": {
         "id": "",
         "name": "Responder display name"
   "type": "Email",
   "subject": "Subject",
   "content": [
       "type": "text",
       "text": "Plain text email body"
       "type": "html",
       "text": "Html email body"

2. Email Webhook response

   "messageId": "f7acbac6-68db-4031-aec2-4bbd02627c4b"

3. Receipt API request

POST /channels/ HTTP/1.1
 x-ccid: 0ff723ff-6c6f-44e0-9ce3-ce579337eadd
 X-Hub-Signature: sha1=f6d8c023c909270eb2d50abdf519151dc80e128a
   "messages": [
       "channel": {
         "from": {
           "id": ""
         "to": {
           "id": ""
         "messageId": "f7acbac6-68db-4031-aec2-4bbd02627c4b"
       "type": "Receipt",
       "status": "Failed",
       "reasons": [
           "code": 350,
           "message": "Message not allowed. Your account has been suspended."

4. Receipt API response

   "status": {
     "code": 0

Delivery receipts

The third-party system can use delivery receipts to notify Digital Channels about delivery status or errors sending content messages. For usage examples, see the requests payload above for messages with type="Receipt".

The following table describes possible values of the status field.

Status Description
Delivered The message was delivered to the recipient.
Removed A previously published message was removed.
Failed The message was not delivered.

If status="Failed", the third-party system can attach a reason code and an optional message to the reasons field of the message.

The following table describes possible values of failure reason codes.

Reason code Description
305 The message has expired.
310 Rate limit reached.
350 Message not allowed.
510 Unsupported message.
512 Unknown message.
520 Invalid message structure.
530 Invalid destination.
500 General error.
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