Statistics Overview
You can use the Statistics API to create a subscription for multiple statistics and then receive notifications when the values of those statistics change.
API Overview
You can work with the API in two modes:
- Create a subscription and receive notifications. This is the preferred approach if you need up-to-date information over a period of time. When you create a subscription, you can start receiving calculated statistics. These statistics are either pre-configured for your account/contact center and or come from the definitions you provided in the request.
- Get the current values of statistics without a subscription. This is useful if your client can’t maintain a CometD connection or if your application requires this information only once. This API works with statistics that are pre-configured for your contact center.
The Statistics API is divided into the following categories:
- Requests (
) — Subscribe to statistics, unsubscribe from statistics, and get the current value of statistics without a subscription. - Notifications (
) — Implements CometD channels for statistics notifications.
API Details
Find the API requests, responses, and details here:
Client libraries
Genesys also offers client libraries for the Statistics API in both Node.js and Java. These libraries simplify how you interact with the API and they take care of a lot of the supporting code needed to make HTTP requests and enable CometD. Genesys recommends using the client libraries if possible. For help deciding if you should use them, check out the Getting Started page.
There are also some Statistics tutorials that demonstrate how to use the client libraries. See Tutorials for details.
In order to initialize and use the Statistics API, you first need to authenticate with the Authentication Client Library or the Authentication API.
Get the values of statistics without a subscription
You can get the current value of predefined statistics from Stat Server without a subscription by making a POST request to /statistics/v3/operations/get-statistic-ex.
This operation has just one mandatory body parameter called statistics.
Sample request
POST to /statistics/v3/operations/get-statistic-ex
Here’s the JSON body included with the above request:
Sample JSON response body
You can also use an API call to get the current value of one valid statistic from Stat Server by making a GET request to /statistics/v3/statistic-values/{statisticName}.
This request accepts two mandatory query parameters, objectType and objectId.
Sample request
GET /statistics/v3/statistic-values/{statisticName}?objectType=XXX&objectId=YYY
Sample JSON response body
Create a subscription
To create a subscription, POST to the following path: /statistics/v3/subscriptions
This POST allows an optional query parameter verbose=<INFO|OFF>
and the body is JSON with the operationId and data parameters.
Sample request
POST to /statistics/v3/subscriptions
Here’s the JSON body included with the above request:
In the above sample, AverageHandlingTime references the corresponding statistic (pre-configured) for the given contact center.
Sample JSON response body
In the above sample:
- The status code is 0 because this is synchronous operation.
- The subscriptionId is filled from the operationId.
Get the values of statistics in a subscription
To retrieve the values of a set of statistics that was opened within a subscription, you need to make a GET request to the following path: /subscriptions/{id}/statistic-values
The GET allows two optional query parameters,verbose=<INFO|OFF>
and statisticIds=<id1,id2,id3>
Sample request
GET /statistics/v3/subscriptions/UUID1/statistic-values
Sample JSON response body
In the above sample:
- The status code is 0 because this is synchronous operation.
Delete a subscription
You can delete a subscription by sending a DELETE request to the following path: /statistics/v3/subscriptions/{id}. This closes all statistics associated with the specified subscription. It’s a fire-and-forget operation that always returns a success response.
CometD notifications
You can subscribe to CometD notifications about service state and statistic value updates for statistics in your subscription.
Statistic value updates
Notification topic: /statistics/v3/updates
Notification sample:
- subscriptionId - The ID of the subscription the statistic is associated with.
- statisticId - The ID of the statistic.
- value - The value of the statistic.
- timestamp - The time the statistic was generated (provided by Stat Server).
Service state
If the Statistics service is unable to connect to internal server(s) it needs to communicate with, it notifies subscribers with a ServiceStateChange message where the serviceState is UNAVAILABLE. When this happens, the Statistics service drops all subscriptions, so you’ll need to re-create your subscriptions when the service is available again.
Notification topic: /statistics/v3/service
Notification sample:
Service is unavailable
Service is available again