Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Deployment Guide

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This manual is for version 8.5 of Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM.

Search the table of all articles in this guide, listed in alphabetical order, to find the article you need.

Article Description
Article Description
After Call Work Timer For the OpenUI mode only, the After Call Work (ACW) timer enables agents to see their remaining after call work time.
Common Changes Supplements or replaces information currently in the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM 8.0 Deployment Guide and the Supplement to Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM 8.0 Deployment Guide.
Innovations in customization within Siebel IP 2017 and higher Starting with Siebel IP 2017, take into account significant changes to customization techniques.
New in this Release Lists new features and feature enhancements in the Adapter releases and deployment impact.
Selective Protection of Sensitive Data in Logs Selective protection of sensitive data is improved with the ability to hide DTMF-related information (for example, digits) in Logs, via Communication Server options.
Siebel IP 2017 through IP 2021 support Siebel IP2017, IP2018, IP2019, IP2020, IP2021 are supported.

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