Deploy Digital Channels using Docker Compose

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Learn how to deploy Digital Channels as a service in a non-production lab environment using Docker Compose. To deploy Digital Channels in a Kubernetes cluster for a production or non-production environment, see Deploy Digital Channels.

Related documentation:

Follow the steps on this page to deploy Digital Channels in a non-production lab environment using Docker Compose. With this deployment approach, you can quickly set up the Digital Channels components in one host running Docker. This deployment currently supports asynchronous chat and SMS.

“Nexus” is the simplified name we use for the Digital Channels application and nodes, so you’ll see that name referenced throughout this document.

Hardware requirements

  • CPU: minimum 2 cores
  • RAM: minimum of 16 GB

Software requirements

Use the latest stable version of:

Your environment should have internet access to or you can manually load the following images to Docker:

  • elasticsearch:7.3.0
  • kibana:7.3.0
  • filebeat:7.3.0
  • postgres:11
  • redis:5
  • prometheus:latest
  • grafana:latest

Configure Digital Channels

Download the Docker Compose file for Digital Channels and update the configuration parameters: docker-compose.yml

The following table lists the configurable parameters you can define for your installation in the docker-compose.yml file.

Name Description Default value
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME The Docker Compose project name. nexdc
NGINX_IMAGE The address of the Nginx installation. nginx
NGINX_TAG The version of the Nginx installation. latest
NGINX_PUBLIC_HTTP Port mapping for the Nginx service. 80
NGINX_PUBLIC_HTTPS Port mapping for the Nginx service. 443
REDIS_IMAGE The address of the Redis installation. redis
REDIS_TAG The version of the Redis installation. 5
REDIS_PUBLIC_PORT Port mapping for the Redis service. 6379
POSTGRES_IMAGE The address of the PostgreSQL installation. postgres
POSTGRES_TAG The version of the PostgreSQL installation. 11
POSTGRES_USER The PostgreSQL user Digital Channels can use to connect to the database. nexus
POSTGRES_DB The PostgreSQL database name. nexus
POSTGRES_PASSWORD The PostgreSQL user password. nexus
POSTGRES_PUBLIC_PORT Port mapping for the PostgreSQL service. 5432
NEXUS_IMAGE The location of the Nexus image.
NEXUS_TAG The version of the Nexus image.
NEXUS_PUBLIC_PORT Port mapping for the Nexus service. 4004
ELASTICSEARCH_IMAGE The address of the Elasticsearch installation.
ELASTIC_RELEASE The version of the Elasticsearch installation. 7.3.0
ELASTICSEARCH_PUBLIC_PORT Port mapping for the Elasticsearch service. 9200
ELASTICSEARCH_CLUSTER_PORT Port mapping for the Elasticsearch service. 9300
KIBANA_IMAGE The address of the Kibana installation.
KIBANA_PUBLIC_PORT Port mapping for the Kibana service. 5601
FILEBEAT_IMAGE The address of the Filebeat installation.
PROMETHEUS_IMAGE The address of the Prometheus installation. prom/prometheus
PROMETHEUS_TAG The version of the Prometheus installation. latest
PROMETHEUS_PUBLIC_PORT Port mapping for the Prometheus service. 9090
GRAFANA_IMAGE The address of the Grafana installation. grafana/grafana
GRAFANA_TAG The version of the Grafana installation. latest
GF_USERS_ALLOW_SIGN_UP Allow user to sign up to Grafana. false
GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD Admin user password for Grafana. secret
GRAFANA_PUBLIC_PORT Port mapping for the Grafana service. 3000

If you must inject an environment variable in the Nexus service, specify them in the nexus.env file.

Install Digital Channels

Complete the following steps to install Digital Channels.

  1. Unpack the installation package and navigate to the target folder.
  2. Using OpenSSL, generate a self-signed certificate for SSL with a common name (CN) of either nexus or localhost.
    nexus example:
    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout loadbalancer/etc/nexus-dev.pem \
    -out loadbalancer/etc/nexus-dev.crt -days 3650 -nodes \
    -subj '/C=US/ST=California/L=Daly City/O=Genesys/OU=Lab/CN=nexus'
    localhost example:
    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout loadbalancer/etc/nexus-dev.pem \
    -out loadbalancer/etc/nexus-dev.crt -days 3650 -nodes \
    -subj '/C=US/ST=California/L=Daly City/O=Genesys/OU=Lab/CN=localhost'
  3. Log in to the nexus image repository.
    docker login [NEXUS_IMAGE_REPOSITORY]
  4. Invoke docker-compose:
    docker-compose up -d // flag "-d" starts it as daemon
  5. Wait until docker-compose is up and running. It might take up to 10 minutes.

Stop and remove containers

Use the following command to stop and remove containers:

docker-compose down

View a list of containers

Use the following command to view a list of installed containers:

docker-compose ps

Connect to databases

Connect to PostgreSQL using the following commands, making sure to replace the placeholders with your environment information:

  • Postgres CLI
    docker run -it --rm --network <COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME>_default postgres:11 psql -h postgres -U <POSTGRES_USER>
  • Web UI
    docker run --network <COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME>_default -p 9009:8080 -e ADMINER_DEFAULT_SERVER=postgres adminer

In a web browser, go to http://localhost:9009 to confirm the connection.

Now, connect to Redis:

docker run -it --network <COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME>_default --rm redis:5 redis-cli -h redis

Verify the services

Verify that Digital Channels and its services are working correctly with the following links:

Service name Enpoints
Loadbalancer [HTTP]



Access the services

Access Digital Channels and its services with the links in the table below. Note that default ports are used in the example endpoints.

Service name Endpoints Credentials
Nexus API [HTTP]




Login: admin


After logging in to Grafana, you can add your dashboards using any metrics exposed by Digital Channels.

More information

For more information about deploying and configuring Digital Channels, see Digital Channels Private Edition Guide.

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