Verify GDL Docker Container

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This topic is part of the manual GDL Deployment Guide for version 9.0 of Genesys Data Layer.

Verification steps for GDL Docker.

Verify Docker Deployment

The successfully running GDL Docker containers can be verified by using the following command in another instance of Command Prompt (login as vagrant ssh in root folder)

docker ps

It lists the successfully running Docker containers such as Zookeeper, Kakfa, and tenant-api Docker containers.

Verify using Management API

The successfully running GDL Docker containers can also be verified by accessing Management station API.

  1. Click here to access the Management Station API with default username as admin and password as admin. (The IP address of the Swagger API UI can be modified in Vagrant properties file "private network" property)
  2. Click Cluster API (Operations pertaining to metadata in Kafka Cluster) to verify the number of brokers and access points of Kafka. It returns the port numbers of Kafka access points where the messages are coupled to Kafka layers (GDL).
    1. Click Try it out.
    2. Click Execute.
    3. The Response Body JSON file returns the number of available brokers and its port numbers.

Execute Deployment Test

Click Command API (Execute deployment test) to execute the deployment test cases of Kafka layers. It is an essential test case where the pseudo messages are published and consumed within the Kafka ports.

  1. Click Try it out.
  2. Select start.
  3. Click Execute. (Ensure all your Kafka layers are up before executing the test case)
  4. The Response Body JSON file returns the message as command started.

The test cases take approximately seven to ten minutes to verify the deployment of Kafka layers. After ten minutes, follow the given steps to access test results.

  1. Click Try it out.
  2. Select result.
  3. Click Execute.

The Response Body JSON file returns the result of executed test cases.The success message indicates the flawless data transfer between producer and consumer.

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