Deploy Kafka Clusters

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This topic is part of the manual GDL Deployment Guide for version 9.0 of Genesys Data Layer.

Deployment of GDL clusters in Docker environment.

Execute Docker Compose Files

Change the directory of command prompt to Shared folder in CentOS/7. The Shared folder can access the files from host machine where the IP packages were unzipped.

  1. Display the list of files in Shared folder by using ls command. The folder displays four files as follows.
    1. docker-compose-cluster-full.yml
    2. docker-compose-single.yml
    3. docker-compose-cluster-half.yml
    4. IP_GDL_900_ENU_DockerLinux.tar
  2. Execute the following command to run the Docker image.
    1. docker image load -i IP_GDL_900_ENU_DockerLinux.tar
  3. Execute the following command to bring up the GDL clusters.
    1. sudo docker-compose -f(docker compose file name) up
  4. To enable full cluster GDL (3 Zookeepers and 3 Kafka clusters and 1 Management API), type the following command.
    1. sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-cluster-full.yml up

Wait till the log message appears as started application in nn.nnn seconds (JVM Running for nn.nnn)

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