Deploy Designer (versions prior to v9010005)

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This topic is part of the manual Designer Deployment Guide for version Current of Designer.

Learn how to deploy Designer as a service in a Kubernetes cluster (for DesDepMnfst versions prior to v9010005).

For deployment instructions for DesDepMnfst v9010005 and above, click here.

1. Prerequisites

Before deploying Designer, make sure the following resources are deployed, configured, and accessible:

1.1 Kubernetes cluster prerequisites

  • Kubernetes 1.12+
  • Helm 3.0
  • Persistent volumes for workspace storage (minimum 2GB) and logs (minimum 5GB) configured in the cluster.
    • Each Designer and DAS pod will make persistent volume claims for storage and logs.
    • The volumes must be on shared storage (such as NFS) to enable changes made on one pod to become available on all other pods.
    • If a NFS server is used for shared storage, it should be deployed as highly available (HA) in order to avoid single points of failure.
Genesys recommends using the ObjectiveFS (OFS) file system or any variant of the Network File System (NFS).
The Designer manifest package includes sample YAML files to create an NFS server and persistent volumes.

1.2 Genesys components dependencies

  • GWS 9.x
    • Configured to work with a compatible version of Configuration Server.
    • Contact Center provisioned in GWS (contact center ID available from GWS).
  • ORS 8.1.400.x
  • Nexus 9.x
  • URS 8.1.400.x
  • StatServer 8.5.11x.yz

1.3 External prerequisites

ElasticSearch 7.4.2 and 6.2.x for Designer Analytics and audit trails (optional and can be enabled later).

2. Deployment Process Overview

The Designer deployment process consists of the following steps:

  1. Create roles for Designer.
  2. Set up a transaction list.
  3. Install Designer.
  4. Install DAS.
  5. Change the default values of the configurable parameters for Designer and DAS, if required.
  6. Change the default values of additional configuration settings, if required.
  7. Enable additional features.

Each of the above steps is explained in detail in the following sections.

3. Configuration Server objects

Designer uses roles and access groups to determine permissions associated with the logged-in user. To enable this, you must make these changes in GAX or CME.

3.1 Create roles for Designer

Designer support a number of bundled roles suitable for various levels of users.

  • DesignerDeveloperMost users fall into this category. These users can create Designer applications, upload audio, and create business controls. They have full access to Designer Analytics.
  • DesignerBusinessUserThese users cannot create objects but they can manage them (for example, upload audio, change data tables, and view analytics).
  • DesignerAnalyticsThese users only have access to Designer Analytics.
  • DesignerAdminThese users can set up and manage partitions associated with users and Designer objects.
  • DesignerOperationsUsers with this role have full access to all aspects of the Designer workspace. This includes the Operations menu (normally hidden), where they can perform advanced operational and maintenance tasks.

To create these roles, import the .conf files included in the Designer Deployment Manifest package. They are located in the packages/roles/ folder.

In addition, ensure the following for user accounts that need access to Designer:

  • The user must have read permissions on its own Person object.
  • Users must be associated with one or more roles via access groups.
  • The on-Premises user must have at least read access on the user, access group(s), and roles(s).

3.2 Set up a transaction list

Designer requires a transaction list for configuration purposes as described in other sections of this document. To set this up:

  1. Create a transaction list called DesignerEnv.
  2. Import the file configuration/DesignerEnv.conf, located in the Designer Deployment Manifest package.
  3. Edit any values according to the descriptions provided in the Additional configuration settings section.
  4. Save the list.
  5. Ensure Designer users have at least read access to the DesignerEnv transaction list.
The DesignerEnv transaction list is created under the Transaction root folder if the Internal folder does not exist.

4. Deploying Designer

This section describes how to deploy Designer on your Kubernetes cluster.

Ensure the following:

  • Designer helm package is downloaded.
  • Designer and DAS images are accessible from the cluster.

4.1 Install Designer and DAS

Install Designer using the following command (replace designer-service if you are using a different name for your Designer service):

helm install designer-service designer-9.0.11.xx.xx.tgz


helm install designer-service -f designer-values.yaml designer-9.0.11.xx.xx.tgz.tgz

Next, install DAS using the following command (replace das-service if you are using a different name for your DAS service):

helm install das-service das-9.0.11.xx.xx.tgz


helm install das-service -f das-values.yaml das-9.0.11.xx.xx.tgz

These commands deploy Designer on the Kubernetes cluster using the default configuration.

The Parameters section lists the parameters for both Designer and Designer Application Server (DAS) that can be configured during installation. It is recommended to add changed settings into a separate file (for example, designer-values.yaml) and specify that file while installing the chart.

4.1 Running Designer as a Non-Root User

You can run Desinger as a non-root user. Currently, only a Genesys user is supported by the Designer base image.

  • By default Designer is run as a root user. To run it as a Genesys user, you must add the security context in the helm chart and configure the following in the values.yaml file:

runAsUser: 500
runAsGroup: 500

500 is the ID of the Genesys user and cannot be modified.

  • The file system must reside within the Genesys user in order to run Designer as a Genesys user. Change the NFS server host path to the Genesys user:

chown -R genesys:genesys

  • After installation, log in to the container and run ps -ef to verify if all processes are running as a Genesys user.

4.2 Running DAS as a Non-Root User

You can run DAS as a non-root user. Currently, only a Genesys user is supported by the Designer base image.

  • To run DAS as a Genesys user, you must add the security context in the helm chart and configure the following in the values.yaml file:

runAsUser: 500
runAsGroup: 500

500 is the ID of the Genesys user and cannot be modified.

  • After installation, log in to the container and run ps -ef to verify if all processes are running as a Genesys user.

5. Parameters

This section lists the configurable parameters of the Designer and Designer Application Server (DAS) chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
deployment.replicaCount No. of services to be created 2
deployment.strategy Rolling update / re-create RollingUpdate
desImage.repository Docker repository for Designer
desImage.tag Designer Image version
volumes.workapceMountPath Designer workspace path inside the container /designer/workspace
volumes.workspaceClaim Persistent volume claim name for the workspace designer-managed-disk
volumes.logMountPath Designer log path inside the container /designer/logs
volumes.logClaim Persistent volume claim name for logs designer-logs
healthApi.path Health check request to be sent /health
healthApi.containerPort Container running port 8888
healthApi.startupDelay Health will be started after a given delay 20
healthApi.checkInterval The interval between each health check requests 5
healthApi.failureCount No of health check failure to mark the container as instable or restart 5
designerEnv.enabled Enables the ConfigMap based env input true
designerEnv.configName Name of the ConfigMap designer-config
designerEnv.envs.DES_PORT Designer port for container 8888
designerEnv.envs.DES_APPSERVER_HOST DAS hostname das
designerEnv.envs.DES_APPSERVER_PORT DAS port 80
designerEnv.envs.DES_USE_HTCC To enable GWS based auth true
designerEnv.envs.DES_HTCC_SERVER GWS server URL gws-service-proxy
designerEnv.envs.DES_HTCC_PORT GWS server port 80
designerEnv.DES_GWS_CLIENT_ID GWS Client ID

Create a new client ID if the default does not work. Follow the steps in the link below, to create new GWS client credentials: Creating Client for Provisioning Service

designerEnv.DES_GWS_CLIENT_SECRET GWS Client secret ****
service.type Service port either CluserIP/NodePort/LoadBalancer NodePort
service.port Designer service to be exposed 8888
service.targetPort Designer application port running inside the container http
service.nodePort Port to be exposed in case service.type=NodePort 30180
ingress.enabled Enable/Disable ingress true
ingress.paths Ingress path /
ingress.hosts Hostname
ingress.tls TLS based security enabling nil
resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU K8s allocates for container 600m
resources.limits.memory Maximum amount of Memory K8s allocates for container 1Gi
resources.requests.cpu Guaranteed CPU allocation for container 400m
resources.requests.memory Guaranteed Memory allocation for container 512Mi
nodeSelector To allow Pods to be scheduled on the nodes based labels assigned to nodes. Default value:

nodeSelector: {}
Sample value:
<label_key>: <label_value>

Designer Application Server (DAS)
Parameter Description Default
deployment.replicaCount No of service to be created 2
dasImage.repository Docker repository for DAS
dasImage.tag DAS Image version
dasVolumes.workapceMountPath DAS workspace path inside the container /das/www/workspaces
dasVolumes.workspaceClaim Persistent volume claim name for the workspace designer-managed-disk
dasVolumes.logMountPath DAS log path inside the container /das/log
dasVolumes.logClaim Persistent volume claim name for logs designer-logs
dasHealthApi.path Health check request to be sent /health
dasHealthApi.containerPort Container running port 80
dasHealthApi.startupDelay Health will be started after a given delay 20
dasHealthApi.checkInterval The interval between each health check requests 5
dasHealthApi.failureCount No of health check failure to mark the container as instable or restart 5
dasService.type Service port either CluserIP/NodePort/LoadBalancer NodePort
dasService.port DAS service to be exposed 80
dasresources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU K8s allocates for container 600m
dasresources.limits.memory Maximum amount of Memory K8s allocates for container 1Gi
dasresources.requests.cpu Guaranteed CPU allocation for container 400m
dasresources.requests.memory Guaranteed Memory allocation for container 512Mi
nodeSelector To allow Pods to be scheduled on the nodes based labels assigned to nodes. Default value:

nodeSelector: {}
Sample value:
<label_key>: <label_value>

6. Additional configuration settings

Post deployment, Designer configuration is managed in two locations:

  • <workspace>/designer/flowsettings.json
  • Configuration Server in the Tenant/Transactions/Internal/DesignerEnv transaction list
Category Setting Name flowsettings.json DesignerEnv DesignerEnv Section Description
Analytics enableAnalytics Yes Flag to enable analytics.
Analytics esUrl Yes Elasticsearch URL (for example, http://es-service:9200).
Analytics esServer Yes Elasticsearch Server HostName (for example, es-service).
Analytics esPort Yes Elasticsearch port (for example, 9200).
Analytics ReportingURL Yes reporting URL of Elasticsearch where Designer applications will report data (for example, http://es-service:9200).
Analytics esMaxQueryDuration The maximum time range (in days) to query in Designer Analytics. Data for each day is stored in a separate index in Elasticsearch.
Analytics sdrMaxObjCount The maximum count of nested type objects to be captured in SDRs.
Analytics SdrTraceLevel This caps the level of detail captured in analytics.
Audio useUserRecordedSystemAudio
Audit enableESAuditLogs Yes Enable or Disable Audit logs captured in Elasticsearch.
Audit enableFSAuditLogs Yes Enable or Disable Audit logs captured in the file system.
Audit maxAppSizeCompare The maximum size of a data object for which a differential will be captured in audit logs.
Audit enableReadAuditLogs Yes Control whether reading of objects is captured in audit trails.
Authorization disableRBAC Yes Controls if Designer reads and enforces permissions associated with the logged in user's roles.
Authorization disablePBAC Yes Controls if Designer allows partitioning of Designer workspace and restricts a user's access to Designer objects to the user's partitions.
Collboration locking Yes The type of locking used, for an editing session of applications, modules, or data tables.
DAS applicationHost Yes The server name Designer uses to generate the URL to the application. ORS and MCP fetch application code and other resources from this URL.
DAS applicationPort Yes The corresponding port to be used with applicationHost.
DAS deployURL Yes This is normally not changed. It is the relative path to the workspace on DAS.
Deployment ssoLoginUrl Yes URL of GWS authentication UI. Designer redirects to this URL for authentication.
Digital rootsSRL Yes If specified, this is used to filter which Root Categories to display when selecting Standard Responses.
Digital maxFlowEntryCount Yes flowsettings Specifies how many times the same application can process a specific digital interaction.
External APIs httpProxy Yes Yes flowsettings Specifies the proxy used for external request and nexus API calls (if enable_proxy is true).
External APIs redundantHttpProxy Yes Yes flowsettings Specifies the backup proxy used for external request and Nexus API calls (if enable_proxy is true), when httpProxy is down.
Features features This is an object. See the Features section for a list of supported features.
GWS usehtcc Yes Set to true so Designer works with GWS. If set to false, Designer defaults to a local mode and may be used temporarily if GWS is unavailable.
GWS htccServer Yes GWS Server
GWS htccport Yes GWS Port
GWS maxConcurrentHTCCRequest Yes For batch operations to GWS, the maximum number of concurrent requests that Designer will send to GWS.
GWS batchOperationResultTTL Yes For batch operations to GWS, the time (in milliseconds) that Designer stores results of a batch operation on the server, before deleting it.
Help docsMicroserviceURL Yes URL for Designer Documentation
IVR recordingType Specifies the recording type to be used in the Record block. Set as GIR. If the option is missing or blank, Full Call Recording type is used.
Nexus url Yes nexus URL of Nexus that typically includes the API version path (e.g. https://nexus-server/nexus/api/v3).
Nexus password Yes nexus Nexus x-api-key created by Nexus deployment.
Nexus enable_proxy Yes nexus Boolean value on whether httpProxy is used to reach Nexus.
Nexus profile Yes nexus Enable Contact Identification via Nexus (e.g. to enable Last Called Agent routing).
Process port Yes Designer process port in the container. Typically, you should keep the default value.
Provisioning primarySwitch Specify the primary switch name if more than one switch is defined for the tenant. Designer fetches and works with route points from this switch.
Routing ewtRefreshTimeout Yes flowsettings Specifies the interval (in seconds) to refresh the Estimated Waiting Time when routing an interaction.
Security zipFileSizeLimitInMegaBytes Defines the maximum zipFile size limit (in megabytes) during bulk audio import.
Security tempUploadDir The path where the zipFile is stored during bulk audio import process.
Security disableCSRF Yes
Security disableSecureCookie Yes Disable the secure cookies header.
Session idleTimeout Yes Idle timeout (in seconds) before a user session is terminated while editing applications, modules, or data tables.
Session lockTimeout Yes Timeout (in seconds) before a resource lock is released, for an editing session of applications, modules, or data tables.
Session lockKeepalive Yes Interval (in seconds) before the client sends a ping to the server, to refresh the lock for an editing session of applications, modules, or data tables.
Tenancy multitenancy Yes Should be set to true.
Tenancy localmode Yes Should be set to false.
Workflow maxBuilds Yes Specifies the maximum number of builds permitted per application.
Workflow enablePTE Yes flowsettings Boolean value on whether PTE objects are enabled at runtime.

7. Features

The features specified here must be configured under the features object in the flowsettings.json file.

For example,

"features": {

"callbackv2": true,



These features are configured only in the flowsettings.json file and not in DesignerEnv.

Category Feature Setting Name Description Default Value
Audio enableBulkAudioImport Enable or disable the bulk audio import feature. false
Audio grammarValidation If enabled, Designer will validate invalid grammar files during grammar upload. If it is enabled, only valid grammar files (.grxml or Nuance compiled binary grammar) can be uploaded. false
Nexus nexus Enable or disable Nexus. false

The Personas feature is enabled during a new tenant creation in Azure. The following are performed during workspace initialization:

  • The Personas feature flag is enabled in tenantsettings.json.
  • The GTTS only personas.json file is copied to  workspace/tenant ccid/workspace/personas/personas.json.
  • The defaultPersona setting is configured in the DesignerEnv transaction list (flowsettings->defaultPersona = Gabriela).

8. Upgrades

To upgrade the service when a new Designer/DAS Helm chart is released:

helm upgrade <service-name> <helm chart>

To upgrade when a new Designer/DAS image version is released:

Option 1- Using the default settings (recommended)

  1. Modify the image tag parameter in the designer-values.yaml file.
    For example, if you are upgrading the Designer version, modify tag under the desImage section. For upgrading DAS, modify the tag under dasImage section.
  2. helm upgrade <service-name> -f designer-values.yaml <helm chart>

Option 2 - Using the SET command for Helm

For Designer,

helm upgrade designer-service designer-9.0.11.xx.xx.tgz --set desImage.tag=<version>

For DAS,

helm upgrade das-service das-9.0.11.xx.xx.tgz --set dasImage.tag=<version>

9. Uninstall

To uninstall a service:

helm uninstall <service-name>

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