Single sign on with Agent Desktop

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This topic is part of the manual Genesys Softphone Administrator's Guide for version Current of Genesys Softphone.

How to configure Genesys Softphone for single sign-on with Workspace Agent Desktop.

Related documentation:

Genesys Softphone includes an HTTP/HTTPS connector to simplify using Genesys Softphone with Agent Desktop:

  • Single sign-on—Agent Desktop controls the SIP settings for Softphone based on explicit Agent Desktop centralized options and agent login credentials (Place and DN).
  • Simplified deployment—each agent workstation runs the same application and configuration files, avoiding workstation specific configuration.
  • Password authentication—Agent Desktop passes the DN password as one of the parameters through the Genesys Softphone connector to allow the Softphone to securely login to SIP Server and avoid the need for MPLS.

Configuring Softphone for Agent Desktop

Softphone.config configuration file contains a connector section in the policy domain:

<Container name ="Genesys">
	<domain name="policy">
		<section name="connector">

		<!-- Activates HTTP or HTTPS communication. 
                Requires a port defined in the port option. -->
          	<setting name="protocol" value="https"/>

          	<!-- Specifies the port used when communicating in HTTP or HTTPS -->
          	<setting name="port" value="8000"/>

          	<!-- Activates the SESSIONID in cookies -->
	        <setting name="enable_sessionid" value="1"/>

	        <!-- Gives a thumbprint string value Workspace 
                uses to select a certificate if the 'protocol' option 
                is set to HTTPS. -->
	        <setting name="certificate_search_value" value="55 20 C3 64 79 ED 13 87 FB C3 6C 99 54 D2 6C AC 11 61 BE CE"/>

	        <!-- Specifies if the Softphone application is auto started 
                or started by the client application.-->
	        <setting name="standalone" value="1"/>

You can enable Agent Desktop options for Softphone through Agent Setup.

Codec priority

Use the enabled section of the codecs domain in the Softphone.config configuration file to specify the order in which audio codecs are given priority.

For more details, refer to Working with Codec Priorities in the SIP Endpoint SDK Developer's Guide 9.0.0NET.

For example:

  <domain name="codecs">
    <section name="enabled">
      <setting name="audio" value="opus,pcmu,pcma,G722,iSAC/16000,G729"/>
    <section name="PCMU/8000"/>
    <section name="PCMA/8000"/>
    <section name="G722/16000"/>

Any codec that is not explicitly included in the enabled section will not be used, even if the section for that codec is present in the configuration file.

To use the Genesys SIP Endpoint SDK 9.0 enabled section of the codecs domain, follow these guidelines:

  • Codec names are case-insensitive. You can omit the clock rate portion of the section name unless needed to discriminate between two sections with the same name. The clock rate portion must be provided for iSAC.
  • Specify codec parameters as a comma-separated list in parenthesis after an equals sign. You can use abbreviations such as "pt" for "payload_type".
  • If there are codec conflicts, the value in the enabled section takes precedence over value in corresponding codec section, regardless of whether those values come from the configuration file. For example:
       <setting name="audio" value="g729=(fmtp='annexb=no'),opus=(pt=125),pcmu,pcma"/>
       <setting name="video" value="h264=(pt=120,fmtp='profile-level-id=420028')"/>
  • If codec parameters are specified in-line (or a particular codec does not require any parameters, such as the PCMU and PCMA codecs), then a separate codec section is not necessary. In any case, codecs specified in the "enabled" section do not require presence of corresponding section to take effect.

Signing on with Agent Desktop

Before starting Agent Desktop, agents need to have Softphone running. Administrators can specify that Softphone starts automatically when the Windows user logs in or agents can startup Softphone.

User interface and call controls

When using Softphone with Agent Desktop, Softphone disables its default user interface. Instead, agents can use the Agent Desktop user interface for call controls, mute, and volume control. For information on the Agent Desktop user interface, see the Agent Desktop Help.

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