Contact History Export Reference

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This page contains information about how the data files for Contact History export jobs are formatted and structured.

The exported data files are formatted in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Lines format. In this type of format, each line in the file corresponds to one interaction or contacts attribute, represented as a JSON object with keys and values.

For example, an entry in a contact export might look like this:

{"ContactId":"00001a57JGQ00A8TZSA","tenantid":101,"createddate":"2015-08-05 08:31:20.78"}

The way that the data fields and values are organized in each export file is controlled by a schema. The schemas used by CDDS are based on JSON Schema (draft 7). You can learn more about JSON Schema by visiting their website.

The following sections provide the schemas used for each type of export job and include some examples of exported data.

The examples provided for each export file have been formatted for easier viewing. In an actual export file, the data is displayed as a single-line, with each key-value pair separated by a comma.


Interaction data contains details about interactions that were processed during the time period specified in the job settings, such as voice calls, chats, and emails. When CDDS exports this data, all of the data records for each interaction type are merged into a single export file:


The exported interaction data includes several details about the interaction, such as when it took place, the contact ID, disposition code, and any notes that the agent might have made during the interaction. You can see an example of exported interaction data here.

In addition to data values, interaction data may also include attached files (such as attachments in email interactions). The contents of these file attachments are exported in a separate file that uses a document schema:


You can associate interactions with their file attachments by cross-referencing the id field in the interaction export with the entityid field in the related document export file.

Schema files are created only if there is corresponding data being exported. For example, if there are no documents being exported, no document schema is generated.

Interaction schema

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Example of an Interaction export

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Document schema

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Example of a Document export

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AllAttributes field format

The AllAttributes field is part of the interactions export data and contains a special collection of key-value pairs. The field holds a list of objects in the following format, where key is a string identifier and data is a JSON type (such as string, integer, or other valid JSON object).

{ "<key>" : <data> }

Example of AllAttributes export

[+] Click to show


Contact data export files contain details about each customer, such as their name, customer ID, email address, and the date that their contact information was created or modified.

Contact Attributes are associated with a particular contact and, like documents (i.e. attachments) for interactions, are exported in a separate file that uses a different schema.

Contact schema

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Example of a Contact export

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Contact Attributes schema

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Example of a Contact Attributes export

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