Contact Center Performance Reporting Metrics
- 1 Coverage – Scheduled
- 2 Coverage – Optimal
- 3 Coverage – Difference
- 4 Coverage – Percentage
- 5 Number of Agents – Scheduled
- 6 Number of Agents – Actual
- 7 Number of Agents – Difference
- 8 Number of Agents – Percentage of Difference
- 9 Interaction Volume – Forecast
- 10 Interaction Volume – Actual
- 11 Interaction Volume – Difference
- 12 Interaction Volume – Percentage
- 13 AHT – Forecast
- 14 AHT – Actual
- 15 AHT – Difference
- 16 AHT – Percentage
- 17 Service Level – Scheduled
- 18 Service Level – Actual
- 19 ASA – Scheduled
- 20 ASA – Actual
- 21 Abandons Factor – Scheduled
- 22 Abandons Factor – Actual
Track and analyze performance data in your contact center and use these metrics to create reports.
Click any link below to go directly to a specific metric.
- false (default): Scheduled or Forecast minus Actual
- true: Actual minus Scheduled or Forecast
Coverage – Scheduled
The actual amount of time that an agent should count toward coverage of the work in this time period. If an agent is multi-skilled and is scheduled for multiple activities during a given period, he may count fractional amounts of time toward the coverage of each activity (for example, 0.5 toward each of two activities for which he is scheduled).
If an agent has something other than activity work scheduled for part of a period, that will be subtracted from the amount of time counted toward the coverage of that activity work. For example, an agent who is scheduled for an activity for a given 15-minute timestep, but who has a break for the first five minutes of that timestep, would count as 0.67 toward the coverage of that activity for that period.
How the total / average Is calculated
This figure is in FTEs. For the calculation, see Endnote 1.
The value in the totals/averages row at the top of this view (or at the bottom of the report) is calculated as follows:
- WFM calculates the sum of the agents who are covering this activity within each timestep during the day.
- The value calculated in Step 1 is multiplied by 15 minutes in order to get the total time of activity work.
- The value calculated in Step 2 is divided by the value set for Paid Hours a Day, which was entered while building the staffing forecast for this activity.
Coverage – Optimal
The coverage that would have been required in order to meet the original service objectives, based on the actual IV and AHT.
Coverage – Difference
Coverage – Percentage
Coverage – Optimal divided by Coverage – Optimal minus Coverage – Scheduled in concept: Optimal / (Optimal – Scheduled).
Number of Agents – Scheduled
The number of agents scheduled for this period, also known as headcount.
How the total / average Is calculated
A simple average across the entire report time range. Thus, even if activity is only open for a portion of the day, if this report were run for a intra-day period, the average would be calculated over 96 timesteps.
Number of Agents – Actual
The number of agents who were actually logged in during this period, also known as headcount.
How the total / average Is calculated
A simple average of the number of time steps when agents were logged in.
Σ (Agentsi) / Number of time steps
Agentsi is the number of agents logged in (as reported by Stat Server) during timestepi
Number of Agents – Difference
Number of Agents – Percentage of Difference
(Number of Agents – Scheduled minus Number of Agents – Actual) divided by Number of Agents – Scheduled in concept: (Scheduled – Actual) / Scheduled.
Interaction Volume – Forecast
The number of interactions forecast for this period (taken directly from the Master Forecast).
How the total / average Is calculated
This Sum is spread across the entire report time range.
Interaction Volume – Actual
The number of interactions actually received. The exact nature of this metric will depend on what Stat Server statistic is configured for Interaction Volume.
For example, for voice interactions, normally this is based on Number of Calls Entered.
How the total / average Is calculated
The sum is of Interaction Volume for each time step within the report time range.
Σ (IVi)
IVi is the Interaction Volume recorded by Stat Server during timestepi
Interaction Volume – Difference
Interaction Volume – Percentage
(Interaction Volume – Forecast minus Interaction Volume – Actual) divided by Interaction Volume – Forecast in concept: (Forecast - Actual) / Forecast.
AHT – Forecast
Forecast Average Handling Time for this period (taken directly from the Master Forecast)
How the total / average Is calculated
A weighted average, weighted by Forecast IV:
AVG AHT Forecast = Σ (Forecast AHTi * Forecast IVi) / Σ (Forecast IVi)
Forecast AHTi = Forecast Average Handling Time for timestepi Forecast IVi = Forecast Interaction Volume for timestepi timestepi = timestep number over the open hours
AHT – Actual
Actual Average Handling Time for calls handled during this period. This metric is based on what Stat Server statistics are configured for Total Handle Time and Number of Calls Handled.
How the total / average Is calculated
A weighted average, weighted by Number of Calls Handled:
Σ (AHTi * CallsHandledi) / Σ (CallsHandledi)
Where: AHTi = AHT recorded by Stat Server for timestepi
CallsHandledi = Number of interactions handled during timestepi as recorded by Stat Server.
AHT – Difference
AHT – Forecasted minus AHT – Actual.
AHT – Percentage
(AHT – Forecast minus AHT – Actual) divided by AHT – Forecast in concept: (Forecast - Actual) / Forecast.
Service Level – Scheduled
The Service Level that was scheduled to be achieved, based on the scheduled number of agents.
How the total / average Is calculated
A weighted average, weighted by Forecast IV:
AVG SL Scheduled = Σ (Scheduled SLi * Forecast IVi) / &Sigma (Forecast IVi)
Scheduled SLi = Calculated Service Level based on the number of scheduled agents for timestepi Forecast IVi = Forecast Interaction Volume for timestepi timestepi = timestep number over the open hours
Service Level – Actual
The Service Level that was actually achieved. This metric is based on what Stat Server statistics are configured for Service Factor, Number of Calls Distributed, Average Speed of Answer, and Time Range.
How the total / average Is calculated
A weighted average, weighted by Number of Calls Distributed:
Σ (SFi * CallsDistributedi) / Σ (CallsDistributedi)
SFi= Service Factor recorded by Stat Server for timestepi CallsDistributedi= Number of calls distributed during timestepi as recorded by Stat Server.
(This value does not appear in the report but is recorded by Stat Server. For more details, see Endnote 2.)
ASA – Scheduled
The Average Speed of Answer that was scheduled to be achieved, based on the scheduled number of agents. Calculated by using the inverse of the WFM’s staffing forecast algorithm.
WFM uses a modified Erlang algorithm to derive Calculated Staffing, based on the IV, AHT, and service objectives such as ASA that were stated when building the forecast. Therefore, to calculated the Scheduled ASA it uses that formula in reverse.
How the total / average Is calculated
A weighted average, weighted by Forecast IV:
AVG ASA Scheduled = Σ (Scheduled ASAi * Forecast IVi) / Σ (Forecast IVi)
Scheduled ASAi = Calculated ASA based on the number of scheduled agents for timestepi Forecast IVi = Forecast Interaction Volume for timestepi timestepi = timestep number over the open hours
ASA – Actual
The Average Speed of Answer that was actually achieved. This metric is based on what Stat Server statistics are configured for ASA.
How the total / average Is calculated
A weighted average, weighted by Number of Calls Distributed:
Σ (ASAi x CallsDistributedi) / Σ (CallsDistributedi)
Where: ASAi = Average Speed of Answer for timestepi as recorded by Stat Server
CallsDistributedi = Number of calls distributed during timestepi as recorded by Stat Server
Abandons Factor – Scheduled
The expected number of abandoned interactions based on the scheduled number of agents. Calculated by using the inverse of the WFM’s staffing forecast algorithm.
WFM uses a modified Erlang algorithm to derive Calculated Staffing, based on the IV, AHT, and service objectives such as Abandonment percentage that were stated when building the forecast. Therefore, to calculate the Scheduled Abandons, WFM uses that formula in reverse.
How the total / average Is calculated
A weighted average, weighted by Forecast IV:
AVG AF Scheduled = Σ (Scheduled AFi * Forecast IVi) / Σ (Forecast IVi)
Scheduled AFi = Calculated Abandon Factor based on the number of scheduled agents for timestepi
Forecast IVi = Forecast Interaction Volume for timestepi timestepi = timestep number over the open hours
Abandons Factor – Actual
The actual number of abandoned interactions during a specific period, based on which Stat Server statistics are configured for Abandoned Interactions.
How the total / average Is calculated
A weighted average, weighted by Number of Calls Distributed:
Σ (Abandonsi * CallsDistributedi) / Σ (CallsDistributedi)
Where: Abandonsi = Number of calls abandoned during timestepi as recorded by Stat Server
CallsDistributedi = Number of calls distributed during timestepi, as recorded by Stat Server