Journey map icons (Genesys Cloud CX beta release)

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Feature coming soon!Learn about the icons that appear on the customer journey map for Genesys Cloud CX beta customers.

About the icons

Each icon on the customer journey map represents a type of activity. The position of the icon on the journey map indicates the order in which the activity occurred and at what point in the journey.

Miscellaneous icons

Icon Name Description
DefaultIcon.png Default Default icon used when no other icon is applicable.
SearchedIcon.png Searched Visitor searched for something on your website.
PageViewIcon.png Page view Visitor viewed a page on your website.
It's possible for a web visit card to have multiple page titles with the same name. If the URL of a page changes, a new line will form on the web session card and the URL will update. We aren’t facilitating dynamic values within a page if a visitor reloads the page.

Call icons

Not available for beta - section will remain hidden.

Icon Name Description
CallAbandonedIcon.png Abandoned Customer abandoned the call.
InboundCallIcon2.png Inbound call Agent received an inbound call.
CallOnHoldIcon.png On hold Agent placed the call on hold.
OutboundCallIcon.png Outbound call Agent placed an outbound call.
CallTransferredIcon.png Transferred Agent transferred the call.

Custom event icons

Not available for beta - section will remain hidden.

Icon Name Description
ApplicationIcon.png Application Application-related event occurred.
ClaimIcon.png Claim Claim event occurred.
ContractIcon.png Contract Contract event occurred.
DeliveryIcon.png Delivery Delivery event occurred.
InvoiceIcon.png Invoice Invoice event occurred.

Form-related icons

Not available for beta - section will remain hidden.

Icon Name Description
FormAbandonedIcon.png Form abandoned Website visitor abandoned a form before completing it.
FormSubmittedIcon.png Form submitted Website visitor submitted a form.

Journey shaping icons

Not available for beta - section will remain hidden.

Icon Name Description
OutcomeAchievedIcon.png Outcome achieved Website visitor achieved a business outcome that an administrator defined.
SegmentMatchedIcon.png Segment matched Website visitor matched a segment that an administrator defined. The icon color matches the corresponding segment color.

Web messaging icons

Not available for beta - section will remain hidden.

Icon Name Description
Cjv-webchat-accept.png Messaging offer accepted Website visitor accepted the messaging offer.
Cjv-webchat-error.png Messenger error Messenger experience an error.
Cjv-webchat-submitted.png Messaging form completed Website visitor completed the form to request a messaging interaction.
Cjv-webchat-ignored.png Messaging offer ignored Website visitor left your website before responding to the messaging offer.
Cjv-webchat-offered.png Messaging interaction offered Predictive engagement presented a messaging offer to the website visitor.
Cjv-webchat-rejected.png Messaging offer rejected Website visitor rejected the messaging offer.
Cjv-webchat-timeout.png Messaging offer timed out Messaging offer timed out before the website visitor responded.

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