Voicemail for agents and supervisors
You can access your voicemail account from the web or from local or remote telephones.
Before you can access your voicemail, you must set up your user profile. Your mailbox comes with a generic standard greeting. If you want to use a personal greeting or an extended absence greeting, you must record it.
Web access requires Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer 9 or 10.
Access your voicemail from a local telephone
Your desktop telephone might have a Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) in the form of a light or an LED display, which indicates that this phone's mailbox has new messages waiting.
To access your voicemail from a telephone connected to your internal telephone system:
- Press the voicemail key, if your phone includes one, or dial the voicemail access number. Your method of access depends upon your specific telephone model.
- Enter your mailbox number and password, as required. If you are accessing your voicemail for the first time, you must change your password.
- From the main menu, select from the following options:
- Press 1 to play new messages. (Messages become old after 1 play.)
- Press 3 to play old messages.
- Press 4 to reach the greetings menu.
- Press 5 to record your name or change your password.
- Press 6 to access a group mailbox, if available to you. Press 1 and enter a group mailbox number or press 2 to hear a list of all available group mailboxes.
- Use these commands while any message plays:
- Press 1 to rewind 10 seconds.
- Press 2 to pause or resume.
- Press 3 to forward 10 seconds.
- Press 4 to play a voice menu, which lists all commands for listeners.
- Press 5 to hear envelope information about the call, for example: message length (in H:M:S) and Caller ID of sender.
- Press 7 to delete. (Message is saved if not deleted.)
- Press # (number sign) to go to the next message.
- Press * (asterisk) to cancel and return to the main menu.
Note: In the Telephone User Interface (TUI), mailboxes can be accessed only with mailbox credentials (mailbox number). Using DN, agent, or user credentials to access mailboxes is not supported.
Access your voicemail from a remote telephone
To access your voicemail from a telephone not connected to your internal telephone system:
- Dial the voicemail access number. If you have dialed into a group mailbox, you can only play messages.
- Enter your mailbox number and password. If you are accessing your voicemail for the first time, you must change your password.
- Press # to confirm.
- From the main menu, select from the following options:
- Press 1 to play new messages. (Messages become old after 1 play.)
- Press 3 to play old messages.
- Press 4 to reach the greetings menu.
- Press 5 to record your name or change your password.
- Use these commands while any message plays:
- Press 1 to rewind 10 seconds.
- Press 2 to pause or resume.
- Press 3 to forward 10 seconds.
- Press 4 to play a voice menu, which lists all commands for listeners.
- Press 5 to hear envelope information about the call, for example: message length (in H:M:S) and Caller ID of sender.
- Press 7 to delete. (Message is saved if not deleted.)
- Press # (number sign) to go to the next message.
- Press * (asterisk) to cancel and return to the main menu.
Note: In the Telephone User Interface (TUI), mailboxes can be accessed only with mailbox credentials (mailbox number). Using DN, agent, or user credentials to access mailboxes is not supported.
Manage your greetings
Users can manage greetings for their personal mailboxes. Only users who are Group Mailbox Administrators can change greetings and passwords for group mailboxes.
To manage your greetings from a local or remote telephone, press 4 and use these commands:
- Press 1 to record an extended absence greeting.
- Press 2 to record a personal greeting.
- Press 5 to activate the standard greeting that inserts your recorded name into a standard message. For example: You have reached the mailbox of play_recorded_name.
- Press 6 to activate your personal greeting. Not available or played unless this greeting exists.
- Press 7 to activate your extended absence greeting. Not available or played unless this greeting exists.
After initiating each action, follow the audio prompts.
- Press * to exit the Greetings menu and return to main menu.