CE29 - Titles and Canonical Info

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This information is shared by CE29 use cases across all offerings.

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Titles and Taxonomy

Main Title Subtitle Taxonomy Product Category Draft Published Edit

Genesys SMS Routing

Route SMS interactions to the best resource

Customer Engagement


No draft

Canonical Information

Platform Challenge and Solution

Platform Challenge: Your customer wants to contact you in the same way they would friends and family — instantly, conveniently, and personally, with freedom to keep moving. If they encounter constraints, excessive hold times, inconsistent responses or multiple calls, that can damage customer satisfaction and put a strain on your agents.

Platform Solution: Connect a customer to the right resource anywhere in your business by routing customer text messages to your best-fit agents. Genesys SMS Routing uses skill-based routing so messaging your company for support is faster and more efficient than calling and enables conversations from anywhere.

Platform Benefits

The following benefits are based on benchmark information captured from Genesys customers and may vary based on industry or lines of business:

Canonical Benefit Explanation
Improved Employee Utilization Combine text messaging with automated responses to boost agent productivity.
Reduced Handle Time Routing text messages to the best-fit agent assures the right skills for faster resolution.
Reduced Transfers SMS interactions captured by the Genesys system go through content analysis to assign a category that allows the best agent with the skills to the corresponding category. The result is correct transfer of SMS and avoidance of misrouted SMS and unnecessary costs.

High Level Flow

High Level Flow Steps

  1. Customer is looking for information
  2. Customer sends a SMS to the company
  3. The request is sent to the best available agent
  4. Agent sees full interaction and context in desktop

Data Sheet Image

CE29 - genesys sms routing - header (2).png

Canonical Sales Content


  • Head of Contact Center(s)
  • Head of Customer Experience
  • Head of Customer Service

Qualifying Questions

  1. Are you seeing increasing calls related to online service and support?
  2. How do you handle online requests for service and support? (Phone?)
  3. Can you manage all customer channels centrally, giving any agent in any channel a view into shared interaction history and context?

Pain Points (Business Context)

  • Increasing calls related to online service and support
  • Increasing repeat contacts
  • Website not offering online service and support
  • Customer having to queue for a long time
  • Customer having to call multiple times
  • Online help not providing the information customers need
  • Unable to connect to the best agent

Desired State - How to Fix It

  • Enable SMS service
  • Recognize customers
  • Understand intent and sentiment
  • Deliver personalized response
  • Leverage standard response library when needed
  • Meet SLA
  • Provide agents with complete contextual customer information

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