CE07 - Titles and Canonical Info

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This information is shared by CE07 use cases across all offerings.

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Titles and Taxonomy

Main Title Subtitle Taxonomy Product Category Draft Published Edit

Genesys Customer Authentication

Identify and verify customers in your IVR

Customer Engagement

Self-Service and Automation

No draft

Canonical Information

Platform Challenge and Solution

Platform Challenge: Most IVRs require your customers to manually enter their information each time they call. Customers typically have to supply that information again when they’re connected with an agent or transferred — leading to longer handle times, higher purchase abandonment and poor customer experience scores.

Platform Solution: Cut out time-consuming identification steps with a simple, automated caller ID. Genesys Customer Authentication integrates with your customer database to identify callers by their phone number. This context is passed across channels — so you can identify, verify and proactively greet customers, without repetition.

Platform Benefits

The following benefits are based on benchmark information captured from Genesys customers and may vary based on industry or lines of business:

Canonical Benefit Explanation
Improved Customer Experience Proactively recognizing — even greeting — your callers helps improve the customer experience.
Reduced Handle Time Self-service identifies the customer automatically based on their caller ID or other identifier. This information is passed to the agent and eliminates the need for callers to repeat themselves.
Reduced Interaction Abandonment Certain self-service tasks require a solid means of authentication. If a caller cannot be adequately identified, the call will likely end up waiting for an agent to be available.

High Level Flow

High Level Flow Steps

  1. A customer calls your company
  2. The caller ID is checked against customer database for identification
  3. If matched, customer is asked to verify
  4. Call continues in IVR or transferred to agent as needed
  5. Agent answers knowing identification and verification already completed

Data Sheet Image

EE01 - genesys workforce scheduling for voice - header (2).png

Canonical Sales Content


  • Head of Contact Center(s)
  • Head of Customer Experience
  • Head of Customer Service

Qualifying Questions

  1. How do you currently identify callers within your IVR? Is it the same each time customers call in?
  2. If you can identify the caller, are you able to personalize by greeting the caller by name?
  3. Do your agents need to ask identification questions again, after the IVR has done so? If so, why?

Pain Points (Business Context)

  • Increasing competitive pressure
  • High customer churn
  • High purchase abandonment
  • Unable to use context
  • Poor customer experience scores
  • Customers not recognized within and/or across channels
  • Calls with long handle times
  • Unable to connect to the best agent

Desired State - How to Fix It

  • Integrate with customer database for identification
  • Identify customers based on their caller id
  • If no identification, ask identifying question before verification
  • If identified, ask verification question & determine whether to authenticate customer or not
  • Call can be routed to continue in the IVR
  • Alternatively, the call can be routed to an agent
  • If an agent receives the call, they are notified that the caller is already identified & verified and do not have to repeat those steps

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