WF04 - Titles and Canonical Info

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This information is shared by WF04 use cases across all offerings.

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Titles and Taxonomy

Main Title Subtitle Taxonomy Product Category Draft Published Edit

Genesys Interaction Recording

Record all interactions to improve training, compliance and efficiency.

Workforce Engagement

No draft

Not published

Canonical Information

Platform Challenge and Solution

Platform Challenge: You need to reliably record calls to help agents get better, enhance the customer experience and manage risk. When recordings are not complete or available, you risk being out of compliance and lose valuable information that could be used to improve efficiency and make customers happier.

You need selective recording of agents for review purposes based on metadata such as percentage-based, business-unit based, and customer type-based interactions. Without this, you can’t monitor and improve team performance.

Platform Solution: Monitor quality to continuously improve performance and experiences. Be compliant. Genesys Interaction Recording, natively integrated with the Genesys Customer Experience Platform, reliably records 100% of calls, makes it easy to search and access recordings, and doesn’t lose a beat with transfers - even across sites.

With Selective Recording, you can define recording rules to capture the interactions that matter most to you.

Platform Benefits

The following benefits are based on benchmark information captured from Genesys customers and may vary based on industry or lines of business:

Canonical Benefit Explanation
Improved Customer Experience Provides consumer protection, trust and transparency.
Reduced Deployment Costs Eliminate the need to purchase additional hardware, software and the associated maintenance and support services through integrated approach with Genesys Interaction Recording.
Reduced Penalties and Fines Recording 100% of calls with no lost calls reduces compliance risk and penalties.

High Level Flow

High Level Flow Steps

  1. A customer calls in
  2. The IVR announces that the call will be recorded
  3. The recording begins
  4. Employee may pause or resume the recording
  5. The conversation ends
  6. The recording is stored
  7. Recording can be searched for
  8. Recording is listened to
  9. The recording is archived/purged

Data Sheet Image

CE11 - genesys outbound dialer - header (2).png

Canonical Sales Content


  • Head of Compliance
  • Head of Contact Center(s)
  • Head of IT Infrastructure

Qualifying Questions

  1. What is your SIP migration strategy? How will this impact your current recording system?
  2. Do you experience reliability issues with the current recording system?
  3. Are you happy with the service and support that your current recording vendor provides?
  4. What are the regulatory requirements of your business?
  5. What are the regional compliance standards that need to be met?
  6. Do you need to record 100% of calls?
  7. What are your needs for recording specific segments of the business?
  8. What are the criteria for the interaction types to be recorded?

Pain Points (Business Context)

  • Inability to record all calls reliably
  • Lack of useful metadata about recorded calls
  • No end-to-end recording, particularly when calls are transferred across multiple locations
  • Current recording solution doesn’t support SIP transformation strategy
  • Requirement to meet compliance standards.
  • A need to monitor team performance.

Desired State - How to Fix It

  • Implement an Interaction Recording solution which is natively integrated with your Customer Experience Platform (single vendor for both)
  • Record 100% of the calls handled by your contact centers with no “lost” calls to increase compliance, decrease risk, and evaluate 100% of calls.
  • Include extensive metadata with each recorded call
  • Record and stitch calls from cradle-to-grave, even across multi-site transfers
  • Enable a set of security measurements to protect sensitive data and provide access control and auditing capabilities.
  • Define recording rules to capture the interactions needed to address the concern.

Retrieved from " (2024-09-29 21:02:20)"
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