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Test link: % Not Ready

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Report Statistics Definition
Agent Group Status % Inbound The percentage of agents handling customer calls.
Agent Group Status % Not Ready The percentage of agents in a not ready status.
Agent Group Status % Ready The percentage of agents ready to handle customers calls.
Agent Group Status ACW The current number of agents in the AfterCallWork status. Typically this status happens when an agent is no longer talking with the customer but still requires additional time to handle properly customer requests.
Agent Group Status Break The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason Break.
Agent Group Status Consult The current number of agents in CallConsult status (participating in consultation calls).
Agent Group Status Dialing The current number of agents in CallDialing status (dialing calls).
Agent Group Status Inbound The current number of agents in CallInbound status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more inbound calls.
Agent Group Status Internal The current number of agents in CallInternal status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more internal calls.
Agent Group Status Logged Out The number of agents that are currently logged out from Genesys environment.
Agent Group Status Lunch The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason Lunch.
Agent Group Status Not Ready The number of agents who are currently logged in and who are currently in the NotReady state. Typically, it represents the total number of agents not available to handle incoming interactions.
Agent Group Status Offline The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason different from Lunch and Break.
Agent Group Status On Hold The current number of agents in CallOnHold status; that is, where the agent has one or more calls on hold.
Agent Group Status Outbound The current number of agents in CallOutbound status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more outbound calls.
Agent Group Status Ready The number of agents who are currently in the Ready state. Typically, it represents the total number of agents waiting for customer interactions or specific tasks.
Agent Group Status Ringing The current number of agents in CallRinging status; that is, where one or more calls are waiting to be answered by an agent.
Agent KPIs Abandoned Ringing The total number of calls abaondoned while Agent Workspace was ringing.
Agent KPIs ACW Time The total time an agent's DN(s) completed being in AfterCallWork status during the reporting interval. This typically represents the time an agent spent doing follow-up work after calls.
Agent KPIs Agent Occupancy The percent of time an agent spends handling calls versus their total login time.
Agent KPIs AHT The average handling time represents the total time an agent spends handling inbound, outbound, internal, consultation, on hold and after call work tasks divided by the total number of inboud, outbound and internal calls.
Agent KPIs Answered The total number of incoming calls answered by the agent.
Agent KPIs Answered (last Hr) The total number of incoming calls answered by the agent in the last hour.
Agent KPIs Avg ACW Time The average After-Call-Work time represents the total time an agent spends on ACW status divided by the total number of time this agent was on ACW.
Agent KPIs Avg Hold Time The average Hold time represents the total time an agent spends on Hold status divided by the total number of time this agent put customer on hold.
Agent KPIs Avg In Time The average In time represents the total time an agent spends handling an incoming calls divided by the total number of time this agent was handling inbound calls.
Agent KPIs Avg Out Time The average Out time represents the total time an agent spends handling an outbound calls divided by the total number of time this agent was handling outbound calls.
Agent KPIs Avg Ring Time The average Ring time represents the total time an Agent Workspace was ringing divided by the total number of time this Agent Workspace was ringing.
Agent KPIs Break Time The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason Break.
Agent KPIs Calls Dropped The total number of calls forwarded from one Agent Workspace to another (RONA).
Agent KPIs Consult Made The total number of voice consultations made by this agent.
Agent KPIs Consult Time The total time agents spend handling consultative calls.
Agent KPIs Dialing Time The total amount of time that calls were dialing on an agent's phone.
Agent KPIs Handle Time The total time agents spend handling inbound, internal or outbound calls.
Agent KPIs Held The total number of calls put on hold by the agent.
Agent KPIs Hold Time The total time agents spend on hold.
Agent KPIs In Time The total time agents spend handling inbound calls.
Agent KPIs Internal The total number of internal calls handled by the agent.
Agent KPIs Internal Time The total time agents spend handling internal calls.
Agent KPIs Login Time The total time that monitored agents were logged in. This metric does not include logged-in time when the switch is disconnected from Stat Server. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total login time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent KPIs Lunch Time The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason Lunch.
Agent KPIs Not Ready Time The total time that an agent's DN completed being in NotReadyForNextCall status during the reporting interval. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total not ready time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent KPIs Offered The total number of calls offered to an agent.
Agent KPIs Offline Time The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason different from Break and Lunch.
Agent KPIs Out The total number of outbound calls handled by the agent.
Agent KPIs Out Time The total time agents spend handling outbound calls.
Agent KPIs Ready Time The total time this agent spent waiting for the next call. The total duration of all WaitForNextCall statuses that completed for a particular agent during the reporting interval. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total ready time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent KPIs Ringing Time The total amount of time that calls were ringing on an agent's phone.
Agent KPIs Short Talk < 10s The total number of times this agent's DN completed being in Call status of less then specified duration (10s).
Agent KPIs Transfers Made The total number of voice interactions transferred by this agent during the reporting interval.
Agent Login Business Result Business Result associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login Continuous Login Time Current continuous time Agent remained logged in. Applied to GroupAgents and GroupPlaces this statistics calculates total of all Agents (Places) in the Group.
Agent Login Current Status The current state (status) of a specified agent. Some examples of an agent's status include CallInbound, CallOutbound, and CallConsult.
Agent Login Current Status KVP The current state (status) of a specified agent to use in formulas for KVPs (Service Type, Service Sub Type, Customer Segment, Business Result).
Agent Login Customer Segment Customer Segment associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login Employee Id Agent's Employee ID.
Agent Login Extension Agent's Extension.
Agent Login Login Id Agent's Login ID.
Agent Login Login Time The total time that monitored agents were logged in. Applied to GroupAgents and GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total login time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent Login Place Agent's Place.
Agent Login Position Agent's Position.
Agent Login Reason Reason(s) selected by Agent.
Agent Login Service Sub Type Service Sub Type associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login Service Type Service Type associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login Switch Agent's Switch.
Agent Login Time in Status The time agent spent in Current State.
IWD Agent Activity Accepted The total number of work items that were offered for processing and that were accepted during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity Avg Processing Time The average amount of time that an agent, a place, or a group thereof spent handling work items interactions.
IWD Agent Activity Offered The total number of work items that were offered for processing to this resource or agent group during the specified period. This stat type counts interactions both offered by business routing strategies and other agents.
IWD Agent Activity Processed The total number of work items handled by an agent or agent group during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity Processing Time The total amount of time that work items either: were in processing at this place or this agent's or agent group desktop at the beginning of the reporting interval and finished processing within the same reporting interval or Started processing within the reporting interval and finished processing within the same reporting interval.
IWD Agent Activity Rejected The total number of work items that were offered for processing to an agent or agent group, and that were rejected, during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity Terminated The total number of work items that were terminated by an agent or agent group during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity Timed Out The total number of work items that were accepted, pulled, or created and subsequently revoked by this resource or agent group during the specified period because of prolonged non activity. For e-mail interactions, this stat type excludes revoked e-mail interactions that were rejected by the agent and includes interactions that timed out as not accepted while delivering.
IWD Agent Activity Transfers Made The total number of work item transfers made by this agent or agent group during the specified period. Applied to GroupAgents or GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total number of transfers made by all of the agents belonging to the respective group. This stat type counts each transfer instance separately including those where the agent transfers the same interaction more than once.
Report Statistics Definition
Agent Group Status % Inbound The percentage of agents handling customer calls.
Agent Group Status % Not Ready The percentage of agents in a not ready status.
Agent Group Status % Ready The percentage of agents ready to handle customers calls.
Agent Group Status ACW The current number of agents in the AfterCallWork status. Typically this status happens when an agent is no longer talking with the customer but still requires additional time to handle properly customer requests.
Agent Group Status Break The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason Break.
Agent Group Status Consult The current number of agents in CallConsult status (participating in consultation calls).
Agent Group Status Dialing The current number of agents in CallDialing status (dialing calls).
Agent Group Status Inbound The current number of agents in CallInbound status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more inbound calls.
Agent Group Status Internal The current number of agents in CallInternal status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more internal calls.
Agent Group Status Logged Out The number of agents that are currently logged out from Genesys environment.
Agent Group Status Lunch The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason Lunch.
Agent Group Status Not Ready The number of agents who are currently logged in and who are currently in the NotReady state. Typically, it represents the total number of agents not available to handle incoming interactions.
Agent Group Status Offline The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason different from Lunch and Break.
Agent Group Status On Hold The current number of agents in CallOnHold status; that is, where the agent has one or more calls on hold.
Agent Group Status Outbound The current number of agents in CallOutbound status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more outbound calls.
Agent Group Status Ready The number of agents who are currently in the Ready state. Typically, it represents the total number of agents waiting for customer interactions or specific tasks.
Agent Group Status Ringing The current number of agents in CallRinging status; that is, where one or more calls are waiting to be answered by an agent.
Agent KPIs Abandoned Ringing The total number of calls abaondoned while Agent Workspace was ringing.
Agent KPIs ACW Time The total time an agent's DN(s) completed being in AfterCallWork status during the reporting interval. This typically represents the time an agent spent doing follow-up work after calls.
Agent KPIs Agent Occupancy The percent of time an agent spends handling calls versus their total login time.
Agent KPIs AHT The average handling time represents the total time an agent spends handling inbound, outbound, internal, consultation, on hold and after call work tasks divided by the total number of inboud, outbound and internal calls.
Agent KPIs Answered The total number of incoming calls answered by the agent.
Agent KPIs Answered (last Hr) The total number of incoming calls answered by the agent in the last hour.
Agent KPIs Avg ACW Time The average After-Call-Work time represents the total time an agent spends on ACW status divided by the total number of time this agent was on ACW.
Agent KPIs Avg Hold Time The average Hold time represents the total time an agent spends on Hold status divided by the total number of time this agent put customer on hold.
Agent KPIs Avg In Time The average In time represents the total time an agent spends handling an incoming calls divided by the total number of time this agent was handling inbound calls.
Agent KPIs Avg Out Time The average Out time represents the total time an agent spends handling an outbound calls divided by the total number of time this agent was handling outbound calls.
Agent KPIs Avg Ring Time The average Ring time represents the total time an Agent Workspace was ringing divided by the total number of time this Agent Workspace was ringing.
Agent KPIs Break Time The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason Break.
Agent KPIs Calls Dropped The total number of calls forwarded from one Agent Workspace to another (RONA).
Agent KPIs Consult Made The total number of voice consultations made by this agent.
Agent KPIs Consult Time The total time agents spend handling consultative calls.
Agent KPIs Dialing Time The total amount of time that calls were dialing on an agent's phone.
Agent KPIs Handle Time The total time agents spend handling inbound, internal or outbound calls.
Agent KPIs Held The total number of calls put on hold by the agent.
Agent KPIs Hold Time The total time agents spend on hold.
Agent KPIs In Time The total time agents spend handling inbound calls.
Agent KPIs Internal The total number of internal calls handled by the agent.
Agent KPIs Internal Time The total time agents spend handling internal calls.
Agent KPIs Login Time The total time that monitored agents were logged in. This metric does not include logged-in time when the switch is disconnected from Stat Server. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total login time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent KPIs Lunch Time The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason Lunch.
Agent KPIs Not Ready Time The total time that an agent's DN completed being in NotReadyForNextCall status during the reporting interval. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total not ready time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent KPIs Offered The total number of calls offered to an agent.
Agent KPIs Offline Time The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason different from Break and Lunch.
Agent KPIs Out The total number of outbound calls handled by the agent.
Agent KPIs Out Time The total time agents spend handling outbound calls.
Agent KPIs Ready Time The total time this agent spent waiting for the next call. The total duration of all WaitForNextCall statuses that completed for a particular agent during the reporting interval. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total ready time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent KPIs Ringing Time The total amount of time that calls were ringing on an agent's phone.
Agent KPIs Short Talk < 10s The total number of times this agent's DN completed being in Call status of less then specified duration (10s).
Agent KPIs Transfers Made The total number of voice interactions transferred by this agent during the reporting interval.
Agent Login Business Result Business Result associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login Continuous Login Time Current continuous time Agent remained logged in. Applied to GroupAgents and GroupPlaces this statistics calculates total of all Agents (Places) in the Group.
Agent Login Current Status The current state (status) of a specified agent. Some examples of an agent's status include CallInbound, CallOutbound, and CallConsult.
Agent Login Current Status KVP The current state (status) of a specified agent to use in formulas for KVPs (Service Type, Service Sub Type, Customer Segment, Business Result).
Agent Login Customer Segment Customer Segment associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login Employee Id Agent's Employee ID.
Agent Login Extension Agent's Extension.
Agent Login Login Id Agent's Login ID.
Agent Login Login Time The total time that monitored agents were logged in. Applied to GroupAgents and GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total login time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent Login Place Agent's Place.
Agent Login Position Agent's Position.
Agent Login Reason Reason(s) selected by Agent.
Agent Login Service Sub Type Service Sub Type associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login Service Type Service Type associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login Switch Agent's Switch.
Agent Login Time in Status The time agent spent in Current State.
IWD Agent Activity Accepted The total number of work items that were offered for processing and that were accepted during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity Avg Processing Time The average amount of time that an agent, a place, or a group thereof spent handling work items interactions.
IWD Agent Activity Offered The total number of work items that were offered for processing to this resource or agent group during the specified period. This stat type counts interactions both offered by business routing strategies and other agents.
IWD Agent Activity Processed The total number of work items handled by an agent or agent group during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity Processing Time The total amount of time that work items either: were in processing at this place or this agent's or agent group desktop at the beginning of the reporting interval and finished processing within the same reporting interval or Started processing within the reporting interval and finished processing within the same reporting interval.
IWD Agent Activity Rejected The total number of work items that were offered for processing to an agent or agent group, and that were rejected, during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity Terminated The total number of work items that were terminated by an agent or agent group during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity Timed Out The total number of work items that were accepted, pulled, or created and subsequently revoked by this resource or agent group during the specified period because of prolonged non activity. For e-mail interactions, this stat type excludes revoked e-mail interactions that were rejected by the agent and includes interactions that timed out as not accepted while delivering.
IWD Agent Activity Transfers Made The total number of work item transfers made by this agent or agent group during the specified period. Applied to GroupAgents or GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total number of transfers made by all of the agents belonging to the respective group. This stat type counts each transfer instance separately including those where the agent transfers the same interaction more than once.

With anchor in cell[ | edit source]

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Report Statistic Definition
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in the AfterCallWork status. Typically this status happens when an agent is no longer talking with the customer but still requires additional time to handle properly customer requests.
Agent Group Status
The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason Break.
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in CallConsult status (participating in consultation calls).
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in CallDialing status (dialing calls).
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in CallInbound status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more inbound calls.
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in CallInternal status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more internal calls.
Agent Group Status
Logged Out
The number of agents that are currently logged out from Genesys environment.
Agent Group Status
The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason Lunch.
Agent Group Status
Not Ready
The number of agents who are currently logged in and who are currently in the NotReady state. Typically, it represents the total number of agents not available to handle incoming interactions.
Agent Group Status
The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason different from Lunch and Break.
Agent Group Status
On Hold
The current number of agents in CallOnHold status; that is, where the agent has one or more calls on hold.
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in CallOutbound status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more outbound calls.
Agent Group Status
% Inbound
The percentage of agents handling customer calls.
Agent Group Status
% Not Ready
The percentage of agents in a not ready status.
Agent Group Status
% Ready
The percentage of agents ready to handle customers calls.
Agent Group Status
The number of agents who are currently in the Ready state. Typically, it represents the total number of agents waiting for customer interactions or specific tasks.
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in CallRinging status; that is, where one or more calls are waiting to be answered by an agent.
Agent KPIs
Abandoned Ringing
The total number of calls abaondoned while Agent Workspace was ringing.
Agent KPIs
ACW Time
The total time an agent's DN(s) completed being in AfterCallWork status during the reporting interval. This typically represents the time an agent spent doing follow-up work after calls.
Agent KPIs
Agent Occupancy
The percent of time an agent spends handling calls versus their total login time.
Agent KPIs
The average handling time represents the total time an agent spends handling inbound, outbound, internal, consultation, on hold and after call work tasks divided by the total number of inboud, outbound and internal calls.
Agent KPIs
The total number of incoming calls answered by the agent.
Agent KPIs
Answered (last Hr)
The total number of incoming calls answered by the agent in the last hour.
Agent KPIs
Avg ACW Time
The average After-Call-Work time represents the total time an agent spends on ACW status divided by the total number of time this agent was on ACW.
Agent KPIs
Avg Hold Time
The average Hold time represents the total time an agent spends on Hold status divided by the total number of time this agent put customer on hold.
Agent KPIs
Avg In Time
The average In time represents the total time an agent spends handling an incoming calls divided by the total number of time this agent was handling inbound calls.
Agent KPIs
Avg Out Time
The average Out time represents the total time an agent spends handling an outbound calls divided by the total number of time this agent was handling outbound calls.
Agent KPIs
Avg Ring Time
The average Ring time represents the total time an Agent Workspace was ringing divided by the total number of time this Agent Workspace was ringing.
Agent KPIs
Break Time
The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason Break.
Agent KPIs
Calls Dropped
The total number of calls forwarded from one Agent Workspace to another (RONA).
Agent KPIs
Consult Made
The total number of voice consultations made by this agent.
Agent KPIs
Consult Time
The total time agents spend handling consultative calls.
Agent KPIs
Dialing Time
The total amount of time that calls were dialing on an agent's phone.
Agent KPIs
Handle Time
The total time agents spend handling inbound, internal or outbound calls.
Agent KPIs
The total number of calls put on hold by the agent.
Agent KPIs
Hold Time
The total time agents spend on hold.
Agent KPIs
The total number of internal calls handled by the agent.
Agent KPIs
Internal Time
The total time agents spend handling internal calls.
Agent KPIs
In Time
The total time agents spend handling inbound calls.
Agent KPIs
Login Time
The total time that monitored agents were logged in. This metric does not include logged-in time when the switch is disconnected from Stat Server. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total login time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent KPIs
Lunch Time
The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason Lunch.
Agent KPIs
Not Ready Time
The total time that an agent's DN completed being in NotReadyForNextCall status during the reporting interval. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total not ready time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent KPIs
The total number of calls offered to an agent.
Agent KPIs
Offline Time
The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason different from Break and Lunch.
Agent KPIs
The total number of outbound calls handled by the agent.
Agent KPIs
Out Time
The total time agents spend handling outbound calls.
Agent KPIs
Ready Time
The total time this agent spent waiting for the next call. The total duration of all WaitForNextCall statuses that completed for a particular agent during the reporting interval. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total ready time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent KPIs
Ringing Time
The total amount of time that calls were ringing on an agent's phone.
Agent KPIs <div class="anchor" id="AGS_ShortTalk<10s">Short Talk < 10s The total number of times this agent's DN completed being in Call status of less then specified duration (10s).
Agent KPIs
Transfers Made
The total number of voice interactions transferred by this agent during the reporting interval.
Agent Login
Business Result
Business Result associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login
Continuous Login Time
Current continuous time Agent remained logged in. Applied to GroupAgents and GroupPlaces this statistics calculates total of all Agents (Places) in the Group.
Agent Login
Current Status
The current state (status) of a specified agent. Some examples of an agent's status include CallInbound, CallOutbound, and CallConsult.
Agent Login
Current Status KVP
The current state (status) of a specified agent to use in formulas for KVPs (Service Type, Service Sub Type, Customer Segment, Business Result).
Agent Login
Customer Segment
Customer Segment associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login
Employee Id
Agent's Employee ID.
Agent Login
Agent's Extension.
Agent Login
Login Id
Agent's Login ID.
Agent Login
Login Time
The total time that monitored agents were logged in. Applied to GroupAgents and GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total login time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent Login
Agent's Place.
Agent Login
Agent's Position.
Agent Login
Reason(s) selected by Agent.
Agent Login
Service Sub Type
Service Sub Type associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login
Service Type
Service Type associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login
Agent's Switch.
Agent Login
Time in Status
The time agent spent in Current State.
IWD Agent Activity
The total number of work items that were offered for processing and that were accepted during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity
Avg Processing Time
The average amount of time that an agent, a place, or a group thereof spent handling work items interactions.
IWD Agent Activity
The total number of work items that were offered for processing to this resource or agent group during the specified period. This stat type counts interactions both offered by business routing strategies and other agents.
IWD Agent Activity
The total number of work items handled by an agent or agent group during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity
Processing Time
The total amount of time that work items either: were in processing at this place or this agent's or agent group desktop at the beginning of the reporting interval and finished processing within the same reporting interval or Started processing within the reporting interval and finished processing within the same reporting interval.
IWD Agent Activity
The total number of work items that were offered for processing to an agent or agent group, and that were rejected, during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity
The total number of work items that were terminated by an agent or agent group during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity
Timed Out
The total number of work items that were accepted, pulled, or created and subsequently revoked by this resource or agent group during the specified period because of prolonged non activity. For e-mail interactions, this stat type excludes revoked e-mail interactions that were rejected by the agent and includes interactions that timed out as not accepted while delivering.
IWD Agent Activity
Transfers Made
The total number of work item transfers made by this agent or agent group during the specified period. Applied to GroupAgents or GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total number of transfers made by all of the agents belonging to the respective group. This stat type counts each transfer instance separately including those where the agent transfers the same interaction more than once.

AnchorDiv markup[ | edit source]

Report Statistic Definition
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in the AfterCallWork status. Typically this status happens when an agent is no longer talking with the customer but still requires additional time to handle properly customer requests.
Agent Group Status
The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason Break.
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in CallConsult status (participating in consultation calls).
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in CallDialing status (dialing calls).
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in CallInbound status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more inbound calls.
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in CallInternal status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more internal calls.
Agent Group Status
Logged Out
The number of agents that are currently logged out from Genesys environment.
Agent Group Status
The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason Lunch.
Agent Group Status
Not Ready
The number of agents who are currently logged in and who are currently in the NotReady state. Typically, it represents the total number of agents not available to handle incoming interactions.
Agent Group Status
The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason different from Lunch and Break.
Agent Group Status
On Hold
The current number of agents in CallOnHold status; that is, where the agent has one or more calls on hold.
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in CallOutbound status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more outbound calls.
Agent Group Status
% Inbound
The percentage of agents handling customer calls.
Agent Group Status
% Not Ready
The percentage of agents in a not ready status.
Agent Group Status
% Ready
The percentage of agents ready to handle customers calls.
Agent Group Status
The number of agents who are currently in the Ready state. Typically, it represents the total number of agents waiting for customer interactions or specific tasks.
Agent Group Status
The current number of agents in CallRinging status; that is, where one or more calls are waiting to be answered by an agent.
Agent KPIs
Abandoned Ringing
The total number of calls abaondoned while Agent Workspace was ringing.
Agent KPIs
ACW Time
The total time an agent's DN(s) completed being in AfterCallWork status during the reporting interval. This typically represents the time an agent spent doing follow-up work after calls.
Agent KPIs
Agent Occupancy
The percent of time an agent spends handling calls versus their total login time.
Agent KPIs
The average handling time represents the total time an agent spends handling inbound, outbound, internal, consultation, on hold and after call work tasks divided by the total number of inboud, outbound and internal calls.
Agent KPIs
Answered (last Hr)
The total number of incoming calls answered by the agent in the last hour.
Agent KPIs
The total number of incoming calls answered by the agent.
Agent KPIs
Avg ACW Time
The average After-Call-Work time represents the total time an agent spends on ACW status divided by the total number of time this agent was on ACW.
Agent KPIs
Avg Hold Time
The average Hold time represents the total time an agent spends on Hold status divided by the total number of time this agent put customer on hold.
Agent KPIs
Avg In Time
The average In time represents the total time an agent spends handling an incoming calls divided by the total number of time this agent was handling inbound calls.
Agent KPIs
Avg Out Time
The average Out time represents the total time an agent spends handling an outbound calls divided by the total number of time this agent was handling outbound calls.
Agent KPIs
Avg Ring Time
The average Ring time represents the total time an Agent Workspace was ringing divided by the total number of time this Agent Workspace was ringing.
Agent KPIs
Break Time
The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason Break.
Agent KPIs
Calls Dropped
The total number of calls forwarded from one Agent Workspace to another (RONA).
Agent KPIs
Consult Made
The total number of voice consultations made by this agent.
Agent KPIs
Consult Time
The total time agents spend handling consultative calls.
Agent KPIs
Dialing Time
The total amount of time that calls were dialing on an agent's phone.
Agent KPIs
Handle Time
The total time agents spend handling inbound, internal or outbound calls.
Agent KPIs
The total number of calls put on hold by the agent.
Agent KPIs
Hold Time
The total time agents spend on hold.
Agent KPIs
Internal Time
The total time agents spend handling internal calls.
Agent KPIs
The total number of internal calls handled by the agent.
Agent KPIs
In Time
The total time agents spend handling inbound calls.
Agent KPIs
Login Time
The total time that monitored agents were logged in. This metric does not include logged-in time when the switch is disconnected from Stat Server. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total login time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent KPIs
Lunch Time
The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason Lunch.
Agent KPIs
Not Ready Time
The total time that an agent's DN completed being in NotReadyForNextCall status during the reporting interval. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total not ready time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent KPIs
The total number of calls offered to an agent.
Agent KPIs
Offline Time
The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason different from Break and Lunch.
Agent KPIs
Out Time
The total time agents spend handling outbound calls.
Agent KPIs
The total number of outbound calls handled by the agent.
Agent KPIs
Ready Time
The total time this agent spent waiting for the next call. The total duration of all WaitForNextCall statuses that completed for a particular agent during the reporting interval. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total ready time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent KPIs
Ringing Time
The total amount of time that calls were ringing on an agent's phone.
Agent KPIs <div class="anchor" id="AGS_ShortTalk<10s"> Short Talk < 10s The total number of times this agent's DN completed being in Call status of less then specified duration (10s).
Agent KPIs
Transfers Made
The total number of voice interactions transferred by this agent during the reporting interval.
Agent Login
Business Result
Business Result associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login
Continuous Login Time
Current continuous time Agent remained logged in. Applied to GroupAgents and GroupPlaces this statistics calculates total of all Agents (Places) in the Group.
Agent Login
Current Status KVP
The current state (status) of a specified agent to use in formulas for KVPs (Service Type, Service Sub Type, Customer Segment, Business Result).
Agent Login
Current Status
The current state (status) of a specified agent. Some examples of an agent's status include CallInbound, CallOutbound, and CallConsult.
Agent Login
Customer Segment
Customer Segment associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login
Employee Id
Agent's Employee ID.
Agent Login
Agent's Extension.
Agent Login
Login Id
Agent's Login ID.
Agent Login
Login Time
The total time that monitored agents were logged in. Applied to GroupAgents and GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total login time for all the agents belonging to the specified group.
Agent Login
Agent's Place.
Agent Login
Agent's Position.
Agent Login
Reason(s) selected by Agent.
Agent Login
Service Sub Type
Service Sub Type associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login
Service Type
Service Type associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP.
Agent Login
Agent's Switch.
Agent Login
Time in Status
The time agent spent in Current State.
IWD Agent Activity
The total number of work items that were offered for processing and that were accepted during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity
Avg Processing Time
The average amount of time that an agent, a place, or a group thereof spent handling work items interactions.
IWD Agent Activity
The total number of work items that were offered for processing to this resource or agent group during the specified period. This stat type counts interactions both offered by business routing strategies and other agents.
IWD Agent Activity
The total number of work items handled by an agent or agent group during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity
Processing Time
The total amount of time that work items either: were in processing at this place or this agent's or agent group desktop at the beginning of the reporting interval and finished processing within the same reporting interval or Started processing within the reporting interval and finished processing within the same reporting interval.
IWD Agent Activity
The total number of work items that were offered for processing to an agent or agent group, and that were rejected, during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity
The total number of work items that were terminated by an agent or agent group during the specified period.
IWD Agent Activity
Timed Out
The total number of work items that were accepted, pulled, or created and subsequently revoked by this resource or agent group during the specified period because of prolonged non activity. For e-mail interactions, this stat type excludes revoked e-mail interactions that were rejected by the agent and includes interactions that timed out as not accepted while delivering.
IWD Agent Activity
Transfers Made
The total number of work item transfers made by this agent or agent group during the specified period. Applied to GroupAgents or GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total number of transfers made by all of the agents belonging to the respective group. This stat type counts each transfer instance separately including those where the agent transfers the same interaction more than once.

Hard-coded anchor[ | edit source]

Agent Group Status % Inbound The percentage of agents handling customer calls.
Agent Group Status

% Not Ready

The percentage of agents in a not ready status.
Agent Group Status % Ready The percentage of agents ready to handle customers calls.