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Type: Gauge
Label: pod
SampleValue: Indicator of: Saturation


Type: Gauge
Label: pod
SampleValue: Indicator of: Saturation


Type: Gauge
Label: pod
SampleValue: Indicator of: Saturation


Type: Gauge
Label: pod
SampleValue: Indicator of: Saturation


Type: Gauge
Label: pod
SampleValue: Indicator of: Saturation


Type: Gauge
Label: pod
SampleValue: Indicator of: Saturation


Type: Gauge
Label: pod
SampleValue: Indicator of: Saturation


Type: Gauge
Description: Number of EventOCSChainStartProcessing events per second (CPS).
SampleValue: Indicator of: Traffic


Type: Gauge
Description: Total number of EventOCSChainStartProcessing events GSP received since it started processing.
SampleValue: Indicator of: Traffic


Type: Gauge
Description: Number of CallThread creation events per second (CTHPS).
SampleValue: Indicator of: Traffic


Type: Gauge
Description: Total number of CallThreads GSP received since it started processing.
SampleValue: Indicator of: Traffic


Type: Gauge
Description: Number of EventCallCreated events per second (CPS).
SampleValue: Indicator of: Traffic


Type: Gauge
Description: Total number of EventCallCreated events GSP received since it started processing.
SampleValue: Indicator of: Traffic


Type: Gauge
SampleValue: Indicator of: Traffic


Type: Gauge
SampleValue: Indicator of: Latency


Type: Gauge
Label: operator_name:

  • Sink:_Agent_State_Facts
  • Sink:_Interaction_Facts

SampleValue: Indicator of: Latency


Type: Gauge
Unit: milliseconds
Label: operator_name
Description: The last watermark received by this operator/tasks, in milliseconds.
Note: For operators/tasks with 2 inputs, this is the earlier of the last received watermarks.
SampleValue: Indicator of: Latency


Type: Gauge
Description: Maximum event time seen.
SampleValue: Indicator of: Latency


Type: Gauge
Description: Number of forcibly ended agent state reasons.
SampleValue: Indicator of: Error


Type: Gauge
Description: Number of forcibly ended agent states.
SampleValue: 1 Indicator of: Error


Type: Gauge
Description: Number of forcibly ended agent sessions.
SampleValue: 1 Indicator of: Error


Type: Gauge
Label: operator_name
Description: Number of messages exceeding the max.request.size Kafka option.
SampleValue: 0 Indicator of: Error


Type: Gauge
Description: Number of running Flink jobs. If less than 1, there is a problem.
SampleValue: 1 Indicator of: Error


Type: Gauge
Description: Number of invalid input records.
SampleValue: 0 Indicator of: Error

Examples of alternative formatting for metrics, Options 1-3[ | edit source]

Content is from GSP metrics and alerts.

Continued on another page:

Option 1: Table with lightbox[ | edit source]

Error: No field named "Description" found for any of the specified database tables.

Option 2: List with lightbox[ | edit source]

Option 3: Table[ | edit source]

Metric Type Unit Label Description SampleValue Indicator of
flink_taskmanager_job_task_operator_errors_numInvalidRecords Gauge 0 Error
flink_jobmanager_numRunningJobs Gauge 1 Error
flink_taskmanager_job_task_operator_user_errors_numOversizedMessages Gauge operator_name 0 Error
flink_taskmanager_job_task_operator_numForcefullyEndedSessions Gauge 1 Error
flink_taskmanager_job_task_operator_errors_numInvalidRecords Gauge 0 Error
flink_jobmanager_numRunningJobs Gauge 1 Error
flink_taskmanager_job_task_operator_user_errors_numOversizedMessages Gauge operator_name 0 Error
flink_taskmanager_job_task_operator_numForcefullyEndedSessions Gauge 1 Error
iwddm_job_active gauge tenant, job, execution_chain Indicates that IWDDM is active


  • 1 - job is started
  • 0 - job is stopped of failed
iwddm_job_active{execution_chain="TEST", job="iwddm_metrics", tenant="TEST"} 1 Error
iwddm_job_last_start gauge milliseconds tenant, job, execution_chain Indicates when the IWDDM job started


Unix timestamp when job started
iwddm_job_last_start{execution_chain="TEST", job="iwddm_metrics", tenant="TEST"} 1618322383 Error
iwddm_job_last_success gauge milliseconds tenant, job, execution_chain Indicates when the IWDDM job succeeded


Unix timestamp when job succeeded
iwddm_job_last_success{execution_chain="TEST", job="iwddm_metrics", tenant="TEST"} 1618322383 Error
iwddm_job_last_fail gauge milliseconds tenant, job, execution_chain Indicates when the IWDDM job failed


Unix timestamp when job failed
iwddm_job_last_fail{execution_chain="TEST", job="iwddm_metrics", tenant="TEST"} 1618322383 Error
sdServiceCounter Gauge Unsigned32 Consul and Configserver Sync Check Counter 131 Useful for checking if SD is stuck or there is any deadlock
sdServiceLastRun Gauge Unix Time Last Time When Consul and Configserver Sync Check has Run 1634071196.054 Useful for checking if SD is stuck or there is any deadlock
iwddm_job_active gauge tenant, job, execution_chain Indicates that IWDDM is active


  • 1 - job is started
  • 0 - job is stopped of failed
iwddm_job_active{execution_chain="TEST", job="iwddm_metrics", tenant="TEST"} 1 Error
iwddm_job_last_start gauge milliseconds tenant, job, execution_chain Indicates when the IWDDM job started


Unix timestamp when job started
iwddm_job_last_start{execution_chain="TEST", job="iwddm_metrics", tenant="TEST"} 1618322383 Error
iwddm_job_last_success gauge milliseconds tenant, job, execution_chain Indicates when the IWDDM job succeeded


Unix timestamp when job succeeded
iwddm_job_last_success{execution_chain="TEST", job="iwddm_metrics", tenant="TEST"} 1618322383 Error
iwddm_job_last_fail gauge milliseconds tenant, job, execution_chain Indicates when the IWDDM job failed


Unix timestamp when job failed
iwddm_job_last_fail{execution_chain="TEST", job="iwddm_metrics", tenant="TEST"} 1618322383 Error
ixn_health_info_current_clients Gauge Amount None Indicates the number of clients that are connected to IXN at the moment. 5 Workload
ixn_health_info_current_routers Gauge Amount None Indicates the number of 'connected to' IXN routers. 1 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_client_count { client_type_name="Agent application" } Gauge Amount client_type_name. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the number of clients with specified type, connected to IXN.

Label descriptions:

  • client_type_name - type of connected clients. Possible values are:
    • Unknown
    • Proxy
    • Agent application
    • Media server
    • Reporting engine
    • Routing engine
    • Universal router
    • Third party client.

101 Workload
ixn_health_info_router_total_submitted { router_name="URServer" } Counter Amount router_name. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the total number of interactions that have been submitted to the router.

Label descriptions:

router_name - the name of the router into which the interactions have been submitted.
33 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_router_strategy_load_count { router_name="URServer", strategy_name="AAAstarterStrategy", strategy_tenant="1" } Gauge Amount router_name, strategy_name, strategy_tenant. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the number of strategies with specified name loaded into a specified router.

Label descriptions:

  • router_name - the name of the router into which the interactions are loaded
  • strategy_name - name of strategy
  • strategy_tenant - tenant number

1 Workload
ixn_health_info_router_current_capacity { router_name="URServer" } Gauge Amount router_name. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the current capacity of a specified router - the number of interactions, not including those already submitted, that can be submitted into the router.

Label descriptions:

router_name - name of router.
987 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_router_currently_submitted { router_name="URServer" } Gauge Amount router_name. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the number of interactions that are in a specified router.

Label descriptions:

router_name - name of router.
13 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_current_strategies Gauge Amount None Indicates number of strategies which are associated with active submitters. 11 Workload
ixn_health_info_router_max_submitted { router_name="URServer" } Gauge Amount router_name. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the maximum capacity of specified router - the number of interactions, that can be submitted into the router.

Label descriptions:

  • router_name - name of router.

ixn_health_info_router_max_submitted = ixn_health_info_router_currently_submitted + ixn_health_info_router_current_capacity

1000 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_current_database_requests Gauge Amount None Indicates the current database requests queue length. 0 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_total_database_requests Counter Amount None Indicates the number of processed database requests from IXN application start till current moment. 75 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_current_database_connections Gauge Amount None Indicates the current number of DB connections. 5 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_total_database_deadlocks Counter Amount None Indicates the total number of database queries that end up with a deadlock for all the time since IXN started. 0 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_router_strategy_last_submitted_at { router_name="URServer", strategy_name="AAAStarterToAgent", strategy_tenant="1" } Gauge Unix timestamp router_name, strategy_name, strategy_tenant. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the Unix timestamp when last interaction has been submitted to router for specified strategy.

Label descriptions:

  • router_name - name of router;
  • strategy_name - name of strategy;
  • strategy_tenant - tenant number.

1618322383 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_queue_media_waiting_processing { queue_name="AAAstarterQueue", queue_tenant="1", media_name="chat" } Gauge Amount queue_name, queue_tenant, media_name. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the current number of interactions with specified media type that are waiting for processing in a specified queue.

Label descriptions:

  • queue_name - name of queue;
  • queue_tenant - tenant number;
  • media_name - media type.
Note: This value is provided in Pulse as well.
0 Workload
ixn_health_info_agent_logged_in_count { agent_tenant="1" } Gauge Amount agent_tenant. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the current number of logged in agents.

Label descriptions:

agent_tenant - tenant number.
565 Workload
ixn_health_info_queue_media_in_router { queue_name="toAgent", queue_tenant="1", media_name="chat" } Gauge Amount queue_name, queue_tenant, media_name. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the number of the interactions with specified media type from a specified queue being routed.

Label descriptions:

  • queue_name - name of queue
  • queue_tenant - tenant number
  • media_name - media type
10 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_queue_media_on_agent { queue_name="toAgent", queue_tenant="1", media_name="chat" } Gauge Amount queue_name, queue_tenant, media_name. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the number of the interactions with specified media type from specified queue being handled by agents.

Label descriptions:

  • queue_name - name of queue
  • queue_tenant - tenant number
  • media_name - media type
5 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_queue_media_current_length { queue_name="toAgent", queue_tenant="1", media_name="chat" } Gauge Amount queue_name, queue_tenant, media_name. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the number of interactions with specified media type that are waiting processing in specified queue and were never delivered to agent.

Label descriptions:

  • queue_name - name of queue
  • queue_tenant - tenant number
  • media_name - media type
Note: This value is provided in Pulse as well.
2 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_queue_media_in_processing { queue_name="toAgent", queue_tenant="1", media_name="chat" } Gauge Amount queue_name, queue_tenant, media_name. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the sum of the interactions with specified media type from specified queue being routed by routers and being handled by agents.

Label descriptions:

  • queue_name - name of queue
  • queue_tenant - tenant number
  • media_name - media type

ixn_health_info_queue_media_in_processing = ixn_health_info_queue_media_in_router + ixn_health_info_queue_media_on_agent

Note: This value is provided in Pulse as well.
15 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_router_strategy_currently_submitted { router_name="URServer", strategy_name="AAAStarterToAgent", strategy_tenant="1" } Gauge Amount router_name, strategy_name, strategy_tenant. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the number of interactions which are submitted to specified router by specified strategy at the moment.

Label descriptions:

  • router_name - name of router
  • strategy_name - name of strategy
  • strategy_tenant - tenant number
3 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_router_strategy_current_capacity { router_name="URServer", strategy_name="AAAStarterToAgent", strategy_tenant="1" } Gauge Amount router_name, strategy_name, strategy_tenant. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the number of interactions that can be submitted more to specified router by specified strategy.

Label descriptions:

  • router_name - name of router
  • strategy_name - name of strategy
  • strategy_tenant - tenant number
197 Workload, Operability
ixn_health_info_router_strategy_total_submitted { router_name="URServer", strategy_name="AAAStarterToAgent", strategy_tenant="1" } Counter Amount router_name, strategy_name, strategy_tenant. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the number of interactions that were submitted to specified router by specified strategy since IXN app start till now.

Label descriptions:

  • router_name - name of router
  • strategy_name - name of strategy
  • strategy_tenant - tenant number
9 Workload, Operability
ixnnode_interactions_pulled_total Counter Amount strategy. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the total number of the interactions pulled for the specific strategy.

Label descriptions:

strategy - The name of the strategy for which interactions are pulled.
Workload, Operability
ixnnode_routing_sessions_current Gauge Amount None Indicates the current number of the routing sessions in routing. Workload
ixnnode_all_instructions_received_total Counter Amount None Indicates the total number of instructions (of any type) received from ORS service.
Workload, Operability
ixnnode_routing_instructions_received_total Counter Amount strategy, type. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the total number of received routing instructions.

Label descriptions:

  • strategy - The name of the strategy for which routing instructions is received.
  • type - The type of the instruction. It takes values "terminal" and "non-terminal". Terminal instructions are RequestDeliver, RequestPlaceInQueue, RequestPlaceInWorkbin, RequestStopProcessing.
Workload, Operability
ixnnode_redis_client_status Gauge Status redis_client. See the metric description for more details. er". Indicates the status of Redis client.

Label descriptions:

redis_client - The Redis client instance for which the metric is present. It takes values "reader" and "writer".


0 - Not Ready

1 - Ready
ixnnode_redis_client_errors_total Counter Amount redis_client. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the total number of errors occurred on Redis client.

Label descriptions:

redis_client - The Redis client instance for which the metric is present. It takes values "reader" and "writer".
ixnnode_redis_client_node_status Gauge Status redis_client, node. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the status of connection to individual nodes of Redis server (in singleton mode matches to ixnnode_redis_client_status).

Label descriptions:

  • redis_client - The Redis client instance for which the metric is present. It takes values "reader" and "writer".
  • node - The node of Redis server for which the metric is present as "host:port".


0 - Ready

1 - Not Ready

2 - Wait (so far there have been no connection attempts)
ixnnode_redis_client_node_errors_total Counter Amount redis_client, node. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the total number of errors occurred on individual nodes of Redis client (in singleton mode matches to ixnnode_redis_client_errors_total).

Label descriptions:

  • redis_client - The Redis client instance for which the metric is present. It takes values "reader" and "writer".
  • node - The node of Redis server for which the metric is present as "host:port".
ixnnode_redis_commands_completed_total Counter Amount redis_client, command. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the total number of successfully completed redis commands.

Label descriptions:

  • redis_client - The Redis client instance for which the metric is present. It takes values "reader" and "writer".
  • command - The Redis command for which the metric is present. It takes values "xadd", "xread", "xdel".
Workload, Operability
ixnnode_redis_commands_failed_total Counter Amount redis_client, command. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the total number of failed redis commands.

Label desriptions:

  • redis_client - The Redis client instance for which the metric is present. It takes values "reader" and "writer".
  • command - The Redis command for which the metric is present. It takes values "xadd", "xread", "xdel".
ixnnode_rq_client_status Gauge Status rq_node. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the status of connection to RQ Service nodes.

Label descriptions:

rq_node - RQ Service node for which the metric is present.
ixnnode_rq_requests_failed_total Counter Amount type. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the total number of failed requests to RQ Service.

Label descriptions:

type - The type of the failed requests. It takes values "isp_event" - interaction protocol evnts and "ixn_ping" - health check messages.
ixnnode_instructions_processing_queue_concurrency_limit Gauge Amount None Indicates the maximum number of routing instructions that can be processed in parallel. n/a
ixnnode_instructions_processing_queue_size Gauge Amount type. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the number of instructions received from ORS currently being processed.

Label descriptions:

type - The type of the instruction. It takes values "isp_request" - routing instruction and "ixn_ping" - reply to health check message.
Workload, Operability
ixnnode_pull_request_total Counter Amount strategy. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the total number of RequestPull requests successfully completed by InteractionServer.

Label descriptions:

strategy - The strategy for which interactions are pulled.
Workload, Operability
ixnnode_route_request_sent_total Counter Amount strategy. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the total number of route requests successfully sent to ORS.

Label descriptions:

strategy - The strategy to which requests are sent.
Workload, Operability
ixnnode_route_request_failed_total Counter Amount strategy. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the total number of route requests failed to send to ORS.

Label descriptions:

strategy - The strategy to which requests are sent.
ixnnode_instructions_processed_by_ixn_current Gauge Amount None Indicates the number of routing instructions currently being processed by IXN Server. Workload
ixnnode_interactions_placed_back_total Counter Amount reason, strategy. See the metric description for more details. Indicates the total number of times an interaction was placed back in queue.

Label descriptions:

  • reason - The reason of placing back in queue. It takes values:
    "StrategyOldQueueRequest" - Strategy explicitly requested to place to valid queue with name (not "BACK") matching the name of queue interaction was pulled from. Set by ORS.
    "StrategyBackRequest" - Strategy requested placing interaction "BACK" explicitly. Set by ORS.
    "Implicit" - Strategy did nothing and ORS places interaction back cause there are no instructions for it. Set by ORS.
    "Error" - ORS places interaction back into queue due to some error regardless of the error source be it strategy itself or any other reason. Set by ORS.
    "SubmitError" - IXN Node failed to send interaction to ORS and places it back into queue.
    "Unknown" - The reason was not specified by ORS.
  • strategy - The strategy which routed interactions.
Workload, Error, ORS Error
ixnnode_running_strategies_current Gauge Amount None Indicates the number of the strategies for which interactions currently are being pulled. Operability
ixnnode_configured_strategies_current Gauge Amount None Indicates the number of the strategies read from configuration for which interactions should be pulled. Operability
ixnnode_configuration_fetch_errors_total Counter Amount None Indicates the total number of error occurred while fetching configuration from Configuration Service. Error
ixnnode_last_fetched_configuration_timestamp Gauge Timestamp None Indicates the last time the configuration was successfully fetched from Configuration Service as the number of seconds since January 1 1970 UTC. Operability
wrtc_current_signins Integer Specifies the number of current registered DNs 2 Monitoring
wrtc_current_in_calls Integer Specifies the number of current incoming calls 2 Monitoring
wrtc_current_out_calls Integer Specifies the number of current outgoing calls 5 Monitoring
wrtc_current_audio_calls Integer Specifies the number of current audio calls 5 Monitoring
wrtc_current_video_calls Integer Specifies the number of current video calls 2 Monitoring
wrtc_current_xcoding_calls Integer Specifies the number of current xcoding calls 2 Monitoring
wrtc_peak_in_calls Integer Specifies the maximum number of incoming calls 50 Monitoring
wrtc_peak_out_calls Integer Specifies the maximum number of outgoing calls 50 Monitoring
wrtc_peak_audio_calls Integer Specifies the maximum number of audio calls 50 Monitoring
wrtc_peak_video_calls Integer Specifies the maximum number of video calls 50 Monitoring
wrtc_peak_xcoding_calls Integer Specifies the maximum number of xcoding calls 50 Monitoring
wrtc_total_in_calls Counter Specifies the total number of incoming calls 100 Monitoring
wrtc_total_out_calls Counter Specifies the total number of outgoing calls 100 Monitoring
wrtc_total_audio_calls Counter Specifies the total number of audio calls 100 Monitoring
wrtc_total_video_calls Counter Specifies the total number of video calls 100 Monitoring
wrtc_total_xcoding_calls Counter Specifies the total number of xcoding calls 100 Monitoring
wrtc_unauthorized_access Counter Specifies number of unauthorized access attempts 20 Monitoring
wrtc_unknown_request Counter Specifies the number of unknown requests received 20 Monitoring
wrtc_double_signin Counter Specifies the number of registration requests that was received for registered DN 20 Monitoring
wrtc_rtp_losts Counter Specifies the number of lost RTP packets 20 Monitoring
wrtc_rtp_errors Counter Specifies the number of RTP receive errors 2 Monitoring
wrtc_rtp_gateway_jitter {over="100"} Counter {over="100"} Audio quality monitoring metrics Monitoring
wrtc_rtp_gateway_jitter Counter {over="300"} Audio quality monitoring metrics Monitoring
wrtc_rtp_gateway_jitter Counter {over="500"} Audio quality monitoring metrics Monitoring
wrtc_rtp_client_jitter Counter {over="100"} Audio quality monitoring metrics Monitoring
wrtc_rtp_client_jitter Counter {over="300"} Audio quality monitoring metrics Monitoring
wrtc_rtp_client_jitter Counter {over="500"} Audio quality monitoring metrics Monitoring
wrtc_system_error Integer {type="turn_errors"} Specifies the number of failed ICE transactions Error
wrtc_system_error Integer {type="sips", sip="<proxy address>"} Specifies the number of registration transactions which were timed out 2 Error
wrtc_system_error Integer {type="es"} Specifies if WebRTC is able to connect to Elasticsearch server or not 1 or 0 Error
wrtc_system_error Counter {type="es_errors"} Specifies the number of error responses received from Elasticsearch server 2 Error
wrtc_system_error Integer {type="auth"} Specifies if WebRTC is able to connect to GAuth service or not 1 or 0 Error
wrtc_system_error Counter {type="gauth_errors"} Specifies the number of error responses received from GAuth server 2 Error
wrtc_system_error Integer {type=”cfg”} Specifies if WebRTC is able to connect to GWS Configuration service or not 1 or 0 Error
wrtc_system_error Counter {type=”cfg_errors”} Specifies the number of error responses received from GWS Configuration server 2 Error
wrtc_system_error Integer {type=”env”} Specifies if WebRTC is able to connect to GWS Environments service or not 1 or 0 Error


+ many more...