User: Jdruker/PE Upgrade/Designer JD

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Upgrade strategies[ | edit source]

<service> supports the following upgrade strategies [templatizable plural and display]:

You must upgrade Designer and DAS in tandem. The way you upgrade or rollback Designer and DAS depends on the way you initially deployed the service.

For more information about the upgrade strategies, see

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Timing[ | edit source]

A regular upgrade schedule is necessary (link to info about the s/w versioning policy) but fixes might warrant an earlier upgrade.

Scheduling considerations[ | edit source]

When is the best/least disruptive time for actually performing the upgrade, and how long it’ll take. Are there any service dependencies?

Preparatory steps[ | edit source]

  1. Review the release note to identify what's changed.
  2. Download the new package from the JFrog repository (
  3. If necessary to accommodate new features or modifications, update your environment or your customized values.yaml file as required.

Additional service-specific steps -- e.g., back up a db.

Rolling Update[ | edit source]

Upgrade[ | edit source]

  1. Service-/Strategy-specific steps.
  2. Execute the following command to upgrade the service:
    helm upgrade --install <service> -f <service>-values.yaml -n <service package>
    where <service>-values.yaml is your customized values.yaml file.
    Tip:If the only update you need to make to your existing <service>-values.yaml is to update the image version, you can pass the image tag as an argument by using the --set flag in the command:
    <nowiki>helm upgrade --install <service> -f <service>-values.yaml <service package>  --set <service>.image.tag=<new service version>

Follow the same instructions to upgrade Designer and DAS. For example, the respective commands are:

  • Designer:
    helm upgrade --install designer -f designer-values.yaml designer-100.0.112+xxxx.tgz  --set designer.image.tag=100.0.112.xx
  • DAS:
    helm upgrade --install designer-das -f designer-das-values.yaml designer-das-100.0.112+xxxx.tgz  --set das.image.tag=9.0.1xx.xx.xx

Rollback Designer[ | edit source]

To perform a rollback, the image version in the designer-values.yaml file can be downgraded. Or you can use the --set flag through the command given below. Once the designer-values.yaml file is updated, use this Helm command to perform the rollback:

  • helm upgrade --install designer -f designer-values.yaml designer-100.0.112+xxxx.tgz --set designer.image.tag=9.0.1xx.xx.xx

The values.yaml overrides passed as an argument to the above Helm upgrade command:

  • designer.image.tag=9.0.1xx.xx.xx - This is the Designer version to be rolled back to, for example,

Upgrade DAS[ | edit source]

To perform an upgrade, the image version has to be upgraded in the designer-das-values.yaml file or can be set using the --set flag through the command given below. Once the designer-das-values.yaml file is updated, use this Helm command to perform the upgrade:

  • helm upgrade --install designer-das -f designer-das-values.yaml designer-das-100.0.112+xxxx.tgz --set das.image.tag=9.0.1xx.xx.xx

The values.yaml overrides passed as an argument to the above Helm upgrade command:

  • das.image.tag=9.0.1xx.xx.xx - This is the new DAS version to be installed, for example,

Rollback DAS[ | edit source]

To perform a rollback, the image version in the designer-das-values.yaml file can be downgraded. Or you can use the --set flag through the command given below. Once the designer-das-values.yaml file is updated, use this Helm command to perform the rollback:

  • helm upgrade --install designer-das -f designer-das-values.yaml designer-das-100.0.112+xxxx.tgz --set das.image.tag=9.0.1xx.xx.xx

The values.yaml overrides passed as an argument to the above Helm upgrade command:

  • das.image.tag=9.0.1xx.xx.xx - This is the DAS version to be rolled back to, for example,

Verify the upgrade[ | edit source]

Rollback[ | edit source]

May need subheads for different upgrade strategies.

Validate the rollback[ | edit source]

Uninstall[ | edit source]

In addition to the instructions, are there any preparatory steps (e.g., processes to stop, data to save) and/or service dependencies?

Execute the following command to uninstall <service>:

helm uninstall <service> -n <service>