View table: UpgradeStrategy

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Table structure:

  • Id - String
  • StrategyName - String
  • ShortDesc - Wikitext

This table has 3 rows altogether.

Page Id StrategyName ShortDesc
Draft:ContentAdmin/Internal/SiteDashboard/UpgradeStrategy 40f069a2-01ae-4027-9aef-13f54bc53613 Rolling Update The Rolling Update strategy replaces the old pod instances running in production one by one with the new ones gradually.
Draft:ContentAdmin/Internal/SiteDashboard/UpgradeStrategy adcd5516-e0cf-4525-a74e-1467389675c9 Blue/Green The Blue/Green strategy uses two deployment environments, known as Blue/Green or active/inactive. With traffic going to one environment (say, Blue), roll out a new release to the other environment (say, Green); test the new release in the Green environment and then switch traffic to the Green environment when testing is completed.
Draft:ContentAdmin/Internal/SiteDashboard/UpgradeStrategy d58cea3b-ff08-4fad-8b9d-7579b4145ba8 Canary The Canary strategy upgrades only a subset of pod instances with a new release and makes it available for a limited number of users. Both the subset of pod instances (with the new release) and the production pod instances (with the previous release) receive the live production user traffic.